Chapter 319

Like most of the students, Kong Kong turned to look at Xu Yi, wanting to see Xu Yi's reaction, Xu Yi frowned, his face was a little dark, turned his head, saw the reaction of Kong Kong and most of them, fiercely Glaring at Kong Kong, he dragged Kong Kong out of the gate with big strides, Kong Kong trotted behind him all the way without a wry smile, and didn't say anything.What can I say, let him say everything, Xu Yi's voice that hates iron and steel is in his ears, "Say, why are you joining in the fun?"

Just walked out of the school gate for a while, there was a sound of sighing from a boy behind him, Li Bala was riding a bicycle, holding that conspicuous golden sunflower in his hand, singing "Look at the boy on the other side, look here, Look here..." Then when passing by Xu Yi, he threw the sunflower at him.

I was thinking about how Xu Yi should act, like in the original play, catching the flower shyly, looking like a bully, or...Let's talk about Li, didn't he get caught by the dean just now?It's such a pity, and there was that sign that said "Xu Yi, I love you"... Then for some reason, his body leaned forward all of a sudden, and after that, a sunflower appeared in Kong Kong's arms.

"Handsome guy, see you tomorrow." Then Li Bala left on her bicycle in her fairy-like clothes, damn it, look where you threw your flowers, you are talking what.But to be honest, Li Bala really has a way of chasing boys.

"Here, it's given to you by a beautiful woman." Kongkong handed the sunflower in his hand to Xu Yi, and by the way boasted, "This flower is quite beautiful."

"You look good, you accept it." Xu Yi said so sullenly, obviously with a little anger, but he still didn't know why he was angry.

"What's the matter, why are you still angry? Look, now someone is sending you flowers to confess your love. Have you seen the girl's appearance? She looks pretty good, she's pretty, let me tell you, take Going out will definitely save face..." Barabara talked to Xu Yi excitedly, and even drew a blueprint for the final bright future.

"Hey, what's the matter..." Kong Kong danced excitedly, and when he was about to ask Xu Yi if he wanted to have a relationship, he suddenly found that Xu Yi had disappeared. Looking back, he realized that Xu Yi had fallen behind by a long way.

"Mu Kongkong... Do you really want me to fall in love with someone else?" Xu Yi stayed where he was and watched Kongkong come towards him.

"No... I just feel that that girl is pretty good. I'm afraid you'll regret it if I miss it..." Kongkong explained hastily, the more he spoke, the lower his voice became, knowing that there was almost no murmuring behind him...

Xu Yi's eyes were as deep as the dark night that had been quiet for a long time. What exactly is dormant in the depths of the night?No one can tell the truth... just looking at Kong Kong so straightly, as if Kong Kong's words are extremely important to him. "It's a good mistake, I I won't let her miss in my life..." Xu Yi's voice carried a kind of firm persistence...

"Oh..." Xu Yi in this state is so scary, Kong Kong only has one thought in his mind at this moment.

The two of them went all the way to the door of Kong Kong's house without a word. The flower in Kong Kong's hand ended up unknown, "I'm leaving..."

"Enen, don't think too much, I just feel a little ashamed today, so I'm angry..." Xu Yi sighed, and finally couldn't bear it, reached out and rubbed her hairy head, and couldn't help but comment again, "It's really ugly……"

"En..." Kong Kong nodded absent-mindedly, and suddenly his ears trembled, realizing what Xu Yi said again!Immediately frowned, "Huh? Xu Yi! I want to duel with you, your bangs are even uglier..."

"It's not as ugly as you..." Xu Yi saw that Kong Kong had regained his energy, silently raised the corners of his lips, walked towards his home, and made up the knife again.

"Xu Yi, don't let me see you again, or I'll kill you..." Then, accompanied by a loud door slamming sound, Xu Yi smiled, and finally sighed heavily, as if he had thought of something serious today things.

It turns out that for so long, the difference between Kongkong and Kongkong that I have been feeling for so long is liking. It turns out that this sweet and sour taste is liking, so this feeling is good...Kongkong just keep it like this, I don’t understand anything, I don’t know anything You don't need to understand, after college, I hope we will be together...just right and proper together...

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Xu Yi's affection for you is 88, please come on, the host..." Xiao Baozi cheerfully reminded in the space, raised the camera in his hand, and Xiao Baozi spun around happily again. The task assigned by the host will be completed very well every time, haha...

The master host is really naive, he obviously likes it but he dare not make a move, he is worried about these and other things, this is fine, he has no time to come out in the virtual world, let him take a picture of the empty love process, how can he look at the woman he loves Is it really okay to kiss me with someone else?Although there is a trace of your consciousness in that person... Hey, I will cry if I talk too much.

(End of this chapter)

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