Chapter 218

As far as the whole drama is concerned, Kong Kong has never hated a person so much before. He hates her when he sees her. For Ni Mantian, it has really reached this point.Born to be the daughter of the head of Penglai, because her father's expectations were too high, she was so competitive, so wrong, but the world is so big, among her peers, there are many talented people, capable people come forth in large numbers, how could there be no one or two who are more qualified than her, A person with a good cultivation base is arrogant, thinking that he is the center and the world should revolve around him. He is wrong. The world can rotate without anyone, and no one can live normally without anyone leaving.Thinking of this, Kongkong can't help feeling, isn't this just some only child in the real world?true portrayal...

That's right, this is not a goddess who thinks she is very powerful and goes to strike up a conversation with Shuofeng, but unfortunately, she doesn't want to pay attention to her, so she starts to fight. Really, I don't know how Shuofeng fell in love with her later.Kung Kong put his arms around his arms, clicked twice and looked at the two people who were fighting hard.

"Dongdong...dongdong..." The bell for the exam assembly rang, and Hua Qiangu dragged Kongkong to gather.

After Luo Shiyi's explanation, they understood that this assessment is divided into three parts. For the first assessment, as long as they successfully pass through the enchantment range of the spooky deep forest before noon tomorrow, they will be considered a pass.

An hour later, everyone's artifacts and treasures, even Han's confiscated sugar treasure, were confiscated, and the same basic weapons were awarded.There will be many beasts and piranhas in the forest. In order to ensure the safety of the contestants, silver water beads are distributed. If there is any danger, they can be crushed and they can return here.

"Gu Gu, don't run around after you go in, wait until I find you." I wanted to go in with her, but two people are not allowed to go in at the same time, I can only wait for Hua Qiangu to go in, and then look for her.

"Okay, then I'll go in, Kongkong." Hua Qiangu walked directly to the entrance leading to the sprite forest with the silver water droplet and the wooden sword, and was sucked in directly.

Seeing Hua Qiangu go in, Kong Kong immediately set off and went in before the others entered. After a burst of dizziness, the scenery in front of him changed instantly, and Kong Kong landed near a lake. In the movie, Hua Qiangu seems to have fallen in the forest. Does everyone fall in a different place?

After walking around the lake for a long time in the forest, I didn't see anything moving, let alone a person or a beast.

"Stop!" Kong Kong suddenly caught a glimpse of a few black shadows flashing to one side, picked up the wooden sword, stepped over the tree trunk, turned over to catch up, but unfortunately he ran away, just as he was annoyed, a figure flashed behind him.

"See the princess..." Kongkong turned around in response, and when he saw a person dressed in ordinary clothes but exuding a stern look, he knew that he was a member of the Seven Killers of the Demon Realm. The one who took part in the assessment at this time was probably Yin Shangpiao.

"Get up, how do you know that I am here, or what are you doing in Changliu?" Kong Kong put away the wooden sword and came in front of him.It must be Shan Chunqiu who sent him here.

"This..." He stood up and faltered, unable to explain why.

"Forget it, I don't care what you're doing here, as long as you don't hinder me, and don't hurt Hua Qiangu, you go, you are not allowed to contact me until you have fun, they can find out here." Kong Kong didn't want to wait for him to talk nonsense, it was probably Shan Chunqiu's trick again, he might as well go to Hua Qiangu instead of listening to him hemming and hawing.

"Yes." A dodge Yin Shangpiao disappeared in the dense forest.According to the meaning of hair care, it is to try to reach a consensus with the princess, so that she can help Qisha to find out the news and disturb Changliu, but it seems that it is of no use.

"Help, let me go." Walking halfway, Kongkong heard Hua Qiangu's familiar voice pleading for help. He leaped over and kicked the masked man in black who was grabbing her satchel to the ground. Taking off his mask, he was one of the disciples who were being assessed when he came in.

"Kong Kong, thank you, but how could this be? Isn't he with us?" Hua Qiangu looked unbelievable when his clothes were hit.

"Are you okay?" Kong Kong rushed to help her up, "There is nothing impossible, although it is not life-threatening to crush the silver water drops, but it means that you have lost the qualification to go to Changliu, and Changliu recruits new disciples." The number of places is limited, so every time they lose one is another chance for them. Let’s go.” Kongkong pulled Hua Qiangu away, if she remembers correctly, there will be piranhas in this place.

But after all, it was too late, Nimantian was thinking about this direction and came, followed by a group of piranhas that did not look like piranhas, the scary thing was that they did not know when dense piranhas had gathered behind them, slowly Slowly condense into large flowers.

Looking at the man-eating flower that was as tall as two people in front of him, Kongkong anxiously pulled Hua Qiangu over, "Gu, I'll divert her attention later, didn't you say that your blood can make flowers wither, man-eating Flowers are also flowers and plants, so you use your blood to deal with them."

As he spoke, he picked up the sword and ignored Ni Mantian, who was looking at her, and jumped on the path of the piranha to attract her attention. Hua Qiangu didn't know if this method was feasible, but she believed in Kongkong, and bit her finger , took advantage of the piranha's carelessness and sprinkled blood on her path.Sure enough, the piranha began to give up chasing Kongkong, shaking the huge flower full of teeth in pain, then twitched a few times and finally died.

(End of this chapter)

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