Chapter 221

Xi Lin snatched it from him, wrapped his arms around like a kitten protecting food, and sipped lightly, "Second senior brother hasn't cooked me food for a long time..."

"Let's say it again, I haven't cooked for you for a long time. The dessert you ate last night appeared out of nowhere, right? Then I see that I don't need to leave a few for someone when I make desserts for Junior Sister Fu Qu." Blocked..." Ling Duan put his arms around his arms, slightly raised his chin at a 45-degree angle, imitating his arrogant look just now.

"No, I'm just complaining, the second brother is biased." Xi Lin looked at him pitifully and aggrievedly, holding his loose robe.

"No, Xi Lin, you and Tu Su are both my juniors, and you two are quite close to me on weekdays. I don't want you two to fall out, you know?" Ling Duan sighed deeply and held his hand Holding an umbrella, he approached him, gently stroking his fluffy hair with one hand, "I'm not partial to you, Xi Lin, you see that you are good at communication, and you are very popular. All the brothers in Tianyong City like you very much, but Tu Su is different. He is not good at words and communication, and he only makes good friends with a few people in this huge Tianyong City, so I should pay more attention to him, Xi Lin, don't you think it should be?"

"Second Senior Brother..." Xi Lin lowered his head in shame, thinking that it was understandable for Second Senior Brother to do so.

"Ji Lin, you and I have known each other for many years, I know you are a loving and kind-hearted child, innocent but a little childish, you do these things only for jealousy, just think about it, Xi Lin, go and apologize to Tu Su You are all kind children, I think you will become good friends in the end." Ling Duan reached out to wipe his face wet by the torrential rain, his dark eyes were full of tenderness and tolerance.

"Second senior brother, can I think about it..." Xi Lin thought for a while that what the second senior brother said was indeed reasonable, but it would be embarrassing to ask him to apologize to someone he hated for a long time, but if he didn't apologize, the second senior brother would definitely Unhappy, Xi Lin took a peek at Ling Duan, the second senior brother was always gentle, but it was scary when he got angry, oh, it's really tangled.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to figure it out slowly... How about this, in order to praise you for being so obedient, I'll give you a reward." Looking at Xi Lin's blushing and tangled look, Ling Duan couldn't help smiling, and raised a mysterious expression. Smiling, under Ju Lin's puzzled expression, he raised his sleeves, and poured golden mana onto the broom, sweeping the steps.

"Second senior brother, if the master teacher finds out like this, we will be punished again later!" Xi Lin exclaimed, trying to grab the broom, but was grabbed by Ling Duan, "No, master won't find out, let's say master It didn't say that you can't use spells. Don't worry, go back, go back and take a hot bath, don't take away the wind and cold." Seeing what Li Lin wanted to say, Ling Duan directly interrupted him with the majesty of his senior brother, and put The umbrella was stuffed into his hand, "Be obedient! Go back!"

"Then I'm leaving, Second Senior Brother..." Xi Lin took the umbrella with some hesitation, ready to leave.

Finally, Xi Lin turned his head and left three times a step at a time, Ling Duan let out a long sigh of relief, and turned to leave.On the sky-long ladder, there was only one shining golden broom left to sweep the forest.

The screen goes to...

There is an ancient saying: the road to Shu is difficult, and it is difficult to go to the blue sky.Today, however, the ladder is not as long as tens of millions, winding and circling the horizon, with the torrential rain pouring down, Tu Su mechanically cleaned the steps with a expressionless face.

Eldest senior brother came just now, told him not to think too much, and tried to leave an umbrella, but he refused, senior senior brother was a little helpless, finally he didn't say anything, just patted him on the shoulder comfortingly, Then reluctantly left.He knew that senior brother was not good at words, and it was hard for him to be able to say these words, but he was still very grateful.Because it is rare, it will appear to be cherished.The punishment was voluntary. The second senior brother was the best person to him except senior senior brother Shizun, but Ah Xiang hurt him. Although the second senior brother didn't care, he was still very guilty. The punishment this time can be Let him feel less guilty.

As soon as Ling Duan sent off Xi Lin, he appeared nearby, and saw...

"Haha, this is not our Senior Brother Tu Su. I heard that he is very powerful. Even Senior Brother Ju Lin doesn't pay attention to him." But why is he sweeping the floor here? Senior Brother Tu Su has already gone back, so how can Senior Brother Tu Su only be here? It's raining." A few outer disciples in plain clothes suddenly appeared, holding umbrellas, they didn't seem to be passing by, but appeared on purpose.

"Yes, senior brother Tu Su, the second senior brother and the first senior brother usually protect you, why didn't they come to take care of you this time. You see the heavy rain, and at the current speed of senior brother Tu Su, the rain may not be over. I can finish sweeping." Another disciple held an umbrella and walked slowly to the frame containing the fallen leaves, stretched out his foot and kicked, and then the fallen leaves poured down and rolled down the steps to the ground.

"..." There was no unnecessary expression on Tu Su's dumbfounded face, he just watched them calmly.

"Senior Brother Xilin and Second Senior Brother grew up together since they were young. How could you interfere with the friendship for so many years? Don't covet things that don't belong to you. Hmph, let's go..." The leading disciple held an umbrella He is about to turn around and leave.

"Stop! You just want to leave after being handsome, do I let you go?" Ling Duan slowly appeared in front of everyone holding an oiled paper umbrella.

"Why? Is what I said wrong..." The disciple obviously hadn't figured out the situation yet.

"Second Senior Brother?" Tu Su shouted in surprise as he watched slowly walking towards Lingduan where he was holding the umbrella on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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