Chapter 223

"Little Bear?!" Kate's eyes widened in disbelief. Little Bear actually yelled at me for her. Did Little Bear start to have feelings for her?

"Ding, Kate's favorability with the host is -5, and the current favorability is 5." It seems that Kate likes the little bear and treats herself as a rival in love.

"Little bear...I...I'll go first" Kate wanted to explain, but Xiong Ya's indifferent and alienated eyes made her feel chilled, she could only silently stare at Mu Kongkong, but Mu Kongkong's empty eyes showed her nothing at all, Hitting the wall again, she had no choice but to pick up her bag and walk away.

"Kong Kong... I'm sorry, Kate is just..." Xiong Ya changed from his indifference just now, and anxiously explained to Mu Kongkong.

Mu Kongkong was silent and just walked over slowly, hugged Xiong Ya, she could feel the shock of Xiong Ya's thin body, she patted his shoulder lightly, and whispered her heart in his ear, "Xiong Ya ,I regret……"

The warm breath brushed against his ears, and stirred his heart. At this moment, Xiong Ya felt that his heart was hanging in the air. He subconsciously wanted to push Mu Kongkong away, to look into her eyes, to understand Her mind, "Kongkong, you..."

"Don't be so nervous... I just regret the wish I made..." Feeling the other party let out a sigh of relief and gradually relax his stiff body, Mu Kongkong pushed his shoulder away, "I should go, little bear..."

Kongkong's embrace is so warm, as if he has it forever... ah... Startled by his own thoughts, his eyes fluttered, and he said in a panic, "ah, be careful"

The next day, at noon, on the rooftop...

"But I really don't understand. What do you like about that flamboyant and unreasonable Peacock King? I don't remember your taste being so bad. The Peacock King, who is rude and arrogant, has to choose Bear Ah." Yin Xiaofeng was standing on the balcony with her lunch on the steps, she was scratching her head in doubt while thinking about it.

Standing behind her, Charlie Wang was so angry that his ears were about to burst into flames, but he still satirized calmly: "So you like that sick bear that can fall down when the wind blows?"

"It's so noisy!" The cold voice broke the tense situation. In the corner of the roof, a girl was half leaning on the stone pillar, expressing her dissatisfaction with a slight frown, and the pearl earrings on her small ears were dazzling in the sun. The silvery-white earphones lined the fair and delicate face, the watery round eyes were gently closed at this moment, the eyelashes that looked like butterflies were flickering and slowly opened, the dark and clear eyes showed dissatisfaction, and the ten fingers were long and slender. The earphones just taken off hang on the tip.

"Mu Kongkong?! Why are you here?" Charlie Wang folded his arms, raised his delicate chin at a 45-degree angle, and asked arrogantly, boy, can you hide the joy in your eyes?
"Oh, rest here..." Mu Kongkong got up slowly, patted the dust that didn't exist on his body, and said suddenly, "Oh, yes, if I say it, I should choose Little Bear..."

"Hey, why is she eavesdropping on people..." Yin Xiaofeng muttered displeased.

"Hey, you..." Wang Charlie seemed to be stimulated, changed his arrogant state just now, rushed to Mu Kongkong, held her arm tightly, "Mu Kongkong, you'd better, tell me clearly... I What is worse than that sick bear, why do you say that Xiao Yang chose me wrong..."

Mu Kongkong's eyes were slightly half closed, and his eyes shot at the tightly clamped hand on his arm, "Well, the telepathy between twins is not..."

"Oh? Then you have to pay attention, Xiaoyang's twin sister, you must not fall in love with me, heh" Wang Charlie's tightly clenched hand suddenly exerted force, and the playful eyes of the four eyes gradually faded away. Feeling each other's breath, her eyes were as clear and dark as an abyss, and he was like the shadow in her eyes, sinking a little bit, the sound of heartbeat...accelerated...very loudly...he stepped back helplessly, loosened the grip Palms, tightly covering the heart, trying to calm it down.

Mu Kongkong looked puzzled, and then an unbearable pain came from her stomach... She subconsciously bowed her waist, she tightly covered her stomach with her hands, the clothes on her body were wrinkled by her, her forehead With a little sweat oozing, she bit her tender lips tightly, but the pain from her stomach made her moan "uh..."

"Hey, Mu Kongkong, what's the matter with you?" The groan pulled back the thoughts of Wang Charlie, who was wandering in space.He supported Mu Kongkong with a flustered expression.

"It hurts...stomach..." Sweat ran down her smooth forehead, Mu Kongkong responded with difficulty, exhausted by the pain, she collapsed weakly in Wang Charlie's arms.

"Mu Kongkong, damn it." Charlie Wang picked her up and shouted at Yin Xiaofeng who was having a boring meal, "Yin Xiaofeng, ask for leave." Then he carried Mu Kongkong who had fainted in his arms to the hospital.

When Mu Kongkong woke up, a piece of white came into view, and the pungent smell of medicine reminded her that this was a hospital.

"Click." The sound of the door being opened, she followed the sound, and Charlie Wang came in with some boxed things. "Mu Kongkong, you are really talented enough to toss yourself into acute appendicitis and sent to the hospital. I'm really curious, what do you usually eat?"

Mu Kongkong lowered his eyes, his eyes were wandering indiscriminately, and Nuo Nuo felt guilty, "Instant noodles, bread... ham..."

"Hehe, you deserve to be hospitalized..." Wang Charlie put the boxed things on the small cabinet next to the bed with an expression that I was drunk too, "The doctor said, you can only drink some millet porridge, lotus root powder, I don't know you Whatever you like to drink, I'll bring you some..."

Wang Charlie opened the millet porridge lunch box and prepared the spoon. Mu Kongkong was really hungry. She looked at the lunch box eagerly, but Wang Charlie had no intention of giving her the lunch box and spoon, and Wang Charlie looked at her suspiciously. In the middle of the day, he picked up the lunch box slowly, scooped up a spoonful, and handed it to Mu Kongkong. Mu Kongkong stared at her round eyes in surprise.

"Uh, I'll do it myself..." Mu Kongkong reached out to catch the spoon in Wang Charlie's hand, but he avoided Mu Kongkong's hand and still stubbornly handed the spoon to her mouth.

Seeing his determination, Mu Kongkong opened his mouth calmly, swallowed it, and opened his mouth again... But there was a hundred reluctances in her heart, like a brat waiting to be fed...

At this moment, the door opened, and a nurse came in with Mu Kongkong's drip bottle. Seeing this harmonious scene, she covered her mouth and smiled softly, "Girl, your boyfriend is really nice to you."

"Ahem..." Mu Kongkong almost choked on the millet porridge just as he swallowed it.He took the water handed over by Charlie Wang, put on his "sexy, winking" eyes, and regained his drinking level, "Um, we are just classmates..."

(End of this chapter)

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