Chapter 196

"Okay, let's go again, everything is ready... The camera will focus on the male lead and the female lead kissing, come on... get ready, start!" The fat director gave an order, and at the end he glanced at Xiao Liang.

The two people who are closely dependent on each other, Kong Kong raised his slender neck, his dark pupils gleamed with starlight, blurred with the most affectionate confession, Xiao Liang was like Adam who was tempted, the distance gradually shortened to the closeness of lips and teeth... Kong Kong could feel it He can't help it...

He glanced at the director at the side from the corner of his eye, without any intention of yelling, his black and white eyeballs rolled around, and the tear mole at the corner of his eye was shining with a sly light.The little hand placed on the side gradually climbed up and poked hard at his waist...

"Hmm..." Xiao Liang frowned in pain, seeing her mischievous smile, Xiao Liang finally understood that she was deliberately finding fault.What a woman who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, doesn't she know when a man should mess with her and when she shouldn't?
Suddenly Kongkong's eyes widened, and his head was fixed by Xiao Liang's powerful palm. He actually... soft lips and tongue brushed his small white teeth, and he had the intention of continuing to attack the city...

Fuck, I have to take back his innocent words. Although the skill is good, Kong Kong clenches her teeth tightly, pretending to be dead and hoping that the director will rescue her from the fire and water as soon as possible.

"You...uh..." Suddenly there was a pain in his waist, and he couldn't help but want to speak out, but he was taken advantage of.With fiery lips and tongue raging, Kong Kong was almost out of breath... He could only lean helplessly on his arm, and for some reason Kong Kong suddenly thought of the dodder vines tightly entangled with the big tree...

"Come on, yes, everyone has worked hard..." Just when Kong Kong almost thought he was about to pass out, he finally heard the director's heavenly voice.

Xiao Liang let go of the air, glanced at the woman in his arms calmly, breathing heavily, his palm-sized cheeks were flushed, his full lips were moist and shiny at the moment, a little red and swollen, his eyes were blurred, and even the moles at the corners of his eyes were emitting Silent charm.At this moment, Xiao Liang's mind moved, and an idea suddenly popped up, in fact, this is not bad.

"Haha, congratulations, it's over..."

"Yes, thank you for your hard work..."

"Hmph, pervert!" Kong Kong finally came back to his senses, and pushed Xiao Liang away vigorously. There were so many people around him, Kong Kong gritted his teeth and stomped on his foot. His sharp heel turned around. Looking at Xiao Liang's distorted face, Kongkong finally felt relaxed...

"The most poisonous woman's heart..." If Xiao Liang didn't need to maintain the so-called image, he would cover his feet and burst into tears... "Hey, hey, did you see that? President Xiao and Gao Wen just now, haha, they kissed so well So realistic..."

"Yes, yes, do you think that scandal is true?"

"I guess it's true, look at that passionate kiss..."

Kong Kong was about to go back to the fitting room to change back into his own clothes, when he heard the comments from the staff, even though he was thick-skinned, he blushed, lowered his head, and sped up his feet...

"Then let's go first..." Kongkong nodded to everyone at the scene, and when his eyes touched Xiao Liang, he was stunned for a moment.Mi Duo next to him subconsciously grabbed Xiao Liang's clothes, and stared at Kongkong with big watery eyes.

Kongkong turned and left, and Jason behind him hurriedly followed with his bag.

"Don't follow me anymore, I want to relax..." Kongkong took the bag in Jason's hand, and left without waiting for his reply.

Outside the studio, a white commercial vehicle was parked on the side of the road. Inside, a handsome man was looking around boredly. His black hair was a few inches long, and his facial features were clear and clear. The most fascinating thing was his eyes, the corners of which were slightly raised, and he smiled. When he was in the car, his eyebrows were affectionate, and even though he was angry, he sometimes smiled... The tall and tall figure passed by the car, and Lei Yiming in the car was looking at the mirror with great interest, taking pictures up and down, front, back, left, and right, thinking, how handsome, this time The fat man must have been fascinated when he saw it.Ever since he confirmed his intentions, he has been a little confused. Should he confess without hesitation, or should silently guard him by his side...

Suddenly, there was a throbbing pain in his heart, his heart was beating irregularly, and his bony palms were attached to his chest, as if there was some kind of force supporting him in the dark, and he ran out of the car uncontrollably, it was her... no ,Who is she?It's so familiar... Lei Yiming's head seemed to be cracked, and he was in unbearable pain, covering his head helplessly, and persistently looking in the direction she left...

"Lei Yiming, what's wrong with you?" Mi Duo's voice came from behind, and she ran over quickly, helping her crumbling body...

"Who is she?" Lei Yiming looked in that direction persistently.

"Her? Isn't that Gao Wen? What's the matter? Did she hurt you?" Mi Duo looked in the direction of his finger, Gao Wen's enchanting figure appeared in her eyes, and her memory still stayed at the time when Gao Wen hurt Xiao Liang moment.

(End of this chapter)

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