Chapter 204

"Oh, it's been like this for several days. If I don't go, don't you know to find me? Not even a phone call or text message, really?" After the training, Yi An stayed alone in the swimming pool, staring at Mobile phone, trouser legs half rolled up, sulking, kicking the pool water, "What girls are used to my company, if they disappear for a few days, they will definitely look for themselves instead, I must be crazy to listen to his advice. "

A few days ago, because of that kiss, I was a little absent-minded during training, and was punished by the coach to clean up the swimming pool every day. After cleaning up, I lay on the floor exhausted, looking at my phone, and suddenly browsed a post bar, "Girlfriend is arrogant, angry and ignore it What should I do? Wait online!"

The comment downstairs is very interesting, "Tsundere Queen's girlfriend, it must be very tiring to get along with, deep sympathy..." Tired?Sometimes it will be very tiring, but after thinking about it, it will be worth it, haha...

"No matter how arrogant you are, you are still a girl, and there are also times when you are vulnerable, and when you are weak, try to win in one fell swoop..."

"These girls are fine, you will always be with her and will not leave. If you don't take the initiative to pay attention to her for a few days at this time, she will obediently contact you in a few days. At this time, she is coaxing and coaxing you." I'm sure it's all right..." There are quite a few people who agree with this reply, and some say that they have tried it like this, and it has been tried repeatedly.Excited, Yi An used this method, but as a result, there is still no news.

"Oh, I should have thought that she is Gao Enxing, not another girl...Really, go back and report honestly, and strive for leniency, really..." Talking to myself, while preparing Sit up and put on your shoes.

"What's wrong with me?" The soft and slightly familiar voice behind her came from far to near, and it could only be Enfei, En Xing's voice was usually cold... "Han Yi'an, it seems that you are right."

"En? What's the matter? The matter has come to a successful conclusion... You have proved your innocence." Yi An stopped, thinking that he had to talk anyway, so he simply put his feet into the water again.

"Well, it seems that what everyone said is correct. Han Yi'an really lives on water, the little prince in the water." After the jewelry theft case was solved, Enfei's mood improved, and she followed Yi'an's example and took off her clothes. He took off his shoes, stretched his feet into the water, sighed comfortably, and teased Yi'an.

To put it simply, Yingen’s jewelry disappeared, and her mother called the police. As a result, the police found that Yingen took the gold jewelry from her home to a jewelry store to sell, and Yingen only sold a part of the gold jewelry. The policeman in charge of the case asked Ying En about the remaining gold ornaments.The above scene also appeared, Yingen put the jewels in the locker because of personal grievances, and framed Enxing and threatened to give her the jewels. Enfei has no memory of Enxing. Kong Taiguang of the remote control car, Kong Taiguang told Enfei that this cabinet was broken by him before, and he was severely scolded for this incident.

Yingen has not come to the classroom for several days. In the evening, Enfei met Yingen who came to the classroom to pick up things. It turned out that the cabinet was broken by Kong Taiguang before. Later, Yingen took the initiative to change the cabinet with Enxing. , so the cabinet with jewelry is actually Ying En's.This is Yingen's revenge...

Yingen walked silently on the way home, looking at the students passing by in groups of three and two, she felt more and more lonely, sitting alone at the bus stop, watching the endless stream of vehicles, and the coming and going People, it turns out that when I was just in the second grade of high school, every classmate had their own playmates, and she was the only one who was alone. Gao Enxing was the only classmate who took the initiative to talk to her, and then I wanted to integrate desperately. Their group, if they want to have friends, they will take the initiative to invite them to eat, watch movies, and even give them things. Over time, they will become a famous public wallet in the class. , and won't sell off her mother's jewelry section, she doesn't want to lose the chance to hang out with them, even if it's just paying, at least she herself is not alone at that moment...

Why plant it on Gao Enxing, because every time Enxing goes out, she doesn't need her to take money. The words "What do you spend money on every day? Meals, movies, friends? Or time, what you spend money on is actually the time you think you are friends with, but I don't even want to sell you 10 minutes."

Maybe Gao Enxing is right. I am a lonely poor ghost who is isolated by my classmates. What I spend money on every day is not friends, but my own self-deception... I am actually very pitiful...

The screen shifts to the swimming pool...

"How dare you laugh at me..." Yi An picked up a splash of water and splashed it directly on Enfei who was also sitting by the pool.

"Ah, Han Yi'an, stop, don't splash any more, I'm going to be impolite..." Enfei dodged while looking for a chance to pick up water and splash it on Han Yi'an.

(End of this chapter)

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