Chapter 302

"Liu Lu, Liu Lu, what are you looking at? Hurry up and go eat. After the meal time, you can only cook a small stove secretly." Shen Wenyu secretly hated the empty injustice , was suppressed by his elder brother, and after a few days of tantrums, the relationship with Kong Kongzao became much closer.

Originally, the two of them were on the way to the restaurant, and they didn't know what Kongkong saw. They were staring at a place in a daze, Shen Wenyu couldn't help pulling her arm, poking his head and looking at Kongkong, nothing happened. Abnormal.

"Uh, it's okay. I suddenly remembered that I left a book in the classroom. I'll get it back. I don't have to wait for me to eat..." After Kong Kong and Shen Wenyu ordered a few words, they used one of the most common words. Reason, and then fled in the direction just now.

"Hey, Liu Lu, you really have to stop eating. Didn't you just say that you were hungry..." Shen Wenyu reached out to grab Kong Kong, but was blocked by Kong Kong, and instead shook his head and walked away , which made her feel really unhappy, stomped her feet, turned around and left with a cold snort.

Kong Kong stepped on seven or eight centimeter high heels all the way, followed the figure in front of him da da, and finally turned around a corner, supported his waist, and stopped him panting, "Du Feng, stop, you stop!" !"

Sure enough, the boy not far from the corridor froze, turned his body reluctantly, and hesitantly came to Kong Kong, "Assistant Liu..."

"How is Xiao Yu's body?" Kong Kong straightened up and gasped for breath, looking at the tall figure of the boy in front of him and his tightly knit eyebrows.

"Thank you, Assistant Professor Liu, Xiaoyu's condition has been brought under control. Dr. Su said that he is out of danger. If you were not here, I really don't know what should I do if you sent Xiaoyu to the hospital in time?" Hong, looked gratefully at Kong Kong, a man about 1.8 meters tall, his eyes filled with tears at this moment.

Speaking of this incident, a few days ago, after Kong Kong and Shen Wentao had dinner at Aunt Xue's house, the two of them were walking side by side on the bustling street, and suddenly saw a lot of people around the door of the drugstore not far ahead. It seemed that something had happened, and he approached with a wait-and-see attitude. Unexpectedly, the protagonist of the incident was actually Du Feng, the brother next to Xiang Hao. He stopped him and asked the reason. It turned out that it was because he was in the orphanage A younger brother was sick with pneumonia, but he didn't have enough money to buy medicine. He wanted to ask the doctor for a few days to treat Xiaoyu first, but the doctor refused... Du Feng finally explained the reason, so there is a future of this situation.

"Du Feng, you go to your house to bring Xiaoyu first, and we go to the hospital. I am a teaching assistant in the military academy, and family members can see a doctor in the hospital for free..." Kongkong suddenly remembered that the heroine was because of this incident. I have to see a doctor for my mother, so I pretended to be a doctor. Since you can see a doctor for free, why don't you help a few poor children who can't see a doctor.

"Thank you, Assistant Professor Liu..." Du Feng has never felt that Kong Kong is so cute now, and he has never been so grateful to Kong Kong now.

They ran home in a hurry, told the news to Granny Li who raised them, and brought the sick Xiao Yu and Kong Kong Shen Wentao to the hospital together.

"Xiao Yu, isn't it already out of danger, why do you still need to take that money?" Kong Kong looked around to make sure no one was passing by, then lowered his voice, and asked with some hatred.

"Yes, Xiao Yu is out of danger, but there are still a few disabled children in the family. Because they have no money for medical treatment, they can only suffer from hunger and pain every day. With this money, I can improve To take a look at their lives, the most important thing is to fill their stomachs, so I have no choice..." Du Feng had a seriousness that was not usually seen on his face, and a desperate determination, he had to do this for the sake of his children.

Granny Li kindly adopted many war orphans, but Granny Li’s family was not rich. In the early years, she could only earn money from washing and cooking for people to fill their stomachs, but as she got older However, Granny Li's health deteriorated day by day, and she could no longer earn money to support the family, so the burden of supporting the family fell on the children who grew up.

On weekdays, he was conscientious and down-to-earth. The money he earned was not enough to subsidize his family. He heard Gu Xiaobai say that the money donated by Mr. Wang Dashan to the military academy this time was wrong. The black money will only fall into Li Jizhou's pocket, so it is better to use these black money to save the lives of these poor orphans.

"Confused, Du Feng, what do you want me to say about you? I know you have the backbone and don't want to trouble Xiang Hao and the others, but if you do this, you will be immediately expelled from the military academy and will be demerited if you are found out. Punishment. Maybe you don't care about these things at all." This Du Feng really has no brains, pointing empty-handed at the boy who is a head longer than her, gnashing his teeth and not knowing what to say, why is he so brainless.

(End of this chapter)

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