Chapter 277

"Hey, the World-Honored One said that His Majesty will recruit new disciples this year. Who do you think will be the head disciple in the end?" In the first class today, Brother Eleven taught everyone the most basic sword control skills. Hua Qiangu dragged her to the venue and heard Huo Xi and the others chatting.Hua Qiangu heard it very carefully, but all of this has nothing to do with Kong Kong, her goal is only the Liuguangqin, Hua Qiangu has successfully worshiped the Master as a teacher, and in the end, due to the relationship between the two of them, she will definitely lend her the Liuguangqin of.

"I guess it will be Shuo Feng! Shuo Feng's fairy posture is the best..."

"I guess it will be Nimantian, after all, she is the daughter of the head of Penglai."

"I guess it's Kong Kong. Although Kong Kong has never formally competed with the two of them, I guess she is the one with the highest mana among us."

"You are all wrong, he is the most hopeful!" Qing Shui mixed into their noisy voices, pointing to Meng Xuanlang who had just arrived to greet everyone, looking like a nympho.

After finishing speaking, Ni Mantian started to stare fiercely at Shuofeng, then at Kongkong, now after hearing Qingshui's words, she stared at Meng Xuanlang directly. He wanted to stay for a long time for leisure, but why did he become a special recruit? Could it be that he has some unknown strengths?

Hmph, I really don't know what to say about you, Qing Shui, she obviously likes Meng Xuanlang and wants to speak up for him, but she pushed her to the cusp of the storm with just one word, and she let out a chuckle, and flew away with her toes lightly A big tree, lying on a branch, closed its eyes and prepared to rest for a while.

"Ah, Kong Kong, it's really nice here. Changliu Mountain is indeed the world's great sect of cultivating immortals. Even the spiritual power contained in the leaves is several times higher than usual." Tang Bao jumped out from nowhere, jumped on a leaf, and two The little paw was eating happily while holding a leaf.

"When did you come out? You scared me. Can you remind me next time!!" Kong Kong was startled by Tang Bao's voice, and managed to stabilize his figure. He almost fell, fell That's really nice.

"Oh, just now, I promised mother that I will wake you up when Eleventh Senior Brother comes." Tang Bao raised his head in a leaf, his mouth was full of leaves, and said vaguely.

"Okay, when Eleventh Brother comes, remember to call me, I'll squint for a while." Kong Kong closed his eyes reassuringly.The group of people under the tree were automatically blocked from discussing.

About a quarter of an hour later, Kong Kong felt in a daze as if he heard Senior Eleven's voice, but Tang Bao didn't call her, so he opened his eyes and looked down, damn it, Eleven has already started giving lectures.Seeing that Tang Bao was stroking his belly and fell asleep on a leaf, with big bubbles coming out of the tip of his nose and shameful saliva around his mouth.Hey, Kongkong let out a long sigh and turned over.He tiptoed and quietly stood at the back of the line.

"Senior Brother Eleven, I recommend Mu Kongkong." Kongkong didn't stand still, he saw that the person beside him was holding a mahogany sword in his hand, and when he was about to ask, he heard Ni Mantian's voice, and Kongkong looked at her suspiciously, She smiled treacherously.

"Okay, Mu Kongkong, did you hear everything I said just now? Come on, you can show everyone how to fly with a sword." Luo Shiyi was originally inclined towards Kongkong in his heart, but in the presence of a large audience, the first lesson If you dare to be late openly, there are clear rules for staying for a long time.

"Huh?" What, what happened?I have to go, I can’t say no, if I can’t, I just admit that I’m late, it’s one thing to be late, but it’s another thing to be late, Kongkong scratched his head in doubt, came to the front, found He didn't have a sword in his hand, so he picked up the last wooden sword on the sword stand beside him.

"Kongkong..." Hua Qiangu looked at Kongkong worriedly, holding the heavy Xuanhai wooden sword in both hands.Although it is said that Kong Kong is very powerful, but after all, he did not hear the explanation of Brother Eleven.

"I'll come first..." Shuo Feng swung the wooden sword into the air, drew a talisman in his hand, and then jumped up and circled in the air.

"You!" Ni Mantian saw that Shuofeng was willing to go to Teacher Fan first, which meant that he had ruined his plan, it's okay, don't panic, she didn't hear Eleventh Brother's explanation, just read it once and Teacher Fan definitely wouldn't.Just waiting for you to embarrass yourself.

Waiting for Shuo Feng to come down, Kong Kong raised his eyes to look at him, lazily threw the wooden sword into the air, without drawing any symbols directly, jumped up and flew into the air, and then returned to the ground.

"Wow, you don't need to draw a talisman directly, it's too powerful..."

"That's right, people haven't listened to Brother Eleven's explanation?"

"Someone's calculations are going to fail now."

"Hmph, I really underestimated you!" Wait, we are on the right track, Ni Mantian fiercely looked at Mu Kongkong who was surrounded by everyone who was still at a loss.

Hey, why are some people always like this, obviously they have never hurt her, there is no conflict of interest, but why they just want to find trouble, really, I don't know what to say.You have your own self-esteem, so it’s enough for you to respect and love yourself, so why bother others.It seems that there are such people not only in the real world but also in this parallel world.

(End of this chapter)

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