Chapter 291

"Ding, host, Fang Tinghao appears within 500 meters ahead, please pay attention." Xiao Baozi's voice came from his mind.

Guangya was sitting in the bus, looking out of the window at the tall buildings and trees moving backwards with the speed of the bus, when she heard the voice of the little bun, she came back to her senses, and looked away, "Don't worry about me, I just need to care about Ruobai, Where is he and what does it matter to me?"

"Hey, why are you so ignorant? That's Fang Tinghao, a powerful member of the family. The heroine has been promoted all the way. How much has he contributed to it? If it weren't for her, the heroine wouldn't have studied how to get started, let alone be attracted by you. My aunt, Shen Ning, was selected, and played an indispensable role in rehabilitating Qu Xiangnan in the end, and it will be of great help to you if you conquer him." Xiao Baozi tried to persuade her, with a look of hatred Not just like that.

"I don't like him. I can't stand someone who doesn't even care about his sister for the sake of his lover." Guangya recalled that she was very angry when she saw the first scene of this TV series in her mind. People say that the first impression is the worst. The important thing is that he has already left the worst side in Guangya's first impression, and he really can't change it if he wants to change it.

"You, hey...why are you so unreasonable." Xiao Baozi gave a thief-like laugh in the system space, and then Guangya felt as if her body was out of control. The bracelet on his wrist was opened for some reason, mixed with the atmosphere brought by the car, and because of the little bun, it fell into the sapphire blue roadster behind him.

Fang Tinghao was driving at high speed. When he was about to overtake the bus in front, he suddenly fell from the sky. A string of bracelets fell on his lap. He held the steering wheel with one hand and took off his sunglasses. He was wearing white pants today. , on the white background, a white and red bracelet is particularly obvious.

Looking forward suspiciously, it seems that on the bus in front of you, near the window, a white hand was stretched out just now. Although it was only a glimpse, Fang Tinghao felt that such a wrist, if it was wearing a bracelet, must be very beautiful Yes, it should be the owner of this bracelet.

For some reason, Fang Tinghao actually followed the bus. When he arrived at the stop sign, a few people came down from it. One of them was a girl with black hair that was as long as a waterfall, simply tied into a ponytail, and her white casual clothes were exquisitely tailored. Nice collarbone.The gray miniskirt was paired with leggings, which perfectly set off the slender legs. The white canvas shoes were simple and generous. She was tall and could not see her face clearly.

Fang Tinghao stroked his chin with his index finger and thumb. Based on his many years of experience in nostalgia for flowers, he can assure you that this is definitely a beauty. He glanced at her exposed half of her arm. She is white and slender, which is really suitable for wearing a bracelet.Fang Tinghao drove slowly and followed her, honking the horn.

The girl he was following was indeed Guangya. I have to say that this Fang Tinghao had a lot of experience in picking up girls. Hearing the sound of the horn, Guangya moved aside, but there was still a burst of sound from the horn, and Guangya changed her position one after another. There were several places, but the sound of the horn behind him never stopped. He turned around angrily, and looked at the psychopath.

The face in front of him, with narrow and smiling eyes, star-like eyes, expressive brows, handsome nose, slightly raised mouth corners, unruly chestnut hair scattered around the ears, added an evil charm.Guangya frowned, and three rows of black lines slid down her forehead. It really was him, Fang Tinghao, Sao Bao! "What? I don't remember me blocking your way."

The moment the girl turned around, Fang Tinghao knew that he was not wrong, but what was going on with the anger in his eyes, he could feel the anger from her, when she saw his famous face clearly, The same is true, is it that her face is not attractive anymore, or is her family background unattractive, or does she not recognize herself? "Uh, no, it's just that this one should be yours."

Dazed for a moment, Fang Tinghao got out of the car, reached out to pick up the bracelet, and came to her, posing in what he thought was the coolest pose.

"Well, yes, it's mine, thank you." Guangya subconsciously raised her wrist to look at it, then took the bracelet in his hand, a cell phone rang in the bag, looked at the number, Wenqin, and the gymnasium, it's time to go. "Thank you, I have something else to do. Goodbye." After speaking, he stuffed the bracelet into the pocket of his jacket and picked up the phone. It seemed that there was something urgent and he left in a hurry.

Fang Tinghao will never think that his charm has declined, he must be in a hurry, hey, he sighed deeply, watching the bracelet he picked up just now drawn out from that white casual top, under the sun , there seemed to be red fluorescence flowing, I ran over, picked it up and looked at it, but found that it was still the same ruby, without the flowing light, I rubbed my eyes and put it in my pocket, got in the car and left.I made an appointment with my mother today, and I am going to the hospital to see her.

(End of this chapter)

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