Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 79 Horror Playground

Chapter 79 Horror Playground

Exciting screams came from the playground.

Xiao Yi asked Lao Zhang to go around the park. The most impressive thing was a huge wooden roller coaster, which was made of wood splicing except for the basic parts. It looked very shocking.

Usually we see steel roller coasters, but here, they are all made of wood splicing, which is the biggest gimmick in the playground!

The roller coaster is roaring, the crowd is screaming, it's exciting.

Why not evacuate the crowd?Are you not afraid of accidents?

Otokawa frowned.

Seeing Yi Xiaochuan who came late, Zhang Wei ended the communication with the men in black, and said to Xiao Yi: "In the 1 hour and 47 minutes since Lao Liu was in a coma, there are as many tourists who left in the second phase There are 753 people, everyone is registered in the register, and they are released only after being identified by professionals. We have not found any abnormalities, and there are still those who have not left. Now there are 138 people in the park, including the staff and us. The car has been arranged. Why don't you go to the Ferris wheel first! I've seen it before, and I didn't find anything unusual! Use your yin and yang eyes to look again..."

"Alright, team leader, you have rich experience, you can make arrangements..."

Yi Xiaochuan glanced at the group of young people who hadn’t left. From a distance, he could vaguely hear them arguing with the staff. It’s just that refunding the money is not enough, and whether they should be compensated for their losses, or arranged to go to the next door for three period, period four.

It is impossible to arrange for people to enter the park. Zhang Wei has already arranged for people to go to the third phase to clear the venue after the second phase.

Only then did Xiao Yi realize that he had taken it for granted.

Is it that easy to evacuate the crowd?
Let's not mention those who don't cooperate and die.

If they were all driven away, it wouldn't take long, but maybe the murderer also let go together!
The responsibility of the special emergency response team for emergencies is to eliminate the source of danger, not how many people to save.

Indeed, timely evacuation of the crowd can avoid many hidden dangers, but the follow-up response may be huge.

A ghost messenger, even though it was temporary, was so inexplicably deprived of his soul, it was scary to think about it.

How dangerous it is for such a person to enter society!
No matter how many sacrifices there are, the perpetrator must be found.

Therefore, Zhang Wei made a decision as soon as Lao Liu's accident happened. He was very decisive.

This is courage.

The lesser of two evils, it's that simple.

As for the dead, isn't it normal for dead people in this era?
The times have changed.

"Don't let anyone who is suspicious, Lao Han, you have to know that now is not the past, you have the right to shoot at any time, and I will deal with the consequences..."

Captain Han nodded in confusion and said, "I understand!"

Suddenly, Zhang Wei saw Otokawa suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the Ferris wheel, and he followed suit, and was stunned for a moment.

The huge ferris wheel, which had stopped running a long time ago, started slowly.

"What's going on? Haven't all the equipment stopped already? Who asked you to open it?"

Zhang Wei yelled into the earphones.

Everyone's hearts were raised.

This will never be an innocuous prank.

"Quick!" Oto Xiaochuan jumped onto the sightseeing bus at a sprint speed, followed by Zhang Wei.

The fancy sightseeing car like a small train drove towards the direction of the Ferris wheel at a speed of 40 yards, jumped out of the car, looked up, and the Ferris wheel had stopped.

The reflection of metal in the sun is very dazzling.

Xiao Yi realized that he had done a stupid thing. He could still observe the condition of the entire Ferris wheel from a distance, but what a fart he was under the Ferris wheel!

"The teams report the situation, what happened to the Ferris wheel? Don't tell me it was turned by the strong wind..." Zhang Wei yelled into the walkie-talkie while looking up at the huge Ferris wheel.

"All the personnel in the power distribution room have been controlled and there is no resistance. Team 1's report is over!"

"No abnormal creatures were found in the park, and there is no abnormality on the water surface. Team 2's report is over!"

"... Team 3's report is over!"

"Team 5 found abnormality, team 5 found abnormality, human beings, targets, women, wearing a big red dress were found on the Ferris wheel...the target was found to be mentally abnormal, dancing in the top box..."

"There's someone up there..." Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, well, he couldn't see...

Zhang Wei also raised his neck and looked up to the sky.

"Group Zhang, Group Zhang, the target is close to the edge and is in danger of falling... The target is already out of the body... The target..."

I saw a red arc across the sky, falling at the speed of free fall.

Oto Xiaochuan's breathing stopped, and the sound of flesh and blood colliding with the ground sounded, and a drop of bright red color splashed on the white T-shirt on his chest, like a blooming wintersweet.

The blood immediately soaked the ground, and the blood-colored dress made people suffocate.

Chi Guoguo's provocation!

Gritting his teeth, Zhang Wei couldn't help punching a sycamore tree next to him. Flames spread out from his palm, leaving a burnt mark.

"Provocation! You actually dared to provoke me in front of me!"

Yi Xiaochuan looked up, down, left, and right, frowned, shook his head and said, "I didn't see any abnormalities, no ghosts... everything seems to be done by man!"

Suddenly, the walkie-talkie in Zhang Wei's hand seemed to be going off!
"Group Zhang, Group Zhang, the technical team found anomalies, the internal network of the park is abnormal, suspected to have been breached by hackers...the Ferris wheel turned because of hackers...the technical team is blocking..."

"Group Zhang, Group Zhang, Team 7 found the dead in the Tomb of Cry project, you...you better come and have a look!"

"Group Zhang, Group Zhang, the third phase of the water world found the dead!"

"Zhang Group, Zhang Group, the fourth issue of Oriental Mythology found the dead!"


Yi Xiaochuan first arrived at the horror place of the ancient tomb. A corpse had been placed in a cool place. When he saw the corpse, Xiaoyi’s eyes narrowed immediately. The bright red muscles are also covered with white net-like grease, as alive as a skinned rabbit.

And right next to the corpse was a white thing that looked like a piece of clothing.

It was a piece of peeled human skin.

What a piece of skin, complete and complete, without a trace of blemish.

The time to be killed is not far away.

The murderer is right here!

Serial killer!

It must be him.

He just left!

At this time, Zhang Wei called, and the first sentence said: "Three corpses were found at the bottom of the water, and four corpses were found in the Oriental mythology. Success, his hacking ability is very strong... I will tell you the specifics in person..."

Looking at the horrible corpse, Xiao Yi only had one feeling in his heart. The believers of the Midnight Man and the serial killer joined forces. If we calculate carefully, there is another guy who took the soul of Lao Liu. I don’t know what role that guy played in it. .

No matter what the role is, it's damned!
(End of this chapter)

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