Chapter 226

Those present can feel the deep love between them, what could be more direct and powerful than these.

"Thank you for coming..." The reporters left the scene in an orderly manner...

"What's the matter, are you still moved?" The polite Xiao Liang finished seeing off the reporter, turned around and came back, only to find that Kong Kong was still watching the clip stupidly.Couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and asked cheaply.

"Yeah, if it's really touching...but he's not real..." Kong Kong lowered his head, the broken hair on his forehead fell down, unable to see the emotion on her face, muttering to himself, scattered in the wind , leaving no trace...

"Huh? What?" Xiao Liang didn't hear her words clearly, only vague words.

"Can't you understand what I said? Doesn't the reporter at the end look familiar to you?" Kong Kong raised his head and looked straight into his eyes, with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Liang was confused, staring at her blankly, not understanding how he lost control of his emotions.

"What do you mean? Doesn't Mr. Xiao boast that he can control everything? Why pretend to be confused now?" Kong Kong clearly saw that when the reporters were leaving, Xiao Liang and the last reporter met alone... Feeling confused, Kong Kong asked Xiao Baozi, and it turned out that everything was his plan... everything was fake...

"I don't understand what you're talking about, stop making trouble, Gao Wen, I thought you were a smart woman..." Xiao Liang frowned, reaching out to pull Kong Kong's arm.

"Don't understand? Okay, okay, we have photos every time we meet, and the little things we get along with are also recorded. Whether it was the last time you carried me or I saved you, hehe, there are photos. Can you Tell me what you mean by sending someone to follow you?" Kongkong boasted that he had a little bun in his hand, and his goodwill should not be able to deceive people, but he was still played by him.What a sarcasm... huh...

"I'm just sure that our plan is going smoothly." Xiao Liang's eyes flashed a trace of unbearable, he clenched his fists, turned his head and said.

"Yes, I was too naive. It turns out that when I was wrong, you, Xiao Liang, never believed me. I just want to say that you seem to think too badly of everyone...I can't save you. Because I have a plan, but because I want to save you, I haven't thought about it yet, but my body automatically reacted. Okay Xiao Liang, now the goal has been achieved, and I'm leaving." Kong Kong took a deep breath and tried hard to suppress the pain in his eyes The tears kept swirling in my heart, turned around and left without hesitation, without a trace of nostalgia...

"Gao Wen..." Xiao Liang stretched out his hand anxiously to hold her hand, but she knocked it off decisively, and left without looking back.Xiao Liang stayed in the same place alone, staring blankly at the back of her leaving. Is there really such a pure relationship between people?It doesn't contain benefits, it's only about love... "Host, don't drink anymore... You really can't go on like this, stop..." Looking at Gao Wen's glass of red wine, she swallowed it like she was drinking plain water, her slender body The neck is raised high, the scarlet wine is drawn down the delicate chin, like the wail of a desperate swan before death...

"Hehe, it's okay, I just feel that I'm at a loss. I'm a person who has traveled through several worlds, and I was tricked by others, but I don't realize it. That is to say, narcissism is the worst thing... hey..." Kong Kong smiled wryly as if mocking himself, and raised his glass to the sky, "Come on little bun, don't think about it, cheers..."

"Host..." Little Baozi looked at her helplessly, his eyes flashed unbearably, host, if you were just deceived, you can't be so sad, it means you are emotional for Xiao Liang, silly host...

"Qi Yu, tell me, am I a scumbag?" Xiao Liang sat in the office absent-mindedly for a long time. He hadn't read that page of documents for a long time. assistant.

"Um, this, Mr. Xiao, I don't feel this...I think you are a very capable person in power, very courageous..." Qi Yu frowned tightly, thinking hard about what kind of words to describe him.

"It's not about this aspect, it's about being a human being. Am I indifferent..." Xiao Liang interrupted him in time, maybe he really is that kind of person... "Uh, this isn't it..." Cold sweat broke out , Qi Yu couldn't help crying in his heart, it's over, it's over, is he going to be fired now...

"to be frank!"

"Yes!" Qi Yu responded reflexively when Xiao Liang yelled at him, and he was cowardly...wrong..."No, Mr. Xiao, I...I..."

"I see, you go out." It's not that Xiao Liang can't see Qi Yu's embarrassment, but he needs time to be quiet. Gao Wen hasn't contacted him for three days, and face doesn't allow him to bow his head.Maybe what he doesn't know is that in love, many misunderstandings are caused by losing face and maintaining the so-called face.

(End of this chapter)

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