Chapter 206

"No, Zhao Lin, calm down, Tu Su didn't let A Xiang hurt me, it was A Xiang and Tuan Tuan who were joking, and I blocked it..." Ling Duan licked his dry lips, trying to explain clearly.

"The wound is so deep, how could it be a joke..." Zhao Lin was blinded by jealousy, and his distorted mind prevented him from listening to anything.

"Second Senior Brother, Master Master invites Senior Brother Zhao Lin and Tu Su to go to the main hall..." The Junior Brother who came from Yujian was a little at a loss when he saw the tense atmosphere, and he relaxed when he saw Ling Duan looking at him In one breath, report quickly.

"It's all right now, let's go, master is here to invite..." Ling Duan looked helplessly at the stubborn Zhao Lin and Tu Su who was still calm on the surface.The blue-purple sleeves were thrown out, and he walked out first.

Tianyong City Hall~
"As disciples of Tianyong City, you don't know what the rules are, do you? Tell me, what's going on..." On the chief seat, the head teacher who was tall and straight, with silver hair, Majesty is revealed in every word.

"Back to Master's Baili Tusu..." Zhao Lin gave Tusu a vicious look, wanting to complain first.

"Back to master, this is a trivial matter, let me and senior brother handle it together, how dare you bother master?" Ling Duan interrupted Zhao Lin quickly, and winked at Ling Yue who rushed over.

"Um...yes, let us handle it..." Ling Yue received the look from Ling Duan, and hurried forward.

"Master Master, this matter can't be left as it is. It needs to be severely punished. Tu Su condoned his pet to hurt others, and then hurt me. Please Master Master decides this matter!" Zhao Lin knew that if this matter happened, If it is left to two people to handle it, then Baili Tusu will definitely not be punished too much, and this matter will not be settled. The incident that he finally provoked will only cause ripples.Quickly ran out to stop.

"It was indeed Ah Xiang who hurt the second senior brother. Tu Su was willing to be punished for him, but Tu Su did not take the initiative to provoke the incident and hurt others. Please respect the master." He has always been brooding about the matter of the second senior brother, feeling guilty.

"Okay, Zhaolin and Tusu fought privately, openly violated the rules of Tianyong City, and punished you to sweep the ladder. If Tusu took the initiative to admit his mistake, Tusu only needs to complete one third, and Zhaolin will complete the rest... There is no objection!" The Master Teacher has already seen the words and deeds of the two of them, Tu Su is calm and composed, Zhao Lin has a grim and unwilling face, and he can tell right from wrong at a glance. "Don't take me for a fool. I advise you to cultivate with peace of mind. It's the right thing to do. Don't have crooked thoughts. Step back, Lingduan, Lingyue stay."

"Yes!" The group of people retreated slowly.

"Recently, it's time for our Tianyong City to recruit new disciples. You arrange this matter."

"Yes, I will try my best!" Ling Duan and Ling Yue said in unison, looking at each other.

"Also, the birthday of Ziyin's old friend is coming soon, Lingyue, you are Ziyin's favorite disciple, you go to visit. As soon as you recruit disciples, make friends with Lingduan in charge. If you have any questions, just ask me." The master teacher suddenly Thinking of another matter, he notified Ling Yue again.


Rumbling... Suddenly lightning flashed in the sky, and the heavy rain came suddenly.Ling Duan raised his eyebrows, and his delicate face was full of worry, "Senior brother, go and see Tu Su, there is something wrong with Zhao Lin, I'll go and see, you know, he is usually a pretty well-behaved child...I... "

"Okay, you go and have a look... Go back and get an umbrella and go again, the rain is too heavy..." Ling Yue looked at the anxious Ling Duan and couldn't help but stroke his broken hair that was knocked down by the rain, and rubbed it Rubbing his hair has been comforting.

"Well, thank you big brother, please tell Tu Su that I trust him, don't think too much... I'll go first..." Ling Yue hurried back.

The mausoleum is holding an umbrella and carrying a small basket in his hand, which is wrapped with a layer of golden infuriating energy, forming a protective layer to protect it from the erosion of rain.Holding another umbrella in his hand, he slowly appeared on the ladder, watching Zhao Lin angrily sweeping the fallen leaves and so on. "Zhaolin~"

"Second Senior Brother? Why are you here?" Seeing Second Senior Brother suddenly appear, Zhao Lin's eyes lit up, but suddenly, as if remembering something, he shifted his gaze awkwardly, crossed his arms, and watched him secretly from the corner of his eyes.

"Okay then, since someone doesn't want me to appear, the ginger soup I carefully prepared to dispel the cold is useless, so I'll pour it out." Ling Duan could see that he was arrogant again. The disease is cured.Lingduan took out the ginger soup wrapped in qi, and made a gesture of pouring it out.

"No, no, I'll drink it!" Zhao Lin quickly snatched it from him, looked at Ling Duan's funny expression, and then said, "Ahem, it's a pity to throw it away. It's not good to waste it. Let's see how many there are at the bottom of the mountain." Villagers are starving to death, we cannot waste it."

(End of this chapter)

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