Chapter 379

"What's the situation, I always feel that something big is about to explode..."

"That's right, look at the Jiang Suying now, she is completely different from before, she can really pretend..."

In the back corner of the classroom, after switching seats, Kong Taiguang and Yi'an were actually next to each other. At this moment, Yi'an quietly clenched his fists at En Xing on the podium as a cheering gesture, and Kong Taiguang on the side also followed After doing the same action, Yi An slapped him on the head severely, "Ah, this is En Xing, you are looking for death." Then the two of them kept making small movements, making a mess.

En Xing smiled, it was really amusing, imagining himself and En Fei playing each other in the future, these two fools don't know if they can recognize each other, it's enough.

"Now you can laugh as much as you want, and you won't be able to laugh anymore..." Jiang Suying walked to the podium with a document, and faced everyone with the document, "Everyone, I want to announce something today. The one in front of you looks like Gao Enxing She is not Go Eun-sung, but Lee Eun-bi, who committed suicide in Tongyeong as reported online..."

En Xing just folded his arms, looked at her with a smile, and said nothing with a calm face.

The students in the class below have already exploded...

"This is, what bullshit?"

"Eun Xing is Eun Xing, why did she become Li Enfei again? It can't be to avoid her responsibility."

"That's right, this woman is really..."

"Li Enfei and Gao Enxing are twin sisters. Gao Enxing is missing. You think it is Li Enfei in front of you. Otherwise, think about it, why does the font change after amnesia? There are so many changes in personality?" Jiang Suying held up the document in her hand , with pride on his face, full of success.

"I'm so sorry, Jiang Suying, you made a mistake. I am indeed Gao Enxing." Enxing slowly approached her, and faced her.

"Heh, do you have evidence?" It's really a dead duck's mouth, it has already reached this point, why is it necessary to be so stubborn?Really, Jiang Suying smiled helplessly.

"Evidence? Why do you need that kind of thing?" Stretched out his hand and slowly approached the school badge on her chest, stroked the big characters on Jiang Suying a few times, "Do you need evidence even if you are Jiang Suying?"

He reached out and opened Enxing's hand, "But I have evidence that you are not Gao Enxing. The font identification results of Li Enfei and the current Gao Enxing are enough to prove all this." Let's see what else you can say.

"Oh? For handwriting, I can write it down, and I can even verify fingerprints, but I don't need it now, I have recovered my memory." The smile on En Xing's face became even brighter. An subconsciously locked her shoulders. According to his understanding, when she was younger and brighter, someone was going to be unlucky. In the past, she would avoid as far as she could... It seems that Jiang Suying might die today Here, hey...May the Lord bless you...

En Xing took the handwriting identification certificate, glanced at it and threw it on Jiang Suying's face, "Then, do you want me to ask you, what did you do to my sister? Is it your words?" Violence? Pulling her hair is commonplace when people are doing it, throwing garbage at her, and making her suffer grievances that don't belong to you?" En Xing poked her shoulder fiercely until the bottom without saying a word to the wall.

Jiang Suying was weaker than Eun Xing in terms of momentum, and there was no way to retreat step by step, "Someone died without blinking an eye, such a shameless transfer to another school and continue to live!"

"Damn it!" Jiang Suying stretched out her hand and slapped her like she used to when she was tapped for the first time until she backed away. En Xing grabbed her directly and slapped her in the face like a conditioned reflex, but she stopped Yes, because of Enfei, "Enfei doesn't like to use violence to counter violence... so I let you go..." Impatiently, she shook off her hand, and with the other hand, she directly grabbed her collar and warned, "Jiang Suying, do it!" If you do something wrong, you will be punished, whether it's you or your father." Turn around coolly, and walk towards Yi'an.

"Han Yi'an, I'm in a bad mood, let's skip class..." Regardless of whether Yi'an agreed or not, he took his hand and left the classroom together.

"Fuck, handsome, let's skip class too..."

"You're so handsome, you're strong..."

"I just said that Jiang Suying is very strange, and now she should be forced to transfer to another school..."

"Haha, that's right, that's right, it deserves it..."

"Eun Xing... I'm sorry..." Cha Songzhu was obviously not one of the excited people, and murmured as she watched the two leave.


"Extra, extra, the chairman was taken away by the police..." A student panicked and ran to the classroom with a newspaper, panting and said to the classmates in the classroom.

"What? What's going on?"

"Didn't you hear about it? One year ago, about the Zheng Xiuren incident, it was said that Zheng Xiuren died at four or five o'clock in the afternoon. In Teacher Jin's class, the chairman replaced the autopsy report and changed it to evening." It's seven o'clock, so the school's responsibility was dismissed, I don't know what happened, what happened, this report appeared on the computer of the police station early in the morning, and that's why I came to arrest people..."

Although the student's voice was not loud, Kong Taiguang, who was sleeping on the table, could still hear him. He opened his tears-blurred eyes, and the fist on the table was so tight that it was about to be pierced by nails...

"What's more, Jiang Suying, is the Jiang Suying who was transferred from our class. Isn't her father a prosecutor? I heard that she will be nominated? But now it is rumored that there are several charges of embezzlement and embezzlement of public funds. I heard that she is nominated now. It's gone, and I'm accepting the summons from the court."

"No wonder Jiang Suying didn't come to school today..."

(End of this chapter)

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