Chapter 385

"Second Sister, when did you come back? Why don't you say anything, I'll pick you up at the door." Seeing Ruqin coming, Lan Sheng flew over excitedly.

"You still go to the door to pick me up, if I don't come back, you will leave with Lingyue Shaoxia!" Ruqin angrily pushed Lan Sheng who was hanging on her body.

"Sister, you just agree. Going to Tianyong City to cultivate immortals is a chance. You can't find it. After passing this village, there will be no such shop. Sister..." Lan Sheng shook Ruqin's arm coquettishly, and gave it with his hand. She fanned the wind and even hammered her shoulder.

"Stop being courteous to me, I won't agree, your stomach is rumbling loudly, hurry up and eat!" Ruqin pretended to be angry and pushed Lan Sheng to eat.

"Brother Lingyue, I'm going to eat first, please persuade my sister well." Lan Sheng happily ran to eat, and suddenly remembered something and turned around and said to Lingyue.

"Okay, you go." Ling Yue on the side watched the scene of sibling love, and suddenly felt a little dazzling, even though Lan Sheng was not his own brother at the time, but now he is not the closest to him, they have a deep relationship , if Lan Sheng is taken away like this, will it be a kind of harm to Ruqin? "Miss Ruqin, do you have something to say to Kai Lansheng?"

This is what Ruqin wanted. Although Lingyue blamed himself for the loss of his brother and was eager to find him back, Ruqin couldn't bear it, "Young man Lingyue, I heard that, You are quite concerned about Lan Sheng's matter, but right now I'm still a little overwhelmed, and I hope Shaoxia Lingyue can wait for a few days, and then I will come up with a satisfactory solution."

Ling Yue is a smart person, so he naturally knows the meaning behind Ruqin's words. While he is fortunate, he also hopes to find a solution that balances both worlds. After all, the Fang family has raised him for more than ten years and taught him so well. , never treated him badly, "Then Lingyue will wait for Miss Ruqin's reply."

In the evening, a banquet was held to celebrate the return of the second young lady to Fang's house...

"The banquet this time is to celebrate my return, rather it is a belated reception banquet for the Lingyue Shaoxia. I didn't entertain well before due to trivial matters, and I also invited the Lingyue Shaoxia to have a lot of Haihan, and this paragraph It's time to take care of Lan Sheng, and I'm here to replace wine with tea as an apology..." Ruqin sat in the main seat in a long orange dress, and held up the teacup with her fingers as white as jade.

"Miss Ruqin, you are being polite. I just want to thank you for taking Tu Su in..." Ling Yue respectfully raised his wine glass. He still admires Ruqin, who is affectionate and righteous, generous and unaffected.

At the banquet, the atmosphere was very harmonious. Lan Sheng was serving dishes for Xiangling attentively, and Qingxue also served some dishes for Tu Su when she saw this. Tu Su looked at her in surprise, but did not resist, and then He ate it silently, and became even more excited. He frowned and lowered the food for Tu Su.And Ruqin was talking to Lingyue with a normal expression, and Shaogong was talking, it was because his reaction was too normal that Shaogong would feel dissatisfied...

Shaogong's work was on Ruqin's left hand side, looking at the plate of braised fish that Ruqin liked to eat when he was a child, a complex light flashed in Shaogong's dark eyes, he took a piece of good meat and put it in front of Ruqin In the bowl, Ruqin, who was chatting and laughing happily with Lingyue, couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, then turned his head and smiled decently, "Thank you, Shaogong."

"...Uh, it's okay..." This time, Shaogong was stunned. What kind of reaction was this? If Ruqin ignored him with a straight face and even refused to eat the food he picked up, it meant that Ruqin was still angry. It indirectly shows that she still cares about herself, but what's the situation now?Like treating an ordinary friend, and even delivered a bright smile... Did you really figure it out?

This meal was tasteless and absent-minded... Ruqin silently drank the tea in her hand, and a bigger smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, men are like this, what they can't get will always be agitated, and the one who is favored But there is nothing to fear.What you can't get is the best, and the distance will produce beauty.

Lan Sheng heard from Xiangling that there was a kind of evil spirit on Tu Su, and that Tu Su felt very painful every time he had an attack. The two got the news from Cha Xiaoguai that the evil spirit cannot be suppressed, but must be absorbed by a magic weapon. Then Lan Sheng suddenly remembered The last time when he was in Yunzhai, Shaogong got a piece of jade balance. He heard that it can absorb spiritual energy, so it can also absorb evil spirits. Therefore, he designed to sprinkle perfume on him, and stole Shaogong's jade balance while Shaogong was taking a bath. Yuheng, the two sneaked into Tusu's room...

(End of this chapter)

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