Chapter 21

Si Cao dares to confront the campus bully without fear. In the eyes of Gu Junbiao, the heir of the world-wide conglomerate Shinhwa Group, she is a different kind of cute, different, and then falls in love with her, but what Jin Sicao likes is really gentle Prince Yoon Ji Hoo.In the end, after all kinds of hardships, Jin Sicho fell in love with the domineering Gu Junbiao, and they were together happily, while the tender and guarding prince became the male supporting role in the past tense.

If you want to say who Kong Kong's client is this time, it's not the vicious female partner, but Min Ruixian, the first love in the heart of the gentle and melancholy prince Yin Zhihou.The goddess who gave up everything for her dream.

"Miss, wake up, school is here, don't you feel well, do you want me to ask for leave?" Kong Kong was immersed in the bloody plot, let's see how to deal with it, save this time when he failed in the mission, he heard the golden Uncle Zhonghou's voice came, calling her cautiously.

Kong Kong blinked and opened his eyes, rubbed his chubby hands with his fleshy chubby hands, and said obediently, "Don't worry, Uncle Jin, I didn't sleep well last night. Today is the first day of school so don't be late."

"Miss is so good." Uncle Jin turned his head to look at the well-behaved Kong Kong, smiling from ear to ear. He really likes this cute and cute lady. He has been a driver in Min's family for more than ten years. The young lady said, growing up little by little, just like her own granddaughter.

"Mom said that Ah Xian is in the first grade, so he has to be obedient." There was a shy smile on his face with empty black eyes, and he scratched the back of his head in a daze.

After parking the car, Kongkong was hand in hand by Uncle Jin and brought him to the teacher. He said goodbye to Uncle Jin politely, and was praised by the teacher and Uncle Jin again. Sitting in his seat, Kongkong actually wanted to I'm crazy, I'm a good young man in the 21st century, dressed as a five or six-year-old kid, and I still have to pretend to be cute, begging for the psychological shadow area of ​​the empty space at this time...

Kong Kong lay down on the desk depressed, kicking his short legs boredly, and began to make the mission plan for this time.

First of all, the original owner Min Ruixian is the only daughter and heir of the boss of the largest law firm in Korea.I grew up with F4 as close as brother and sister.Later, she went to Paris to study abroad at the University of Law, and at the same time worked as a model, and passed the bar exam.But in the end, in order to pursue her own ideals and life, she chose to give up the right to inherit the business and property in South Korea, which also means giving up Yin Jihou...

To Yin Jihou, Min Seohyun is like a sister, more like a lover. To the original owner, it's not that he doesn't like him, but because he wants to realize his dream, so he gave up...

That is to say, is it okay to think that, in fact, the two of them like each other, as long as they make a little progress, they can achieve a positive result...

I can't be the same as the previous world. This world must act first and kill all the germination in the cradle...

According to the memory of the original owner at this time, whether it was because of his parents' family or because he was in school, little Min Ruixian knew F4 when he was a child.So the most important thing at this time is to brush up the favorability...

After the bell rang for the end of get out of class, I took my short legs and came to the kindergarten area according to the system map, because Shinhwa private school is such a benefit. Once enrolled, you can go directly from kindergarten to university without going through the middle school entrance examination and college entrance examination. A series of brutal exams...

Like all novels and TV dramas, in a beautiful back garden of the school, this is a secret base contracted by F4. Of course, Kong Kong, an acquaintance, also knows about it.Strolling in the rockery forest, passing through the winding trails, there is another village where the willows are dark and the flowers are bright. All kinds of precious flowers and trees spread to the depths, surrounding an elegant small house. Compared with the noble and magnificent buildings in the school, it is slightly different. It is romantic and simple.

Pushing the door open, I heard a childish voice saying angrily, "Hmph, what's so great about these damn teachers, I'll fire them all when I inherit the family business!"

Although I haven't seen them yet, a thought came to Kong Kong's mind, the talking child must be Gu Junbiao.With the innocence unique to children on his face, he pushed the door open and approached them, "What's the matter, I heard your voices from a long way away."

"Ah, Sister Ruixian, I thought you weren't coming."

"Yes, Sister Ruixian is already in the first grade..."

The two children rushed over, wearing the same light brown school uniform, and couldn't tell who was who for a moment... Kong Kong shook his head helplessly, and caught the child in front of him, but now it was the child. The way she shakes her head is kind of cute. "Okay, stand still..."

When Kong Kong saw the children in front of him, he couldn't help laughing. It's really a scaled-down version of F4. Gu Junbiao with black curly hair folded his hands and puffed his cheeks angrily. Very domineering; when he was a child, Su Yizheng actually held a thick stack of books with his eyes, and he was a top student. As for Song Yubin, who blinked a pair of upturned peach eyes and smiled triumphantly, he can now see the future of the playboy. The prototype, uh, as for the target of the attack, it is white and tender at the back, the little angel with pearly teeth, the short golden hair is softly pasted on the forehead, the black eyes are as shiny as seeing a baby, soft and waxy Nuo cried out, sister, my heart has been turned into a cute one, is there any reason...

(End of this chapter)

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