Chapter 1

"Let's go, husband." A woman with a good face and a sexy figure carried a tall and handsome man with a refined temperament on her shoulders. The man pampered the woman's nose and his eyes were full of sweetness.

Watching them drift away, a girl at the corner of the building also turned and left, leaving only the inaudible "I wish you happiness" in the wind, drifting with the wind, and the tears left by the girl's eyes are faintly visible.

The girl walked in a trance and didn't know where she went, let alone what she had done, but she knew that when she got home, there was her prize on the table, which was said to be a lottery, a book , a book with paintings of white lotuses and some anime characters.

For some reason, the girl unconsciously opened this strange book, and suddenly a white light burst out of the book, entering between her eyebrows, and only heard a cold voice, "Host Binding, Host Scanning, Host Information" confirm:
Name: Mu Kongkong
Age: 20 (can be modified)

Gender: female (can be modified)

Appearance: 60 (total score is 100, the host is very ordinary)

Charm: 60 (total score 100, host, you are ordinary again)

Temperament: 50 (total score is [-], the host can't understand everything in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, no wonder)
Physical strength: 85 (total score 100, worthy of being a female man)
Force: 30 (Host, you are weak)

Skills: Cooking level 2 (well, not bad, it is still a skill), can develop hosts, hosts?Really enough to stay. Seeing the stunned host, the system complained unconsciously, and the voice had already changed to waxy and sweet.

"Are you a system? That golden finger in the novel? What kind of system are you? A concubine cultivation system or a queen cultivation system?" Mu Kongkong expressed his excitement after reflecting.

"I'm very satisfied with your response to this system, and I'm here to allow you to enter the space of this system." The arrogant voice of the system came from his mind. In a trance, Mu Kongkong found himself in a room with a bed, a table, and a chair. , and there is a big screen through which you can watch TV dramas?
"Don't have this expression of a country girl going to the city." A soft and cute meaty bun appeared in the air, with his arms folded, and two little fleshy wings flapping behind him in a proud posture.

"It's so cute." Mu Kongkong grabbed the tsundere bun and squeezed it wildly.

"Stop, stop, you woman..." Little Baozi ran away with all his strength against his reddened cheeks and watery eyes.

"This system is the White Lotus Counterattack System of the 520 Romance Series. First of all, congratulations on becoming the host of this system. This system comes in response to your wish. You travel through various worlds to help cannon fodder, and the female supporting role completes the counterattack of the White Lotus heroine. Tasks are rated according to the completion of the task, and corresponding reward points and random space-time fragments are given. 10 points can be exchanged for one space-time fragment. When you collect [-] space-time fragments, you can go back in time and change your life. , let the person you like fall in love with you."

"Then what about my body in the real world?" Mu Kongkong didn't ask how you know my wish, can you really help me fulfill it?Because she knew that since the system had come to her door, there would be an answer.

"We will temporarily erase your life trajectory. Your body will be placed in the system space and someone will take care of it. Please rest assured the host. We will take care of everything before the host completes the task. Your parents will not notice anything, Does the host have any questions?" Little Baozi was surprised by Mu Kongkong's calmness.

"Well, what kind of world am I going to travel through?" Mu Kongkong sat calmly on a chair and asked with his head in his hands.

"Not necessarily, it depends on what kind of mission you choose. Is the host going to start the mission now?" Little Baozi asked, shaking his head.

"Well, okay, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, let's start." Mu Kongkong stood up as if making up his mind.

"Okay, master, which one do you choose easy, medium, or difficult? I suggest you choose easy." The little bun flapped his wings and walked to the big screen, which displayed three big characters: easy, medium, and hard.

"Well, let's hit it." Mu Kongkong thought for a while and said.

"Master, you have just performed a mission. It is recommended to choose an easy-type mission. If the mission fails, you will fall into the punishment space-time, where the master's soul cannot be guaranteed to be safe, and may be wiped out at any time, and you will never be able to return to the real world, let alone Collect space-time fragments and go back to the past." Xiao Baozi said seriously.

"It's okay, I know you are worried about me, don't worry, my sister is studying psychology, choose it, let me see the depth." Mu Kongkong stroked the little bun's head, the softness of the palm warmed her heart.

"Okay, the master insists on this. During the task selection, the intermediate level task will start immediately. Please select the category: film and television fans, time travel, urban youth, wealthy president..."

"Stop..." Mu Kongkong looked at the chattering little bun and shouted decisively to stop, "Let's be the first one, film and television fan."

"Okay, please choose the world, modern times, ancient times, the Republic of China, prehistoric times, and the end of the world." Xiao Baozi asked while reaching out to click on the film and television fans, looking at the time on the screen.

"This is so troublesome, just choose a few for me, and I'll choose one to go in, hey...wait, this one, the daughter of the golden thief, I just finished watching this drama and let it be." Mu Kongkong looked at the screen The world on the Internet is chaotic and complicated, and he quickly gave Xiao Baozi some advice, and suddenly saw the daughter thief, isn't this a drama she just finished chasing, anyway, if you know the plot, let it be.

"You've just been woken up, and you don't know so many things, yet you're angry with me, I hate you, woo woo..." Xiao Baozi curled his lips and burst into tears.

"Okay, I was wrong, don't cry, don't cry, I..." Before Mu Kongkong finished speaking, he heard a voice in his ear: "The character has chosen A Du Xiaohan B Yao Meier, the character has chosen A Du Xiaohan, Since the host is accepting the task for the first time, the system has lowered the difficulty for the host, please cheer up the host. The character transmission begins... 1... 2... 3..."

"Fuck, system, you vengeful bun, I haven't made a choice yet, so is it really okay for you to choose this for me?" Mu Kongkong scolded the system viciously in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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