Chapter 449

After taking a shower, the bathroom behind him was filled with heat. Xu Yi casually put on a vest and wiped his wet hair. The mobile phone was buzzing on the dark bed, and he stepped on the floor step by step, with water-stained footprints extending to At the foot of the bed, I turned on the phone, and a string of characters came into view, "Xu Yi, I can't sleep, hurry up and comfort me, I'm a little nervous."

Picking up the phone, the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably, Xu Yi picked up the phone, and while typing quickly, came to the window, opened the curtains, and there was only one small corner in the dark houses diagonally opposite. The light is still on, "Kong Kong, who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, is actually nervous. Please allow me to laugh for a while. Please show me the courage to snore in class." A big smiley face was added at the end, haha~
Xu Yi wiped his hair until it was half dry, and went back to the bed to lie down, as if he saw the text message on the other side, what should happen?The drowsy Kongkong received the text message. He was overjoyed to see the content of the text message, and directly cursed his name angrily, "Xu Yi, why don't you die!" Then he grabbed one side of the pillow viciously, Treating it as himself, he vented his anger furiously.Then press the keypad of the phone vigorously.

Sure enough, after a while, the phone vibrated, and Xu Yi's clothes looked as expected, and he opened the text message on the phone, and there was a string of characters on it, "Xu Yi, you are going to die, my sister is going to sleep, I wish you can't sleep, and then you can't go to Shanghai !"

"Hey, let's go to bed~?~" Holding back a smile, Xu Yi sent a text message.

Here, Kongkong was exactly as Xu Yi expected, puffing his cheeks angrily, he didn't want to pay attention to the ringtone of his mobile phone, after turning over, he still decided to take a look at the text message, he didn't expect it to be this, the corners of his mouth couldn't be restrained The upswing, so that I will not admit the throbbing in my heart after being hit hard, the hand holding the mobile phone, unknowingly let go, and the person gradually fell asleep...

Kong Kong waited until the alarm clock rang, woke up as usual, went to school after eating, everything went smoothly, Kong Kong thought it was a good sign, and rushed to the examination room happily~ Kong Kong and Xu Yi were in the same school, but not An examination room... indeed, Kongkong feels that he should do well in today's examination items.

Today is the last day of the college entrance examination, and I came to the school with Xu Yi as usual. Today, there are especially many parents outside the school, and the school gate is almost full. After today is over, it will be over. This kind of hard life, I really don’t want to As things went on, Kong Kong seemed extraordinarily excited...

But she overlooked one point, on the empty and messy bed, on the plain and fresh floral bedsheet, there were large bloodstains...

Xu Yi asked Kong Kong how he was preparing for the last day. Remember not to be upset and impetuous. I remember that when Kong Kong and Xu Yi separated and rushed to his own examination room, he was confident and handsome, and he flicked his ponytail handsomely. Xu Yi said, "Everything is under control..."

On the last day, I took the first exam, and for another two hours, I was doing the things that Kongkong hardly cared about outside, concentrating on it, but when more than half of the questions were done, Kongkong felt that his stomach hurt extraordinarily, which was unbearable. After being blank for a few minutes, Kongkong realized that the aunt should visit according to the time these days, but the recent weather was unbearably hot and sweaty, so the popsicles were wiped out, so this is ... Where there is oppression there is resistance?
Can I regret it now?Aunt, you can wait for me to come back... Huh... A few days ago, Kongkong brought his aunt's towel, but he didn't take it to heart when he didn't come to Kongkong. Why was it so sudden and unprepared...

Do you want to go out?Kong Kong raised his head and glanced at the teacher quietly, but the two teachers are both men, what should we do?Then one of the male teachers came over and stared at Kong Kong with a serious face, "Student, this is the college entrance examination, and the college entrance examination should look like a college entrance examination. Don't even think about cheating!"

Then the male teacher just stared at Kong Kong alone, staring at Kong Kong intently.For a moment, the urge to die in Kong Kong's heart was really there. At this time, if he said to go to the toilet, the teacher would think it was cheating...Forget it...

So Kong Kong just endured it until the end of the exam, and Kong Kong didn't have the heart to write the following questions at all... because his stomach really hurts...

"The last exam is over. All candidates please take your belongings and leave the exam room in an orderly manner. The invigilator has collected all the test papers and is on standby. Thank you for your cooperation..." The teacher's sweet voice came from the school's radio , let out a long breath, waited for the teacher to collect the test papers, and then gave an order, "Students can leave..."

(End of this chapter)

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