Chapter 324

Here, Shaogong came to Qingxue's room, carefully felt her pulse, observed the wound, and frowned in doubt, what's going on?According to Lan Sheng, Cha Xiaoguai told Qingxue when she found out that the person in the Wuling Mountain Stream was not a fairy but a monster that could eat people, but Qingxue did not come to the medicine house to convey the news because she was attacked Seriously injured and unconscious, can't you come?But with Qingxue's magic power, few people in Qinchuan could hurt her.Besides, after observation, Qingxue's wound revealed a cloudy and cold air, isn't the cold and icy air the magic power used by the people of Youdu?The yin and cold magic power of other people is full of evil spirits, and only the family in Youdu who is blessed by the Nuwa Empress can reveal righteousness, that is to say, Qingxue's injury was caused by Youdu's people, but she is the only one here He is from Youdu...

It seems that innocence and sweetness can also be deceiving. Shaogong's eyes flashed a sharpness. This Qingxue may not be so simple, so I have to be careful in the future...

Fang's house at night...

Button... Button, "Shaogong, are you there?" Ruqin came to Shaogong's door with something and knocked on his door.

"Yes, please come in." Shaogong's gentle and mellow voice came from inside the door, Ruqin pushed open the door and walked into the room, turned around and saw Shaogong coming out from the room, with the fragrance of water vapor, and her hair was wet The end of her hair is even dripping water, is it just finished taking a shower?

"Is there something important before this late?" Shao Gong only wore his inner shirt, put on his outer robe, and walked over.It is rare to see such a humble gentleman like Shao Gong.

"Oh, it's like this. Thank you Shaogong for saving me today. I heard from them that you were busy in the medicine house until late. I brought a bowl of bird's nest over here. Drink it while it's hot." Put the thousand-year-old ice silk on the table, pick up the bird's nest and put it aside to wait for Shaogong to come over.

Shaogong came over and sat at the table, looking at Ruqin in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a little helpless, could he say that he didn't come back for dinner because he avoided her?Of course not, Shaogong picked up the bird's nest and drank a couple more when he was depressed. "I also drank the bird's nest. If there is nothing else, Ruqin should go back and rest earlier."

"Thank you Shaogong for saving me today, and this is the thousand-year-old ice silk I was looking for today? I heard that Shaogong's qin still lacks strings..." Ruqin hurriedly picked up one side of the ice silk and handed it to Shaogong. Chu Shaogong's eyes were a bit complicated, and he quickly explained, "Oh, I don't know why the ice silk turned red, maybe it was stained with blood." Seeing that Shaogong's eyes remained unchanged, he was still staring at her with complicated eyes , couldn't help being a little irritable, and stuffed it into his hands in a flustered and arrogant way, "I got this back after a narrow escape, don't dislike it, take it!"

In fact, Ruqin is also a little uncertain about how Shaogong will react in a while. The reason why arrogant people are cute is because the people watching them are in a mood and don't care about their presumptuousness. But now she doesn't know what Shaogong is. what kind of mood...

"Ruqin, why are you bothering?" Shaogong held the ice silk in his hand, lowered his head slightly, the hair on his forehead covered his face, Ruqin couldn't see his affection clearly.

"Ah, no, I didn't know why Shaogong was angry before, and I ignored me for several days. When I saw that Shaogong's qin lacked strings, I thought of asking for strings for Shaogong, and begged for your forgiveness." Ah." Ruqin was stunned, knowing what Shaogong was talking about, but still wanted to deceive himself, with a smile on his face.

"Angry, yes, I don't even know why I'm angry?" Shaogong raised his head slightly, his expression a little confused, but he said firmly after a while, "Ruqin, I don't care how you got it, Qin means a lot to me. What are you looking at..." Shaogong didn't want to look at Ruqin's eyes, but even if he didn't look at them, it appeared more clearly in his mind. When he first met the eyes that were shining like sparks and full of surprises, I'm sorry for letting you down. You are disappointed. "I already have someone in my heart, Ruqin, don't wait for me..."

"I know that you have someone in your heart. Emotional matters are not controlled by people. If you don't leave Shaogong, I will never give up. But if Shaogong tells me in person, you don't like me..." Ruqin's voice was a little bit Choked up, and straightened Shaogong's head, "Shaogong, please look into my eyes and tell me that you haven't been tempted by me since the beginning...even if you haven't even thought about it..."

Shao Gong met those beautiful eyes, with deep sadness flowing quietly in them, still only his own figure, but Shao Gong couldn't say anything at this moment.

"As long as Shaogong me, I will...give up as you wish, blind ten years of love is not so easy to let go, I will... ...Leave gracefully, and will never...entangle with you again, from now on, you will completely...disappear in your life and sight..." Ruqin finished speaking tremblingly, gritted her teeth and stubbornly made her eyes tremble. Tears won't fall.

Shaogong's eyes are complicated, looking at the stubborn Ruqin in front of him, what is your true face, is it the shrewd, capable, gentle and capable lady of the family, or the sometimes arrogant and cute, sometimes dazed Ruqin, now But to ask so decisively, although there is hope, but more despair...

(End of this chapter)

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