Chapter 299

As time passed day by day, the relationship between Chen An's regime represented by Chen An and the people of Wei State gradually intensified.It's like the tranquility before the storm, the more silent it is now, the stronger it will be when it erupts.Now there is only one fuse away from the outbreak.

The bedroom of Princess Jingchang of the Wei Kingdom was trampled and destroyed wantonly by Hao Hao, a member of the Kingdom of Wei.This is an insult to the entire Weiguo people. Chen Guo is ambitious and wants to enslave the entire Weiguo people.During this period of time, this kind of news has been circulating in the streets and alleys.The people in the capital became angry and besieged the Dudu Mansion every now and then.The whole Shen'an can only be guarded passively. Once he makes a move, Chen Guo will completely lose the support of the people.

The guards who besieged the Dudu Mansion were old, weak, sick, and disabled. Of course, they were dominated by strong young people. They laughed at the Dudu Mansion, satirized, spit, threw rotten eggs, vegetable leaves... all kinds of methods...

The empty black robe, and the black gauze on her face subtly covered her beautiful face, leaving only her curved black eyebrows and a pair of smart water eyes.Standing in the corner watching the riot indifferently.

"Kong Kong, is this really what you want? Tell me whether you are completing the task or venting your anger."

Sighing helplessly, the familiar voice, like a cello as always, with a hint of lazy sexiness, sounded behind Kong Kong.

I don't know what kind of expression that face has under the black veil, but the eyes that are only exposed, the pupils are shrunk, and there are obvious surprises, blurred nostalgia, and uncontrollable anger in the dark eyes.

Kongkong's feet seemed to be nailed to the ground, unable to move, her fingers twisted her thighs fiercely, as if to recall her consciousness, and the large robe covered the movements of her hands.

After regaining his ability to move, Kong Kong actually walked away without any nostalgia, striding away from the place where he was.

After rushing for dozens of miles, the surroundings were no longer familiar to her, and Kong Kong who stopped was somewhat at a loss, asking herself over and over again why she ran away and why she couldn't face it calmly.

"Hey, Kong Kong, is that why you don't want to see me?"

Hearing the sound, Kong Kong seemed like a frightened little animal reflexively about to run away.Cool fingers grasped her wrist, but through the gauze, there was a fiery temperature, and Kong Kong suddenly shook off his hand.

"How is it possible? I want to see you all the time, and then...kill you!" Kong Kong gritted his teeth and spit out the most vicious words in his mouth.

A pair of clear eyes that are so gentle that they seem to be dripping water are clamped on a perfect and handsome face. Under the thick and slender eyelashes, a pair of amber colored glazed eyes exudes unknown sadness. Incomparably delicate skin.Under the afternoon sun, there was no blush at all, only a sickly paleness appeared on his delicate face, but there was always a noble and elegant temperament, matching his tall and slender figure.

Seeing him again, he was still so familiar, and the feeling of being so familiar made Kong Kong frowned in disgust.

"Kongkong, why do you do this. I did it for a reason. I..."

Lin Mofeng took a step forward and stretched out his hand to touch it, but she quickly avoided it, and took a few steps back in disgust. He silently withdrew his palm sadly and backed away calmly.

"Difficulties? Young Master Lin, I don't understand what you mean. How can we small people rise to the top? Therefore, there is no relationship between us. I don't know why you appear here, but I still have to finish Task, I don’t have time to waste time with you, so I bid farewell.”

Kong Kong never knew that for such a long time, he had been thinking about a person in his heart, just because he wanted to hate him.She didn't understand the time when she lost her memory, but when her memory gradually recovered, her hatred for him became deeper and deeper.

"Okay, let's not talk about the past, just talk about the task you completed. You are not completing the task at all, but venting the anger in your heart..." Lin Mofeng's figure is like a lightning bolt, leaving only a blur The afterimage quickly appeared in front of her who turned to leave.

"You should know that Song Ning is not such a person. As a female general of the Wei Kingdom, she is full of arrogance. Although she was misunderstood and hurt after marrying Shen An, she watched her beloved and others raised their eyebrows. How did you do it?"

"She is sad, angry, and wronged, but she still has hope. She abandons all the past, and is willing to muster up the courage to get to know Shen An again. Although she has paid a painful price, she has no regrets, because that is what she once left. The way she passed. She is like a moth to a flame, desperate for an unforgettable love, but the ups and downs of these loves are made worthless by you! Is this really what Song Ning wants?"

(End of this chapter)

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