Chapter 228

"You are hesitating, what exactly are you hesitating about? Could it be everything that this military academy gives you that you don't want to give up, food and clothing, reputation, or the respect that the students give you..." Kong Kong finally saw the situation in front of him clearly. The woman's mind, if she leaves the military academy, she will be an ordinary person without a job, unlike the reputation and property in the military academy, no, there is also a good harvest of love.

"You... so I am like this in your mind. Although we haven't been together for a long time, I thought you would know my character. How could you say that about me!" Qian Baobao couldn't believe it. Staring at Kongkong, tears of grievance filled his eyes, and his voice was firm.

"Yeah, we haven't known each other for a long time, but what you have done is enough for me to see you clearly. If you don't want me to think so, can you prove it with your actions?" Kongkong saw the heroine's This posture, I was taken aback, what's wrong with this, why did it suddenly become a lot more rigid.

"Okay, then please treat Gu Xiaobai, I will leave automatically after he is cured of his gunshot phobia, and then you will be a real instructor of psychology." Qian Baobao gritted his teeth tightly. Biting her rosy lips, her moist eyes were about to drop, the tears seemed to be about to fall like this, the pitiful look, I feel pity...

"Ding, report to the host, that's because the male lead is nearby." Hearing the little bun, Kong Kong suddenly realized what he said. It turned out to be like this, trying to pretend to be pitiful in front of the male lead?

It turned out that Xiang Hao, because Gu Xiaobai was very busy, just heard Du Feng say that Xiaobai's gunshot phobia was caused by psychological barriers, so he wanted to ask Xiao Han, a psychology instructor, if he would Know what treatments are available.I happened to see the two people who were talking, and I felt a moment of surprise in my heart. I slowly approached to hear what the two people were talking about, but Qian Baobao, who was facing me, just happened to see it.

"You..." Before Kong Kong could finish speaking, he was pushed aside by a force behind him, and Kong Kong, who had no support, fell directly to the ground, "Ah, hiss..." The legs that landed on the ground were crushed by the dead body on the ground. The branches were scratched with bloodstains, which were more obvious on the white calf.

"I'm telling you, it's not yours. No matter how unscrupulous you are, it's useless! Do your job as a teaching assistant!" Then he took Qian Baobao's wrist and walked away...

"Xiang Hao, what are you doing..." Qian Baobao looked at Xiang Hao who suddenly appeared in front of him in surprise.Then he was dragged away helplessly by the domineering Xiang Hao...

Fuck, do you want to show such bloody, domineering young commander-in-chief of the Republic of China? Give it to me, I'll go, this is really a good picture...

I really underestimated this Qian Baobao, he spoke so cleverly, he said a pun, Kong Kong muttered to himself and got up, wearing a military uniform and a small skirt looks pretty good, but this is how to get up, it’s a bit difficult, hold on to your side The shrubs want to use their strength...

But... Kong Kong bared his teeth and opened his hands, not daring to move, because of the sharp thorns on the bush, Kong Kong, who was full of thorns, dared not move, looked around, and finally gave up after a long time, not to say in the novel , in the TV series, someone will definitely appear at this time to help you. It is best to hug you and take you to the hospital. It turns out that it is only the welfare of the heroine, so Kong Kong has no choice but to limp in embarrassment and go to the hospital by himself. hospital...

The corridor of the hospital finally arrived, and Kong Kong let out a long sigh of relief...

"Assistant Liu, why are you here? Are you sick?" The familiar figure and voice made Kong Kong, who had worked so hard all the way to the destination, almost feel grateful... "Are you injured?" The bright red military uniform was even more obvious. Shen Wentao in front of him was handsome and tall, looking sharply at the bloodstains on his fair and clean calf.

"Well, I fell down by accident..." Kong Kong hurriedly staggered his eyes, his eyes dodging a little.

A complex expression flashed across Shen Wentao's clear eyes, and he stretched out his hand to support her. When he touched the empty hand, he heard her gasp obviously. He opened her hand and saw that the white and delicate palm was densely covered with black spots. Thorn, didn't help anymore, just hugged Kong Kong to disinfect, and asked in a hurried tone, "What's going on?"

"When I fell down, I grabbed the tree and remembered, but I didn't realize that it was a tree with thorns..." Kong Kong whispered in Shen Wentao's sea.

"It's really careless. Most of the time in the military academy, I don't grow some ornamental plants. They usually have various uses. Be careful in the future." , Not eating fireworks is a little more real, Shen Wentao likes it very much.

In the end, it was Xue Shaoqi who used tweezers to pull out the thorns one by one, and then disinfected the wounds one by one, and told them not to get wet in the near future, and remember to disinfect and apply medicine again.

(End of this chapter)

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