Chapter 4

Kong Kong couldn't help the tears slipping down the corners of his eyes, he hurriedly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and stretched out his hand to him, "Okay, I will allow you to bring it to me now."

Hearing Kong Kong's words, Yin Zhihou was ecstatic for a moment, and put the ring on her with trembling hands, just like someone who trapped her, never leaving.

Kong Kong stretched out his hand to touch his warm cheek, looked at him deeply, as if he wanted to engrave him deeply into his heart, raised his toes and branded a kiss on his lips, salty and tasted like tears , very bitter...

"Goodbye, Zhihou..." Kong Kong said silently in his heart, and the little bun left this world.A burst of dizziness hit her, and she could even see in a trance that Zhihou hugged Min Ruixian tightly and smiled happily.

"Host, welcome back, hey, what to drink." It seems that every time you return to the system space, the little bun's welcome and what to drink is a matter of habit.Kong Kong stretched out his hand to take Xiao Baozi's coffee, sat on the sofa beside him, and listened to Xiao Baozi's summary of the world.

Xiao Baozi absorbed all the emotions in the previous world through the colorful glazed beads, and the emotions in the previous world were absorbed. For a while, the colors of the colorful colored glazed beads seemed to become more brilliant, but they returned to their original state in a blink of an eye.The little bun took a sneak peek at Kong Kong and found that there was nothing unusual.Only then did he say, "In this world, the host has done a good job. He has achieved his childhood sweetheart and love for his life's achievements. He will be given 3000 points and an attribute value of 10."

"It's not bad, at least there is no failure, and the assigned attribute is lucky to add 10." Kong Kong had a previous failure, so he was extra cautious this time.


"Well, enter, what is the next world?" After wandering for a long time, I always feel helpless in my mind. I don't know when it will end, but I just instinctively want to work harder and reach my goal as soon as possible.

"Okay, in the next world "Carat Lover", the client, Gao Wen, wishes: I once really regarded her as a friend, and she liked Xiao Liang at the beginning, even though I was Xiao Liang at that time, the girl in name Friends, but I try my best to match them, what I can't stand is when I fell in love with Lei Yiming, but she is hesitating between the two men... If they are destined to be together as childhood sweethearts, then I hope I don't have to do it again I met him... I don't want to spend my life with someone I don't like, please help me."

"Um, I don't quite understand why, this relationship is a bit messy." Kong Kong obviously couldn't turn the corner, what a childhood sweetheart, what a lover in name, Kong Kong said that your circle is really messed up.

"That's because you don't know the plot. Go ahead. When you go to that world, I will pass on the plot to you, and everything will become clear." Xiao Baozi rolled his eyes helplessly. It's too early to say, but the relationship is Quite messy.

"It's okay, Ms. Gao, I think you are more interested in this contract." Following a burst of dizziness, a magnetic male voice came from Kong Kong's ears, eyes half-closed, Kong Kong frowned, and couldn't help it. He supported the person beside him.

"Miss Gao, what's the matter with you? Are you feeling unwell?" The silky touch of the cloth in your hand means that the person next to you is different from a person.

"Suddenly a little dizzy..." With a weak voice, pale face, and tightly furrowed eyebrows, Xiao Liang raised his eyebrows for no reason, where did this come from?
The Goddess Gao Wen in front of the people is Fan Chuan, who is clear and shrewd when talking about the conditions just now, she will be weak and lovable, she is really a fickle woman.However, out of gentleman's demeanor, he still gently made Gao Wen lean on the back of the sofa to rest for a while. "Miss Gao, this is a blank contract. You can fill in all the conditions freely. I will do my best to satisfy you."

"Mr. Xiao, you are so sincere...we will definitely consider it carefully." Gao Wen's agent, Jason, flipped through the contract with a flattering expression.

"It's like this. I don't like being rejected, but I also don't like being rejected by unprincipled partners. I can give you the world's consideration for this endorsement." Xiao Liang smiled gently and politely, but said Words leave no room.

"Okay, Mr. Xiao, since you are so sincere, I can't be so hypocritical, I will think about it and reply to you as soon as possible." Although Kong Kong doesn't know the plot yet, according to the information in his words, it should be This person is the boss of a company, and she is a star. I want her to endorse a product.

"Okay, I like a straightforward person like you, Miss Gao, I'll wait for your news anytime." Jason sent him away in a fawning manner.

Kong Kong lay on the sofa, closed his eyes slightly, and accepted the plot of this time...

(End of this chapter)

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