Chapter 241

Because of the influence of the two people's love scandal, it was within Xiao Liang's plan that the performance of the psychic company continued to rise, and Kong Kong's acting career also became more prosperous. Soft hands... Busy all day, very busy, Jason can't wait to treat one person as ten...

Kongkong is carrying a heavy ancient dress, with the jingling hair accessories on his head, and the bright red palace skirt echoes the golden jewelry. I have to say that Kongkong's ancient Cleopatra's dress is extremely beautiful...

Kong Kong recently took over the filming of an ancient court scene. In order to rush to shoot it, she hadn't had a good rest for a long time. The heavy makeup couldn't cover her big dark circles.Now I have two hours of rest time, just sat in the dressing room and fell asleep like this...

In a clean and tidy study room, Xiao Liang was concentrating on correcting the document. After closing the last document, Xiao Liang rubbed his brow bone tiredly, turned on the phone, and there was no missed call, nor any text messages... Sure enough, it was still No contact with him... The light in Xiao Liang's eyes gradually dimmed... A week has passed since his eyes were focused on the screen...

A week is long or short, but I am used to chattering and chattering around me, and now... both around me and in my heart are empty, terrifyingly quiet...

"Gao Wen, okay, don't be angry, let's stop the cold war..." Xiao Liang typed a word on the phone with his index finger, and he was stunned when he hit the last ellipsis...Press the delete button with his thumb, Delete them one by one, put down the phone and take a deep breath, pick up the coat and go out.

Xiao Liang stepped into the well-lit bar, the loud and chaotic music filled his ears domineeringly, and the dim and ambiguous lights scattered on the dance floor where young men and women twisted their bodies wantonly and swayed their youth.Having talked about getting angry in this place before, Xiao Liang came to the bar with ease, and ordered the strongest wine one by one...

"Lei Yiming, wake me up, what's the matter with you, this is the first time this week, don't drink if you can't drink, what's the point of letting me pick you up if you drink too much!" In an inconspicuous corner of the bar, this is an interesting situation.A woman in a professional dress, shoved the drunken man in disgust.

If you look carefully, you will find that this woman is Mi Duo, and the man must be Lei Yiming. Recently, Lei Yiming is very abnormal. Although he used to be nostalgic for this romantic place, talking about love .I don't know since when, he became nostalgic for places like bars, and would go home after work to prepare food for her.

But in the past few days, Lei Yiming would go crazy and get sick from time to time, come to the bar, drink himself desperately, knowing that he was unconscious after drinking... This kind of masochistic behavior made her very incomprehensible...

Mi Duo helped Lei Yiming to go out. The thin girl supported the heavy boy. When he was about to reach the door, Mi Duo suddenly turned around. Is it him?Mr. Xiao, the moment Mi Duo saw Xiao Liang, his body walked over faster than his consciousness...

"Bang..." "Uh..." The sound of the heavy object falling to the ground, and the painful wail of the man, came out one after another. Lei Yiming's painful voice brought back the consciousness that Mi Duo had drifted away, and when he turned around to watch Because Lei Yiming had no support, his weak body fell to one side and hit the ground heavily.

"Ah, Lei Yiming? Are you okay? I'm sorry, I'm sorry...I didn't mean it." The fiery love in Mi Duo's eyes was deeply obsessed with Xiao Liang who was on the bar, looking at the people in the left and right directions, she A difficult choice appeared in his eyes, and finally turned around reluctantly to support Lei Yiming.

Compared with before, Mi Duo's footsteps were a lot more eager, the two stumbled, and they didn't know how many times they were scolded and apologized along the way.Finally arrived at the destination, hurriedly stuffed him back into the car, and finally left...

I'm sorry, Lei Yiming, I like Xiao Liang, it turns out that I value sex more than friends... This time I have to go...

It's just that Mi Duo, who walked decisively, didn't know that Lei Yiming opened his eyes after she left. His pupils were dark and unfocused, as deep as a storm was brewing...

Turning around and returning to the bar, Mi Duo found Xiao Liang according to his memory.

No matter facing a sea of ​​people, some people can recognize them at a glance, as if they have telepathy, and they feel that they are destined to be there at a glance.

Standing not far away, Mi Duo quietly watched Xiao Liang on the bar pouring a cup of spirits, with tightly wrinkled wrinkles between his brows, as if he had an unresolved concern, approaching step by step, Mi Duo's heart is also tangled up.

"Cough cough...cough cough..." Suddenly Xiao Liang drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and drank it eagerly, which made him cough in pain, and tears remained in a ball.

(End of this chapter)

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