Chapter 181

"...I... this..." Now it was Xiao Liang's turn to be dumbfounded. Girls nowadays are so unreserved. Shouldn't they talk about kissing, their shy little cheeks flushed, and they lowered their heads shyly?Sure enough, the times have changed...the world has gone downhill...

"Okay, are Mr. Xiao and Gao Wen ready now? Let me repeat, what we want to shoot in this scene is that the heroine and the hero are desperately overcoming obstacles on the road of chasing love, and finally decide to be brave together. Now The last scene was shot, when the male lead turned around, the female lead slowly came behind, getting closer and closer, and finally kissed desperately... And he. Once again emphasized the focus of this shooting.

Kongkong nodded obediently, and secretly said ironically in his heart that people with high positions and important family backgrounds are good, no matter what, they are privileged wherever they go.Look at this fat director, who is usually known for being fair and strict, but now facing Xiao Liang with a not-so-flattering smile, his face has turned into a bitter chrysanthemum...

"Now that you understand everything, let's start..."

The poetic and picturesque forest path, withered and yellow fallen leaves, swirl and fall, stepping empty on the brick-red path, black tunic dress, slender waist is not as good as a grasp, big waves like a tide are draped behind the head, The docile black hair was brushed behind the ears, and the pearl earrings were full of soft brilliance.

The sound of tick-tock footsteps beat each other's hearts step by step. The man seemed to feel something and gradually turned around. The pampering and eagerness in his eyes could almost materialize. The two of them gradually approached each other, almost empty He raised his neck obsessively and raised his head slightly...

Uh, but the male lead's kiss did not fall for a long time, Kong Kong opened his eyes in doubt...

"Ka, Mr. Xiao, when Gao Wen raised her head, you should kiss her desperately, lingering and lingering forever..." The director was fascinated by the beautiful picture at this moment, but someone lost the chain at the critical moment .

"Ah, I'm sorry..." Xiao Liang shook his head angrily, he lost his composure just now...

"It's okay, it's okay, Mr. Xiao is not a professional after all. I don't mind..." Kong Kong put his arms around his arms, raised his eyebrows at Xiao Liang, and emphasized the word "professional".

"Sorry for wasting everyone's time..." Xiao Liang smiled apologetically at the on-site personnel.Then he moved in an empty direction, pulling into the distance between the two.Gritting his teeth in a low voice, he whispered in Kong Kong's ear, "Why, do you want to kiss me so much? You still don't admit that you have a crush on me, do you have plans for me?"

"Have plans for you? Save yourself..." There was a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth, and his critical eyes followed him, looking up and down, Xiao Liang felt hairy all over his body, and dodged unnaturally.Kong Kong just gave up, snorted coldly, shook his head suddenly, turned and left.

"You... are so rude..." The long hair brushed across his cheeks, and pain came from his fair cheeks. Xiao Liang covered his cheeks and faced Kong Kong's back, biting his big white teeth.

"Mr. Xiao, are you alright?" Suddenly a gentle voice came from behind, although there was a hint of concern, Mi Duo stood behind him with a glass of drink in his hand.

"Wow, who, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Liang really wanted to shout in his heart now, are you a ghost?It's really scary to appear so unexpectedly, you know?Good upbringing and gentlemanly demeanor did not allow him to treat a girl so rudely, especially a beautiful woman. "Mr. Xiao, do you remember me? I'm Mi Duo. I saw you and Miss Gao just now..." Mi Duo lowered his head, his face was filled with a faint pink color, which set off his big bright eyes, and he was ignorant and innocent. .

"Well, I know your name is Mi Duo. I see that your idea is very good, so keep working hard." Xiao Liang's mood now is like treating employees in the company. He is willing to provide the best attitude and support to talented employees Treating her, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, encouraging her.

"Thank you Mr. Xiao, I will." For Mi Duo, Xiao Liang has always been like a star in the sky, elusive, but now that he has arrived at Xiao Liang's company, being able to meet him is far away. Just looking at him is enough.But people's hearts are always like this, and they will never be satisfied, just like she can talk and communicate with Xiao Liang face to face, this is something that he didn't dare to think about before, but now he hopes to be able to get along with Xiao Liang day and night, love forever, Is this still a stretch after all?

"Huh, sure enough, I thought Xiao Liang was too innocent, but I didn't expect..." Kongkong sat in the rest area, biting the straw of his drink, stretched his neck to look in Xiao Liang's direction, and Mi Duo and Mi Duo I had a very happy chat with you, look at the smile on your face, it's gentle...cut...ahem, you are jealous, host... Xiao Baozi shouted silently in his heart...hey, people in love , IQ is often negative, this sentence is really good.

(End of this chapter)

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