Chapter 202

Guangya’s nearest hospital, the gymnasium runs at both ends, no part-time jobs, it should be three ends, wishing that one person can be used as three, and occasionally meet Ruobai and Qi Baicao in the hospital, but they are facing the gymnasium challenge, For the time being, Guangya is worried about losing favorability.

"Ding, Yu Chuyuan's favorability for the heroine has been increased by 10, and it is currently 15. Ruobai's favorability for Qi Baicao is 30. Please host, work hard to complete the task, and don't be lazy." Guangya is currently working at Taste of Love, The deep sleepiness forced her to lean on the stone pillar.Guangya subconsciously thought that the voice in her head was very important, but her extremely sleepy body couldn't keep up with the rhythm, "En." He replied in a daze.

Ruobai is still sitting in the old seat by the window, drinking coffee and watching the outside world with people coming and going, this seems to have become a unique way for him to relieve stress.Suddenly, she seemed to hear some voice, turned around, and saw a familiar figure, green vines wrapped around the white stone pillar, the girl seemed to be extremely sleepy, leaning on the stone pillar, her head bit by bit, every movement Suddenly, the body seemed to be sliding down a little bit, the high ponytail drooped obediently by the ears, and with the movement, it slid across the white cheeks little by little.

Ruobai may not have noticed his softened side profile and warm eyes. Seeing that the girl's half body was about to slide down the stone pillar, he ran over without hesitation, caught her, and half-embraced her to his chest. seat, patted her lightly, "Guangya...Guangya..."

"En..." Guangya was woken up by continuous slaps, leaning on the soft back of the chair, half-opening her eyes, looking at the person in front of her in a daze, as if her body functions were not fully awakened, she tilted her head, Trying to see who the person in front of him was, his dark eyes seemed to be covered with a thin layer of light-colored mist, his small nose was slightly wrinkled, and the indifference when he was sober faded away, and he looked like a pure child in ignorance. Looking at the confused and puzzled eyes, Ruobai felt his heart was hit hard, thump, thump...

He carefully wiped the table clean with a paper towel, and slowly patted her on the back to lull her back to sleep.Ruobai just sat opposite and looked at the girl who was sleeping soundly on the table, so careful that he couldn't see the deep dark circles under her fluttering eyelids.What made her so worried.

In the quiet afternoon, the sun is pouring down, and the soft light music in the warm coffee house soothes all the worries and irritability. At the place by the window, a handsome and unsmiling man is staring at the opposite side with his chin propped up. The girl who is soundly asleep has eyes The love and warmth of this place infects everything around. People who pass by here will subconsciously lower their voices, unable to bear to disturb this harmonious picture. What's more, the owner directly took out the camera, and the picture freezes from then on.

Finally, when the evening sun sprinkled the orange-red afterglow on the earth, the girl's long and curly eyelashes trembled slightly, she opened her eyes, yawned, stretched her waist, some physiological tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, and trembled. The trembling hanging on the eyelashes made her look pure and innocent at the moment.Blinking his eyes, he took a look at the surrounding environment. After a while, he finally understood what kind of situation he was in now. His eyes became clear, and there was a flash of surprise and guilt. He quickly got up and ran away in a panic.

On the opposite side, Ruobai, who had a panoramic view of all this, raised the corners of his mouth and drank the fourth cup of coffee he ordered today. It was really interesting, what should I do?It seemed that he had discovered something interesting, especially at the end, when Guangya left in a panic, with bright red earlobes, thinking of this, he chuckled even more.

"Ding, the male protagonist Ruobai's favorability for you has been increased by 10, please host." Guangya is sincerely apologizing to the boss. It's really not intentional to sleep during working hours, but because I've been a little tired recently, in order to plan the gymnasium The strategy of the challenge game stayed up for several nights, hoping for her forgiveness, but unexpectedly, I heard Xiao Baozi's prompt, I am so happy, aren't you?

The boss didn't pursue this matter, but told her to have a good rest, gave her an ambiguous look, and said, her boyfriend is so handsome and caring, go back and hang out with him earlier.

Although I don't know what she said, it's a good thing to be able to go back sooner.I thanked the boss and bid farewell, and came to Ruobai's seat again, but I still haven't left, "Ruobai... well, brother, thank you for taking me in, I'm going to leave later, do you want to come together?"

"Don't call me Senior Brother, just call Ruobai. I'm leaving too." Ruobai got up and said that he was leaving too.

"Okay, please wait for me." Guangya quickly rushed to change one, finished it as quickly as possible and left "Taste of Love" under the ambiguous eyes of the curator.

When the lights were on and the breeze was blowing, the two of them strolled on the street, "Ruobai, I heard from the boss, I still want to thank you. Next time, when you come to the store, I will make desserts for you." In the end, Guangya broke through. Embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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