Chapter 168

"Yeah, that's great." Hearing the sound, the other people who arrived and the people at the scene clapped their hands happily. During the closed period, they were absolutely relaxed like never before. It was rare for Lu Licheng to think about it.

"Thank you, Kong Kong." Even Hui Min, who was not used to Kong Kong at first, came over to thank him.

"It's all right, I hope Auntie can recover soon." Kong Kong scratched his head embarrassedly.

According to Lu Licheng's request, the few people can only stroll around the hotel, but this is enough for the few people who have suffered so much during the closed period to be ecstatic.

At dusk at sunset, Lu Licheng strolled around the hotel. There were some tables and chairs. Many elderly people who came to vacation were playing cards in groups. Not far away, there were sticky couples who were in love, and there were A family of three who love each other, holding the hand of a child, this kind of leisurely time, he can't help but sigh a little, he is used to a fast life, he is used to the fast food culture, and in this era, he really can't slow down even if he wants to.

Suddenly a girl with two little thongs bumped into him, he quickly leaned over and grabbed the soft child in front of him, the child in front of him was soft and small, less than half the height of his legs, touching her Touching her furry head, she was immediately attracted by the soft touch in the palm of her hand, her heart softened in a mess, and her voice became gentle, "Tell uncle, are you hurt?"

"No." With the soft voice and the big flickering eyes, the lethality directly increased by one hundred points.

"So cute..." She raised the corner of her mouth and gently pinched her fleshy face.

The mother behind finally caught up and said to Lu Licheng, "I'm sorry." Then she leaned over and said to the child, "Miao Miao, have you apologized to uncle, you bumped into uncle just now."

I only heard the child shaking his head, and the soft voice came over, "I'm sorry, uncle~"

"It's okay, you're so good." Seeing the child's mother pulling the bouncing child away, the warm scene made him suddenly understand the reason why his mother and grandma have been urging him to get married and have a little bun.

Who doesn't want to start a family, start a business, and continue their life, but before they get enough status, it's not time to start a family.

"Young Marshal..." He specifically asked about Lu Licheng's location, came to a specific place, pretended to be casual and appeared in front of Lu Licheng, looking at him in surprise.

"Empty?" Lu Licheng also seemed a little surprised, and silently withdrew his eyes from following the child's figure, continuing to be paralyzed.

The two walked around the hotel, passing by the gorgeous and colorful flower beds, and sat on the bench.

Kong Kong didn't know what kind of topic to look for, so he found an excuse to buy something to drink, "Um, young commander, I'll go buy something to drink." Then he rubbed the soles of his feet and prepared to walk away, avoiding the tension between the two of them. Heavy atmosphere.

"I'll go, thank you, bring me cold medicine, what to drink?" He stood up and held Kong Kong back.

"Just warm milk." Kongkong looked at the hand holding his wrist in disparity, sat down obediently, and waited for Lu Licheng to go.Think about the next topic yourself.

The flowers behind her are blooming in a variety of colors. On the bench, a girl is just looking at the surrounding environment leisurely. With her hands on the bench, her snow-like skin is lined with a white gauze, revealing her white jade. The neck is clean and white, without any jewelry.The beautiful collarbone is more prominent, the faintly beautiful figure is revealed, the waist-length splashed ink hair is scattered on the shoulders, and the elegant smile at the corner of the mouth makes everything in the world seem to lose its luster.

Lu Licheng, who came back from buying a drink, saw in his eyes that there was really someone so perfect that he could seem to float down from a painting. I have to say that men are really lustful creatures.In a blink of an eye, one or two men came up to strike up a conversation, but Kong Kong smiled and declined politely.

I don't know why when I saw Kong Kong talking to other boys, I felt a little unhappy in my heart. I clenched the tea in my hand and came to the bench step by step. After calming down, with a smile on my face, I said affectionately To, "Kongkong, I'm back, have you been waiting for a long time?"

"No, thanks for your hard work." Kong Kong took the tea drink handed over by Lu Licheng, and raised a big smile without hesitation, reflecting the small dimples on his face, which actually lowered Kong Kong's age, just like just now The college students who have entered the society are full of youthful breath.

Lu Licheng seemed a little dazed, he had to admit that it was because of his empty smile, his sharp eyes swept over the man beside him, "Excuse me, may I have something to do?"

"Um, no..." The man stammered in embarrassment, thinking that he was caught trying to date someone else's girlfriend.Dejectedly left.

"In such a situation, you should refuse without hesitation." Lu Licheng's voice seemed a little cold.

"I refused, but they didn't leave. I even said that I was waiting for my boyfriend...but they said they just wanted to be friends..." Speaking of boyfriend, Kong Kong lowered his head in embarrassment, leaving behind glowing red ears.

(End of this chapter)

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