Chapter 141

"Sister, you don't know yet, Shao Gong is back, he came with us, don't you really want to see him, do you feel excited and tears in your eyes?" Lan Sheng jokingly approached his face.

"...No..." Ruqin felt her eye sockets sore, and tears seemed to be spinning in her eye sockets. She tried her best not to let the tears fall, and turned her head awkwardly, not wanting Lan Sheng to see his red eye sockets . "I've been away for so many years, and I haven't even sent a letter. I still know how to come back."

"Sister, look at you, aren't you awkward again? Shaogong is back, and the most important thing you should do now is to fly into his arms and tell him how much you miss him and how much you love him." Lan Sheng knew that The second sister of his family is usually very shrewd and capable, but when she meets this Shao Gong, she doesn't know where to go.

"Okay, the most important thing now is how to get out of here, instead of thinking about these things, you go back and tell Tu Su Shaogong that I will pretend to marry him, and then you will drink them at the banquet Take some drugs, and when they faint, you come to rescue me quickly, although this Li Pan'an knows medical skills, he won't be caught, but he is outnumbered, I will find a way to delay the time, you must hurry..." Ruqin He grabbed Lan Sheng's hand and told him repeatedly.

"No, sister, you're paying homage to him like this. You've already passed your [-]th year. If this happens, even if our Fang family has a great career, who will marry you?" Lan Sheng immediately heard of this method. He retorted, he would never just watch the second sister marry that ugly toad just like that.

"Lan Sheng, calm down, listen to me, my body is too weak, and I will drag you down if I follow you so forcefully, it is better to outsmart, if it is Shaogong, I don't think he will be affected by these common things I'm tired, I really like me, he wouldn't care about these things, if it wasn't for... I would rather not marry for life..." Ruqin looked at Lan Sheng firmly, and pushed him away, "Lan Sheng go tell them, by the way Tell the two people at the door that I agree to marry."

"Second Sister! Sigh..." Lan Sheng knew that Ruqin's temper wanted to be stubborn. Once she made a decision, she would stick to it. Otherwise, she wouldn't have waited for Shaogong for more than ten years. He had no choice but to go back.

Seeing the two idiots guarding the gate cheerfully reporting to the village owner, Lan went back to the hut angrily, pushed the door rudely and entered.Explaining the second sister's plan to Tu Su and Shao Gong, Lan Sheng's mouth was dry, and he poured himself a glass of water and drank it. "Shao Gong, tell me, is my second sister's method feasible?"

"Although it's a bit risky, it's still a good idea." Shaogong nodded in agreement. He didn't expect that the gentle and considerate Ruqin back then would be so open-minded and informal. There was a faint sense of pride, which made Shao Gong look forward to meeting her. After all, he hadn't seen her for more than ten years, and ten years was enough to change a person.

"What's so good! My second sister is already married, but she stays in her boudoir. Do you think it's just for me?" Lan Sheng was a little annoyed, and he stood up and asked forcefully.

"..." Shaogong looked at Lan Sheng's reaction a little bit, and knew that although Lan Sheng appeared to be a cynical and playful boy, he was more enthusiastic than anyone else. He cared about people more than his own affairs. Could it be that Is there another hidden story about Ruqin's unmarried?

"It's because she never forgets you as a close friend. She has been waiting for you since you left when she was 13 years old. She has been waiting for you for more than ten years, but you have never heard from you, not even a letter." Been here, if you don't like her and refuse to marry her, how do you want him to marry? Do you want to see her die alone like this?" Lan Sheng looked at the man with picturesque eyebrows and exile-like eyes in front of him, and was surprised. It just passed by in a flash, and he couldn't help feeling worthless for the second sister once. This was the first time that he was so strong, so strong that he wished he could tie him up and marry the second sister.

"Xiao Lan...I..." Shao Gong, who can talk about everything with a bright tongue like a flower, knew for the first time that he still hesitated and didn't know what to say.

"Haw..." Ah Xiang flew in from a window on one side and landed on Tu Su's shoulder. Haw yelled at him a few times, "A Xiang said, Sister Ruqin has already put on her wedding dress, please tell us to hurry up." Although Tu Su was not good at reading people's faces, he also felt very depressed and strange about the current atmosphere.

"Okay, I'm taking care of the overall situation for me and my sister today." Lan Sheng cast his gaze away from Shao Gong, flung off his sleeves fiercely, turned and left.

The inside of Fanyunzhai is decorated with colorful lights, red lanterns are hung high, it is full of joy... Lan Sheng Tu Su sneaked into the wedding room, and Shao Gong took advantage of their inattention outside and sprinkled the drug into the wine.

Ruqin quietly uncovered the red hijab and still threw it aside. Looking around, there are vermilion water gauze burnt window paper, bright red gauze curtains, a bronze mirror dressing table with plowed flowers and trees, and blue and green flowers emerging from the four-cornered copper beast stove. Smoke, exuding the aroma of roses.

(End of this chapter)

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