Chapter 244

Kong Kong is not the original owner. Although Mike is a businessman above money, isn't this the most common phenomenon in this world?People like money, but a gentleman loves money in a proper way. There are people in this world who are desperate and unscrupulous for money, but after all, Mike does not. From his attitude and memories of the original owner, he found out that Mike This father is still okay, but he is too strict, the two of them lack communication, and both of them are proud people, and neither of them is willing to bow their heads. If this is the case, let Kong Kong try to bow his head first, try to give him a chance ...

"..." Hearing Kong Kong's choked voice, although the last two words were very soft, Mike, who was not far away, still heard it, and stood there stiffly, Dad, this word, Kong Kong toddler when he was a child , a soft and sweet voice followed behind him, since when did the little princess I held in my palm change, become rebellious, rebellious, no longer dependent, no longer trusting her father, when? The distance between father and daughter has reached this point...

"I can give you a chance... Choose the most difficult case in the company and solve it successfully. At that time, I will consider it. The freedom you want..."

"Okay...thank you..." He agreed without hesitation, and the sound of closing the door completely covered up the inadvertent tremor in the voice.

"Hey... am I wrong?" Mike returned to his seat and looked at the family portrait on the desk. In the photo, a family of three smiled happily, wearing pink padded clothes and wearing small At that time, Kong Kong had just turned ten years old, and the crooked ponytail was tied by himself...

Back on the seat, Kong Kong had already stabilized his emotions. He searched for the most difficult case of Maigu over the years. There was a case about Ailaiyi, which aroused Kong Kong's interest. I remember that this case was done by Su Man in the original play. Yes, it is a chip, a bet.It was used in exchange for leaving Lu Zufei and Song Yi's embrace, but the company's president, Chen Ping, was an extremely scheming person. He heard that he loved money and lust, so Su Man used beauty tricks to attract attention, but in fact Su Man succeeded. Yes, but Lu Licheng followed because he was worried about her. Although the case was successful, the love between the two also heated up. No, it should be said that Lu Licheng's favorability for Su Man has increased a lot. Now, Su Man Man has already gone to the Song group and is actively pursuing her male god, so let her handle the case now.

Thinking of this, Kongkong took out this document, browsed it, and went directly to Lu Licheng to ask for approval.

"I don't agree, you can go!" Unexpectedly, Lu Licheng rejected Kong Kong directly, threw the documents and application forms aside, then lowered his head and continued to read his documents.

"Why? I know this case is very tricky, but I should give it a try anyway." Kong Kong didn't expect Lu Licheng's attitude to be so firm, and thought it was necessary to use some small tricks.

"You know it's very tricky, but do you know that over the years, how many experts in the investment department have been directly involved in this case? This Chen Ping is an old pervert who doesn't like oil and salt. If you go, you will be swallowed straight away." There are no bones left. In the end, the chickens will fly to the eggs, and stealing the chickens will not cost you a lot of rice, and the gains will outweigh the losses!" Lu Licheng threw the pen in his hand on the table angrily, stood up, and said angrily.That's right, I'm angry, I don't know why.

"Young commander, I want to try..." I have a reason to go...Kongkong stubbornly picked up the application form again and handed it to Lu Licheng.

"Try it? Is it possible that after completing a case, you are immediately proud and complacent, and you want to be in the limelight? You are crazy. You just do your job well, and you don't need to handle this case." Lu Licheng stood up, sharp eyes Scanning the application form in Kongkong's hand, he stretched out his hand to take it, "Tear it..." Then, with a gloomy face, he walked out and slammed the door loudly.

Kong Kong returned to his seat as if nothing had happened, found Xiao Baozi and checked his favorability, 70 points, this favorability can indeed produce some feeling, now the important thing is to get approval, fly to Qingdao, and then Wait for Lu Licheng to rush over to maximize the favorability...

Because I knew the plot, I naturally knew how Su Man was approved in the first place, and it was Lin Da.Speaking of this Linda, Kongkong didn't have much contact with her, but this person usually looks like they have enmity. If you are optimistic about the impression at this time, it must be a negative value.

Lin Da is also the senior management and executive director of Mai Gu. In addition to the president Mike, there are three senior managers in Mai Gu, namely Lu Licheng, Song Yi, and Lin Da.Although Linda is a woman, she has the same ambition as any man, and like them, she is staring at the position of CEO.But her mind was in the dark, silently playing tricks.Kongkong belongs to Lu Licheng, uh, the members of the Lu group, if they can't complete this case, they will be ashamed, so why not do it, so they signed it cheerfully.

(End of this chapter)

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