Chapter 414

And this man, Zhihou wished he could be thrown thousands of miles away.A moment of panic, mixed with deep jealousy attacked Zhihou's heart.

"Zhihou? What's wrong with you? Answer me?" The voice on the phone became anxious and worried, which relieved a little anxiety.

"Ruixian, it's okay. I suddenly found that I haven't finished my homework. I'm going to school soon. I'm making up my homework." Zhihou used one of the most common excuses used by high school students. Sure enough, the person on the phone relaxed and comforted him. After kissing her, telling her to have a good rest, after hanging up the phone.Zhihou's tightly frowned eyebrows did not unfold, and finally he called the housekeeper.

At this time, the other side of the ocean was far away in the empty space of Paris, looking at the phone that was hung up in his hand, he muttered to himself in doubt, "Hey, it's so strange all of a sudden? Zhihou, what's wrong with him? I always feel that something is wrong... ..."

"It's okay, host, don't make a fuss, man, there are always a few days in a month. It will be fine after a while..." Xiao Baozi comforted the empty...

"Okay, you can pull it out, I have never seen such an unreliable and greedy system like you, you can touch your bucket waist and see if you have gained weight again?" It's really not strange Kong Kong beat its self-esteem, and every time Kong Kong said it was fat, it would listen to it at first, and even went on a hunger strike for a few days, but now, the thick-skinned one is like a city wall, not to mention irony, it is unshakable.

"Hmph, I like Chengqiu too. Look, in order to keep fit, you eat more cats than you every day. I really lack the fun of coming to this world." See, I have fallen so far, empty I'm speechless, and I don't want to talk to it anymore, I'm going to sleep after washing...

The next morning, after the bell rang, he packed up empty and decisively, and waited at home for the arrival of his manager, Lix.

The partner of this cooperation is also a pure European. He has a tall figure unique to Europeans, deep eyebrows, and blue eyes. When looking at people, he is always full of affection.The blond hair was trimmed in style, and the Europeans in suits and leather shoes always looked refined.

This time the two collaborated on a pair of couple rings designed by the master.The filming process was very smooth, but the premise was to ignore Lix who was looking at him obsessively and almost drooling...

At this time, in the bag that was put aside empty-handedly, the phone was vibrating non-stop, and on the lit screen, dear Zhihou, the five large characters were particularly obvious...

Zhihou asked the housekeeper to book a plane ticket to Paris. After the process was completed, he arrived in Paris. The huge airport was full of people coming and going, and the familiar black hair and yellow skin were almost invisible. Pulling his suitcase, Zhihou suddenly I'm a bit confused... When Ruixian came here alone, did he feel the same as himself...

Looking for memories, I came to the place where Ruixian currently lives. During festivals, Zhihou would mail her some small gifts. When I came to the apartment, I rang the bell for a long time and no one came to answer the door. No one answered... Zhihou's original surprise seems to have turned into a surprise...

"Amy, you can't treat me like this, Amy, please, are you thinking about it?" A boy's anxious voice came not far away...

When he heard the word Amy, Zhihou's ears couldn't help moving. Amy is Ruixian's English name. He squatted at the door with his knees half-armed. Zhihou raised his head and looked around...

"Okay, Lix, don't say any more, I won't agree, you should die." A familiar voice came, and Zhihou got up in a hurry, wanting to leave a good impression on Kongkong, at least Not a distressed look.His eyebrows and eyes were curved, and it seemed that even his golden hair was dyed with a touch of joy.

At the corner, a man and a woman came together. The man pulled her wrist aggrievedly, while the woman looked impatient.Seeing the intimate behavior of the two, although Zhihou was prepared, the smile on the corner of his mouth was held stiffly.

"Zhihou? Why are you long have you been here?" Kong Kong, who was entangled with Lix, was sighing like a piece of dog skin plaster, Xiao Baozi finally got it right, reminding her that Zhihou is not far away Sure enough, at the door, I saw a poor young man pulling a suitcase, how could there be such a thing as being chased away by being caught. No, this is impossible, Lix is ​​a dead brother, he is a sister, impossible!
"It's already noon..." Zhihou said shyly, he believed in Ruixian, but the scene he saw just now was very dazzling...

"I've been waiting for a long time. Come in quickly. I'm sorry Zhihou. There is a filming today. If I had known that Zhihou was coming, I would have pushed it away." Kong Kong quickly walked over to open the door, and pulled the suitcase in for him. At the door, there was an ambiguous Lex staring viciously and smiling, "Did you hear me, postpone my work for the last week, or just push it away, my boyfriend is here, and I'm going on vacation."

"My lord, don't, I don't have that great ability, how many advertisements do you have?" Lix flipped through the small book when he heard this, and then said bitterly.

"It doesn't matter, it's your business." With an arrogant voice, Lix found himself locked out of the door.

"Suixian, it's okay, your work is important." Zhihou is a smart person, and he has already heard the clues from the conversation between the two.It turned out to be a broker!

(End of this chapter)

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