Chapter 187

"Hello, Qu Guangya? Uncle Qu passed out, we are currently in the Municipal People's Hospital..." Please come over as soon as possible. Before Ruobai finished speaking, the phone was hung up. This phone number is right...

"How is it? Is Guangya connected? What did she say, will she come?" Qi Baicao asked nervously, and Ruobai put down the phone.I don't know why, but I can't call Guangya on my mobile phone, probably because she has blocked her. I didn't do anything, but I feel deeply hated by Guangya.Ever since Master and Guangya reconciled, I feel that I am not that important to Master. Although I try my best to take care of Master every day, it is better for Qu Guangya to talk to Master for a while...

"Well, it's through, I hung up before I finished speaking..." Ruobai looked at the black phone in his hand, unable to describe the feeling in his heart, she actually hung up the phone just like that, didn't it Can you hear your own voice?That's right, he and she only spoke two sentences this time.

"Forget it, maybe she won't come." Baicao put away her emotions, stood up and waited for the results of the doctor's examination.

"Doctor, doctor, how is my father?" Guang Ya came to ask the doctor quite calmly, but her panting tone, the Taoist uniform that had not been changed in the future, and the bangs that were parted in the middle due to her rapid running Evidence of haste.

"The patient's long-term depression, drinking, and blood clots are caused. In the future, please pay attention to diet, especially drinking." The white coat pushed his eyes, held the forehead inspection sheet in his hand, and gave them serious advice.

"Okay, I see, thank you doctor." Guangya thanked the doctor, and respectfully sent the doctor out, everything reflected her good upbringing.

But Qi Baicao, after the doctor finished speaking, he burst into tears, and Lihua held Qu Xiangnan's hand with rain, sobbing continuously.

However, Ruobai, who saw this scene, frowned and did not speak.He just quietly watched Guangya send the doctor back, frowned in displeasure, and scolded softly, "Don't cry, Dad is sleeping, if something happens, please tell me." After speaking, he walked out of the room first.

Qi Baicao's face was full of tears, she bit her lip, finally let go of Qu Xiangnan's hand, and walked out of the room reluctantly.

When Ruobai was helping Master to train his juniors today, there was a loud noise outside the door. It was Master Qu who brought Qi Baicao to Songbai to ask Master to accept her, saying that she had no way to learn anything in Quansheng, and it was all for her. Kneeling down on the ground, Ruobai couldn't resemble Master Qu who was like a hero when he was a child, just knelt on the ground in such a mess, Master agreed to accept Baicao, but Master Qu fainted on the ground, he followed Master to take Qu When Master was sent to the hospital, the girl actually said that Qu Guangya might block her, and there was no way to call her. When she arrived, he found that Guangya was not as unkind as he thought.

Looking at the gap in the door, Ruobai couldn't help but move there a little bit quietly, listening to the voice outside the door.

"Qi Baicao, you're really annoying, why are you crying, you're making me upset!" Guangya still couldn't help being angry, Guangya, who was originally worried because of Qu's father's fainting, saw her crying, and felt a twitch. The anger came up uncontrollably, just fainted, what are you doing?Didn't know he thought he was dead?bah bah bah...

"I... Guangya, I'm just worried about Master, I..." Qi Baicao sobbed twice, wiped away her tears, and looked at her tearfully, like a weak lily.

"Worried? What right do you have to say you're worried? How many times have I told you not to buy wine for dad, but you just don't listen. You don't know how much wine you secretly bought for dad in the past two years!" It's this expression again, I've had enough, every time she bought wine for her father and Guangya persuaded him not to drink it, she always had this expression of crying or not, with tears in her eyes, as if she was being beaten by herself. If he was bullied severely, his father would scold him, and then say that it is okay to drink some wine, this is Baicao's filial piety, and it cannot be wasted.

"No, that's not the case, I'm... I didn't know before, I just watched, Master wanted to drink, but you didn't let him drink, it's very pitiful, I just..." Qi Baicao took a few steps forward and stopped him. With Guangya's hand, she explained in a panic.

"Let go, let's go, it's enough for me to be in the hospital..." Guangya shook off her hand in displeasure, and wiped her hands with a tissue taken out of her pocket.

"Guangya! Why do you hate me so much? I didn't do anything wrong. Master raised me up. I just want to take good care of Master. Why do you want to deprive me of this right?" Qi Baicao bit her lip and wiped her face dry with her cuff The tear stains on her face were obviously weak, but revealed a grass-like strength.

I really hate this expression to death, if it is a man, I guess it will be tricked directly. "Ding, please pay attention, the hero Ruobai's favorability towards you has dropped by 5, and now it's 60." A reminder from Xiao Baozi came from my mind, and I guessed it, and it really is...

"You are as self-righteous as ever. Do you think you will be happy if someone kills your father?" Guangya returned to the ward with her arms around her arms after saying this.

Ruobai didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment, could he say it was disappointment?But when the door opened and crashed into the dark vortex, the girl didn't have the slightest displeasure or doubt, as if she knew she was here all the time, and heard all their conversations, she was a little embarrassed, thanks to the perennial indifference. It seems calm now, maybe it is the expectation in her heart, maybe it is her attitude, Ruobai actually feels that things may not be what he sees, seeing is not necessarily believing.

The two people passing by had different thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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