Chapter 275

"Cut~ Here you go, take it, take it..." With a usual sneer on his face, Huang Taijing took out the music score and the songs he had recorded in advance from his bag, and threw them in front of her angrily.

"..." What kind of attitude is this, relying on one's talent, can one be arrogant?Kong Kong raised his eyebrows in displeasure, but still took a quick look at the music score. Huang Taijing is indeed a well-known talent in the entertainment industry. Looking at the music, the melody is very beautiful.

"Thank you~ President An sent me the schedule of the Asian Music Festival. I will be next to your program. Please come and see if my performance is worthy of your song. I still have something to do , don’t bother me.” Kong Kong put the score and CD into the bag, thanked him respectfully, and left.

"Ah, you just left!" Huang Taijing frowned, and his eyeliner eyes widened even more. At this time, shouldn't he be grateful for Dade's gratitude like everyone else, and just leave like this What, at least treat guests to dinner, this Mu Kongkong is really annoying.

The day of the Asian Music Festival~
AN, the members of the JELL group have assembled at this moment. Gao Meinan is holding the mobile phone. On the screen is the signature carefully designed by Xinyu last night. signature, isn’t it handsome?”

"It's okay, no matter what kind of signature it is, it should be more suitable for you." Taking off the earphones, one side of the mouth slightly raised, and it was the usual sneer.

When Kong Kong came here, what he saw was this scene. Really, Huang Taijing is really enough. Kong Kong is extremely fortunate that the target of this world's strategy is not him. It is true that his outstanding appearance has attracted countless men and women. However, Absolute cleanliness, bad temper, machismo, night blindness, allergies to all kinds of seafood... Just thinking about it, I think it will shorten my life for several years...

It’s still Jeremy, cute, cute, and sure enough, Kongkong’s gratified eyes didn’t exceed a second before Jeremy turned his head and waved his hands excitedly, “Ah, Kongkong, come here, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, yesterday Anshe Chang said, today we are here together, I was so excited that I didn't sleep well at night."

"Really, I don't know who it is, I went back to the room early yesterday..." Xin Yu silently dismantled behind him.

"Ah, brother Xinyu, don't tear down my desk. Just because I went back early doesn't mean I went back to sleep. I... can still play computer... read novels... Maoli can testify!" The child Shaking his golden yellow hair, he swore to refute, feeling that he should not be ashamed in front of his goddess!
The corner of Kong Kong’s mouth twitched, Ma Dan, who wants to testify to you, you did go to bed early last night, the scene from last night automatically appeared in Kong Kong’s mind, Jeremy was indeed very excited during the meal, but then he hurriedly took a bath for her. Rushed into the bathroom, and after washing, you went to bed, okay?

The most important thing is that she dripped saliva all over her body, which is unforgivable. This is one of the most important reasons why Kongkong is late now. He turned into a human form and wiped himself clean.But I can still recall that wet feeling on my body.Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Jeremy, who was arguing with Xinyu, with a blushing face and a thick neck, with his small eyes full of resentment.

"Ahem." A few light coughs from close at hand brought back Kongkong's consciousness, and he turned around in a daze, only to see Huang Taijing's somewhat embarrassed face.Please raise your chin and lower the corners of your eyes, "I'll watch it when you perform, it's messed up, just wait." After finishing speaking, he left arrogantly.

Where is Kong Kong left alone, scratching his head at a loss, what the hell is this, what the hell is this arrogant little look?

"The rehearsal for today's Asian Music Festival starts at [-]:[-] p.m. We are in the VIP dressing room of Studio B, so don't make any mistakes." President An made arrangements in advance, so now Director Ma is following along to arrange them matters.Looking at the arrangement form, Mr. Ma once again spoke to the several people who were playing their own games.

"Okay!" Several people responded obediently, but they still did what they should do, without the slightest change.

Mr. Ma had no choice but to shake his head helplessly. He had to worry more about what to do when he met a celebrity like his ancestors.

The car was parked in front of a tall building, and vehicles of various colors were densely scattered in the parking lot. Reporters holding cameras could be seen everywhere, which was enough to show the grandeur of this performance.

Several people got out of the car, just in time to see the woman who got off the other side, wearing a warm blue dress, wearing an off-white coat outside, showing slender white legs, her hair fluttering, parted diagonally as she got out of the car. Bangs hide her bulging cheeks.

(End of this chapter)

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