Chapter 491

The palm of Ruobai's opened palm is impressively a hairpin, with silver curves and a few small goose-yellow flowers at the end. The small pink diamonds in the center of the flower are shining brightly. This is the one I liked when I was shopping just now, because At that time, neither of them spoke, nor did Guang Ya, who did not expect him to notice.Guangya took the hairpin in surprise, "Thank you, it's the one I like."

"Well, hurry up, I'm leaving too." After Ruobai said this, he was stunned, why didn't he get the hang of it, and confessed with a hair clip, would he die? It's really hopeless.But the expression on his face was still so calm.

"Okay, thank you, be careful on the road." Guangya waved her little paw, and left with a hairpin in her hands.

Ruobai helplessly lowered his head and beat his own head twice, then left weakly.

Yu Chuyuan continued to read medical books in his hut. It has become a habit for so many years. Since quitting Yuanwu Dao four years ago, he has lived such a routine life every day, although sometimes he feels It's boring, but he is not qualified to say it's boring. Tingyi and Ting Hao's mother competed with his mother, then fell down and became hungry and became a vegetable. He has never woken up for four years, and maybe he will never wake up again. This is what mother owes them, and it is fair if there is nothing wrong with them...

Looking up at the calendar on the table, the date circled above is next week, which is Tingyi's birthday. Every time she had a birthday in the past, Tingyi would always come to him a week in advance to ask him for a birthday gift, but Tingyi has not been here for a long time since we met last time, and it turned out that Tingyi has also begun to change inadvertently... There are two gifts on Tabletop Mountain, one is from Tingyi, the other is from Baicao, and tomorrow will be Baicao Against Tingyi, I really don't want anyone between them to get hurt, but there will be winners and losers in the game.

Putting the exquisitely packaged box belonging to Tingyi in the drawer, she took out the gift she bought for Baicao, a cute strawberry hair tie, and got up to go out.

I happened to meet Baicao in the courtyard who couldn’t sleep because of nervousness, gave her a hair circle, said some words of encouragement to her, and promised to go back to the scene tomorrow to cheer for her, and went back to her room in a daze, even feeling a little nervous about herself. Surprised, why cheer for her instead of Tingyi?

On the second day, the final match between Songbai and Xianwu began, and at the end of the competition in our factory, there will be a match between Quansheng and Huang Wu.

It was in this competition that Fang Tingyi and Qi Baicao competed. Because Tingyi went to Yu Chuyuan's residence and saw the strawberry hair ring that Yu Chuyuan gave to Qi Baicao, she thought it was Chuyuan The birthday gift her brother gave her was unexpected, not at all.

At the scene of the game, I saw Qi Baicao's hair band on his head, and he was immediately angry. What kind of moonlight goddess, what kind of elegant legs, threw it directly behind his head. When I was determined to win, I didn't expect to be knocked unconscious by her KO, because before I fell to the ground, the protective gear on my head was directly taken off by her. At this time, no one paid attention to her, even her own brother just Sit calmly.

When she reached the ninth second, she slowly opened her eyes, and finally got her wish and beat her badly. Every time she fell to the ground, her brother, Ruobai, and even her beloved brother Chuyuan looked at her worriedly. She wished she could bear it for him, even Ruobai, but why did her own brother, Chu Yuan who grew up together, behave like this?The love of blood is thicker than water, the friendship of childhood sweethearts, was defeated so easily.

This is what happened to Fang Tingyi in this game in her previous life. Will the same thing happen again?

Of course it's different, at least Ruobai won't do that, Guangya is confident.Fang Tingyi and Qi Baicao are ahead in the match between Songbai and Xianwu.

Because Guangya had reminded Tingyi before, many changes naturally occurred.

In the beginning, Tingyi was merciful and didn't fight violently. At least the masters of Yuan Wu Dao present knew it well, but Qi Baicao didn't know it. She played a game with Guangya before. At that time, she was still relatively weak, and so was Tingyi. She didn't try her best, so she naturally thought that Tingyi was not as powerful as she imagined.Then intensified the offensive, Tingyi accidentally caught her head between her legs, the helmet fell off, and then her head fell into a coma like in the original play.

Seeing Tingyi lying on the ground with her eyes closed, Fang Tinghao couldn't help standing up. Four years ago, my mother did the same. She hit her head on the ground during a competition and never woke up again. She promised to take good care of her sister but When an accident happened, Fang Tinghao couldn't help but look at Qi Baicao with hatred. This woman is such a troublesome person. Once she is given a chance, it will cause a series of bad consequences.

(End of this chapter)

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