Chapter 179

It was the sound of a police car honking. Kong Kong looked towards the south excitedly, and could vaguely see the flickering light on the police car. The blue and red complemented each other. Kong Kong had never felt that the police car was so cute as it is now.

the other side……

The soft piano music is like a clear river, flowing slowly in the elegantly decorated restaurant.

Through the dark glass windows, the vehicles on the road are constantly flowing, and the brightly lit night is walking slowly along his original footsteps. His eyes are fixed on the table near the window. The handsome man and the elegant woman should be They are talented and beautiful, but there is a deathly silence and a silent stalemate between them.

But someone soon broke the calm and stalemate here...

The black police uniforms outlined their waists straight and strong, and they walked slowly from the crowd, the handcuffs exuded a cold metallic color, "Hello, Ms. Wang, someone reported that you were suspected of killing innocent witnesses, Please come with us!"

"Why? Why are you arresting me! Let me go, I want to see your chief... Are you blind? I won't go..."

The long black hair that was fixed behind the head fell over the shoulders during the struggle, and the delicate and small hair accessories inlaid with full pearls fell to the ground, making a crisp sound...

Lin Mofeng, who had been silent all this time, took a step forward, leaned over to pick up the hair ornament, his fair fingers and milky white pearls complemented each other beautifully.

"Comrade police, please wait a moment..."

With a gentle voice, big pearls and small pearls fell on the jade plate, and followed the policeman who forcibly dragged away Wang Namei in two steps, "Comrade policeman, please let me have a few words with her."

Lin Mofeng, who was approved by the police, looked at the embarrassed Wang Namei, and couldn't help sighing helplessly, and gently tidied up her messy hair.

"Wang Namei, I really hate you for hurting Kongkong. Maybe it's not because of your savage willfulness and cruelty. I still owe you a huge debt. Go ahead and hope that in the next life, you and I will never know each other..."

As he finished speaking, he withdrew his hand, and the creamy white hair ornament was neatly clipped on it.

"Lin Mofeng! Don't think that I will let you go if you say that! In the next life, I will definitely meet you again in the next life. Don't even think about being with Mu Kongkong in every lifetime!"

With its coolest wind, the night blows away this most vicious curse...

It's all over...

He let out a long sigh of relief, and the pressure on his chest for many years finally broke. At this time, his subordinates and the old man's subordinates should have led the police into the Wang's compound.Even if Wang Tianjun's old fox, the cunning rabbit and the three caves, the skynet is sparse and not leaking...

At this moment, there was a dull pain in my mind, and Xiao Baozi's voice came, "The host is coming quickly, Kong Kong is in danger! Please come here quickly!"

"Dangerous? Why? Haven't you been protecting her?" Lin Mofeng quickly ran out of the restaurant and got into the car beside him.A burst of blue light flashed, and there were traces of people on the driver's seat. In the blue halo that had not yet dissipated, traces of numbers could be seen slightly.

This is the pinnacle of IT, transforming all consciousness into numbers, traveling through the worlds of various structures, whether it is the world of film and television, or the world of animation and novels...

"Where is your location? Location!"

Lin Mofeng transformed himself into consciousness and spread it to the world where Kong Kong was. He fell into a frenzy and ran towards the place Xiao Baozi said.

Arriving panting, the scene was chaotic, the police had sealed off the scene, Lin Mofeng hurried over, his pupils suddenly shrunk, and he looked at the scene in disbelief, with the sound of He Yao crying in his ears.

"Kong Kong, what's wrong with you? Kong Kong..."

"How could this be? Little Baozi..." Lin Mofeng moved his feet with difficulty, the bright red blood under Kong Kong's body stimulated his nerves.

"Host, I didn't expect that the police had already arrived, but I didn't expect that Wang Namei drove over with a car behind her, and He Yao stood in front of her to save the time. I thought it was the same as what happened before." , it was He Yao who fell down, but after everything was over, I realized was empty..."

The little bun sucked his nose and spoke in a choked up voice.

"'re's fine..." Kong Kong endured the pain that seemed to be falling apart all over his body, and looked at He Yao with a smile.Usually you are the one who protects me, this time, please let me protect you... Just treat it as if I pay you back...

"Brother Mofeng...I'm sorry..." Kong Kong closed his eyes weakly, and his blood-stained hand hung down feebly.The faint ups and downs of the chest gradually calmed down...


This rain came in time, washing the dust in the air, the sky was washed clear and blue, and the raindrops slid down the crisp leaves and fell to the ground... The birds were singing cheerfully on the top of the tree...

"Host, host, the slackers are up, the sun is drying their ass..."

On the soft big bed, a delicate woman lay quietly, her slender eyelashes fluttered slightly, leaving a shadow on the eyelids, she opened her eyes empty, frowned, and raised her arms to block the glare of the sun.

Against the light, the pink and jade-carved mini-doll waved its small wings, pulled the curtains, and raised its small chin arrogantly.

"small bun……"

Kong Kong did it in surprise and looked at it excitedly.

"Kongkong, wake up? Pack up and eat..." The door opened, Lin Mofeng's gray sportswear perfectly outlined his muscular figure, wearing a light blue apron, and crystal beads of sweat glistened on the tip of his nose.The gentle and fond eyes can drip water.

That's great, a sentence popped out of Kongkong's mind, the happiest thing in this world is that when you wake up, the sun is with you.

at the same time……

"Liar goblin, what are you doing? If you don't come over to eat, you'll be eaten up by that brat in a while..." Huang Taijing put down the breakfast and came to the study.

"Okay, I'm writing an email to Kongkong? Today is Kongkong's birthday... and how many times have I said, don't call me a liar fairy, and don't call your son that brat!" Uhey, no, it should be He Yao who got up Going to the door, he gently tugged at his ears to warn again.

"Okay, whatever you say is fine..."

Empty, you know?I am very happy, so don't feel guilty, you have to be happy every day, and be happy with Lin Shao forever...

The notebook that has not been closed, these words are left on the screen...

(End of this chapter)

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