Chapter 30

"Isn't that just right, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, the most suitable to be cultivated, is there any~" Mu Kongkong smiled cheerfully in his heart, and the man who pulled him outside was Zhao Lin, who smiled when he saw the second senior brother whom he had always respected With a wretched face...

"Friendly reminder to the host, at this moment, your body has already found fault with Baili Susu before, so... the best thing to cultivate is to wait until the misunderstanding is resolved." Xiao Baozi sneered at her decision.

"That one can be cultivated, okay? I hope that when the face is paralyzed by the iceberg, I will become a loyal dog who will be loved and loved." Mu Kongkong was excitedly thinking about the beautiful blueprint for the future...

"Hehe..." Shou, shit, the host, your thoughts are so bright that I have titanium alloy dog ​​eyes. Is it true that you didn't ask me that you have become a man, well, I know you are a rotten woman, I admit it, But which eye sees that Baili Susu looks like Xiaoshou! ! !This is absolutely unbearable... Xiao Baozi's distorted complexion is enough to prove how intense his inner activities are! "Okay, this mission is to attack Susu, but the host needs to find the counterattack character by himself. In addition, there seems to be a reborn person in this world, but it is sure that it is not Susu, so... please try to collect as much as possible before Susu goes down the mountain." Favorability, so as not to make a heroic sacrifice."

"...There are reborns? Okay." Mu Kongkong's heart felt cold for a while. In the original plot, Ling Duan bullied Baili Tusu enough, will he be cannon fodder again... Damn, you have to hold tight at this time The hero's thighs...

After thinking about it, he had already arrived at the square where the disciples of Tianyong City had their morning class. Tall and mighty stone pillars stood all around them, and there were little blue rays of light emitting from the stone pillars. The wide square was densely packed with disciples. On the stage, because he used the quick adaptation function, he began to lecture as usual. He adjusted his expression and finally put on a serious and domineering look, "Yesterday, we taught the Sancai sword technique. As we all know, the Sancai sword Fa is the most basic swordsmanship in our Tianyong City. If you can’t practice this well, you don’t need to talk about the swordsmanship afterwards, so~” Ling Duan glanced at the disciples in the audience, and continued to say, “I thought of it for this reason. Here is a method, starting today, I will teach you one style in three days, and I will organize an assessment three days later, the morning class is still...well, practice each other..."

"What's wrong with the second brother? Why do I feel that he is not normal today?"

"Yes, yes, the second senior brother is more amiable today..."

"That's right~ I still think the current Second Senior Brother is better~"

The disciples below were discussing a lot, of course Ling Duan heard it, but he remained silent~ What can he say... In order not to be cannon fodder, of course he has to behave well and angrily brush up Susu's favorability~
For several days in a row, Lingduan has not seen Baili Susu's shadow. Lingduan drooped his shoulders weakly and went to eat. Well, it was actually a small stove, why?Of course, he is still not used to the food in Tianyong City. Since he came to this world, he has never eaten a little meat, not even meat, and Ling Duan couldn't help but burst into tears...

Ling Duan managed to coax the lady in the kitchen to let her give up the kitchen to him at this time every day, and go to rest by herself, thanks to the fact that he is the true disciple of the head master ~ plus his sweet words, of course the lady who conquered the kitchen is not here Next.

Ling Duan took off his own blue-purple robe, leaving only the blue-bottomed underwear. He searched for a week in doubt, and finally found what he was looking for on the back of a chair...the apron...he wrinkled helplessly Eyebrows, after all, I still wear a greasy and dirty apron, hey, let's make do with it.

Ling Duan is happily imagining the future with Baili Susu staring at her cutely and following behind her... Haha, just thinking about it makes me excited...

Under the sun, the man's ten fingers are long and slender, with distinct joints, the knife in his hand is clicking, the sound of chopping vegetables, and... I don't know if someone is deaf, but there is a singing voice~
"Conquered by me like this, cut off all retreats, my mood is strong, my decision is muddled, conquered by me like this, drink the poison I hid..."

"Ah, it smells so good...the meat is still delicious~" Finally made two meat and two vegetables plus an egg drop soup, Mu Kongkong hurriedly untied the oily apron and threw it aside, impatiently reaching I squeezed a piece of braised pork and put it in my mouth, but it was so hot that I covered my mouth and yelled, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... ...Pursing his lips impatiently, he reluctantly took it aside to wash. Finally, after he brushed the chopsticks several times, he returned to the table...

Fuck, where is my braised pork, where is the meat, the braised pork on the table disappeared, even the bowl disappeared, what the hell is going on, it disappeared in the blink of an eye, Ling Duan stared at another plate Sweet and sour pork ribs, swallowing violently, finally he took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and opened them revealing a desperate determination.

After a while, a fat chicken flapped its wings and flew in and landed on the dining table, staring at a pair of mung bean eyes, carefully looking around, Ling Duan couldn't help holding his breath, as if he was sure there was no danger , its face covered with gray feathers seemed to be filled with joy, and the saliva from the corner of its mouth slapped on the dining table.

"Is it delicious?" One paw was holding a spare rib, the feathers on its body were disturbed by the juice, it turned its head stiffly, and what it saw was Lingduan's resentful and angry face.It was so frightened that it spread its wings and was about to fly away, how could Lingduan give it a chance, grasping its wings with quick eyes and hands, Ah Xiang could only flap his wings and scream.

Ling Duan was about to catch it and give him a good lesson, so that he would know that labor and capital were not robbed for nothing!But after thinking about it, this is Axiang, this is Susu's pet, this must be flattering, right now Susu's favorability towards her is negative, this Axiang can just increase her favorability, no, haha.Thinking of this, Ling Duan relaxed his facial muscles, and put on a smile all over his face, "Ah Xiang, it's okay, I was joking just now, hehe" Ling Duan relaxed the strength in his hand flatteringly, but he wouldn't let it break away easily , with the other hand stroking its struggling and messy feathers just now, "If you eat my meat, then we are friends."

Ah Xiang, this fat chicken is absolutely fine, its mung bean eyes are full of contempt, deep contempt, staring at Ling Duan's hand holding its wings, as if to say, "This is what you call being friends! "Ling Duan let go of his hand silently for a moment, but Ah Xiang seized the opportunity to slap his arm fiercely, and then flew away.

"Ah, hello, Ah Xiang, come and find me after you eat meat." Ling Duan could only yell at its back.I'm going, it hurts so much, Ling Duan slowly opened his sleeves, there were three claw marks on his white arm, the wound was bleeding, red and swollen, he was so cruel after eating meat, a heartless white-eyed fat chicken.But from this point of view, this fat chicken is still quite the head of the household. This also proves that Lingduan did bully Susu in the past, which was too much. It seems that this road is really heavy and has a long way to go.

"Second Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, the head master is looking for you!" Who else but Zhao Lin was in that loud voice.

(End of this chapter)

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