Chapter 455

Watching the students leave one by one, Kong Kong slowly packed up his belongings, and wanted to wait until all the students left before leaving quietly, because Kong Kong felt a little bad...

"This classmate, it's time to leave! The papers are closed, why don't you leave!" It was the teacher just now, who had been staring at her closely during the exam.

"Okay, I'll leave now..." Kong Kong's meeting is no longer a matter of whether to stand up, but a matter of whether he can stand up. Kong Kong can feel the pain in his lower abdomen and the sticky cold sweat on his palms. Standing up from the desk, slowly walking outside...

" did you..." Come out, Xu Yi, who was waiting outside, was already a little distracted by waiting, his head was unconsciously thinking wildly, what's going on?Could it be that something went wrong?
Finally, an empty figure appeared in the classroom. On the palm-sized face, there was no trace of blush, and it was sickly pale. His willow eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and his dry and pale lips were tightly biting with his white teeth. His forehead was covered with silk. Beads of sweat, covering his stomach with one hand, when he saw him, his dull eyes instantly lit up amazingly...

"Kong Kong! What's the matter? What's wrong?" Xu Yi ran to Kong Kong in a few steps, held her half in his arms, and asked anxiously.

"Xu Yi..." Kong Kong had never been looking forward to Xu Yi's arrival so much before. The moment he saw Xu Yi, Kong Kong's eyes and nose suddenly felt sour, and his whole body was like a tight string, which finally broke... Before he came and expressed his feelings to Xu Yi, Kong Kong just passed out like this...

Afterwards, thinking back on this incident, I was extremely grateful that I was able to pass out, otherwise under the circumstances at that time, there would not even be a place for her to crawl through the cracks in the ground!
But when Xu Yi recalled the scene at that time, he really never thought that he was so stupid at that time, and he can say without hesitation that this has become the dark history of the two of them...

Seeing that Kong Kong had fainted, Xu Yi's first reaction was to call 120, but the hospital above this town was quite far away, so at that time, he desperately hugged and hugged Kong Kong as if running to her home, but only found out after arriving at her house. , the aunt hadn't come at this time, so she ran to her home panting with empty air in desperation.

"Bang bang bang..." Xu's mother is preparing lunch at home. Today is the last day of the college entrance examination. She is going to reward her son and cook him a delicious meal. , "Who is it?"

"Mom, it's me, open the door quickly!" Xu Yi's eager voice came from outside.

Xu's mother seemed to be a little bit wrong when she heard Xu Yi's voice. She had never heard such an urgent voice from her son. She quickly put down her work and ran all the way to him to open the door. His cheeks and chin slid straight into his clothes, and the bangs on his forehead were soaked, "Son, what's the matter?"

"Mom, my classmate doesn't know what's going on. She fainted. Could it be heat stroke? Because the hospital is far away from here, I took her back to our home." Xu Yi explained briefly, and directly Kong Kong hugged him to his own room, and turned on the fan to the maximum...

It was only then that Mother Xu noticed that there was another person in Xu Yi's arms, and she could clearly see that it was a girl, but before she could take a closer look, Xu Yi hurriedly carried her into her room, and Mother Xu was taken aback. , if there is no accident, this girl should be the Kongkong that Xu Yi likes, Xu's mother followed Xu Yi into the room...

I saw my son standing stupidly, staring at the marks on his hands and arms and abdomen... Xu's mother saw that it was blood, and she was really shocked for a while, and then she saw in her son's room, With the fan turned on, the girl on the bed was pale, her hands were unconsciously covering her stomach, as if she was enduring some kind of pain, her forehead was covered with cold sweat, her eyebrows were tightly frowned, it was clearly the dog days and the scorching sun, but her face was not at all pale. When she saw the blood on her son's body, Mother Xu already understood...

Mother Xu shook her head helplessly, turned off the fan in her son's room, took off her shoes, and then covered her with the quilt, "Son, it's okay, it's not because of heat stroke that Kongkong fainted, you go take a bath first, I'll cook for her Some ginger soup..."

Xu Yi stared blankly at Xu's mother leaving, then glanced at his palms, then at Kong Kong's pale face, and thought of seeing the sanitary napkin in Kong Kong's bag before, Xu Yi's face before. The blush still hasn't subsided, and now it's getting worse. It's so hot that you can fry an egg, Xu Yi hurriedly ran to the bathroom to take a shower...

Kongkong felt that he fell asleep, his stomach was warm, and when he woke up, he saw Xu Yi staring at her, as if he was wondering what?
"Xu Yi..." Kongkong's voice was a little hoarse just after waking up, Xu Yi hurried over to help her up, and handed her a cup of steaming water.

Xu's mother boiled ginger syrup and gave it to Xu Yi, saying that she would drink it after Kong Kong woke up. She was thinking about when Kong Kong would wake up, and then it was this moment.

"Ginger syrup? Eh..." Kong Kong took a sip before he realized it. It was spicy and sweet, and then he felt warm. When he saw the little warm baby on his stomach, Kong Kong was taken aback... ...can't wait to play dead again...

(End of this chapter)

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