Chapter 540

In the afternoon, Shen Wentao came to the door of the office and gave a neat military salute, "Report!"

"Come in!" Xie Tianjiao was squinting his eyes halfway thinking about a set of cosmetics that Kong Kong gave her, because recently he fell in love with instructor Su Ruisu, who looks like a woman who pleases himself, so he asked Kong Kong for advice on how to change himself It's superstitious and sexy, and it's best for a hot guy to like it immediately when he sees it. I remember that Kong Kong, who was drinking water, sprayed water on her face, and when he was sullen and ready to get angry, Kong Kong took himself to the bathroom with an apologetic face, put on a light makeup for her, and let her see that she can also be beautiful...

Uh, I've been talking about it for so long, just want to say, at present Xie Tianjiao is holding a lipstick that was delivered empty-handed, when he heard the voice, he answered reflexively, but with a movement in his hand, the carmine red lipstick is just like this along a beautiful path The radians are painted on the face...

"Brother, why are you here?" Shen Wenyu retracted her crossed legs, hurriedly regained her ladylike appearance, stood up and carefully looked at her brother.

"It's okay, Kong Kong, I haven't seen Kong Kong, and even the last class was replaced by instructor Xiao..." Shen Wentao came to the office with neat steps, swept the empty seats, but found that there were also empty seats. nobody.

"She didn't look for you. I haven't seen her since this morning. Do you think the book on her seat is still open?" Shen Wenyu came to the empty seat to prove that what she said was not wrong, but found that, The open book I saw in the morning was actually closed, "Hey, how could it be? It was opened in the morning, and there was a package of open pastries on my table, it was just empty."

Shen Wentao ignored Shen Wenyu's anxious explanation, walked to Kongkong's desk in a few steps, and found that many places had been messed up to varying degrees. My desk is so chaotic, "something is wrong, what's going on, please explain clearly!"

Shen Wentao's voice was full of suppressed anger, which attracted the attention of Ouyang Fei in the corner and Xie Tianjiao who cleaned himself from the bathroom.

Ouyang Fei recalled that his desk seemed to have been messed up in the morning, and it was related to Xiao Han's matter. Although Xiao Han had clearly rejected his confession, as long as it was Xiao Han's matter, he could not stand by and watch. I haven't figured it out yet in my mind, but my body came to the two of them on my own initiative, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, I didn't see Kong Kong after I came back this morning, and I didn't see Kong Kong when I returned to the dormitory at noon. I thought I went out to play with my brother, but who knew it wasn't." Shen Wenyu shrank Shrinking his head, he said with a sob.

"That is to say, Xiao Han is missing, hurry up! Tell me what's going on?" Ouyang Fei found the main points of a long list of what she said concisely.

"Um, even after I came back, I found that Kong Kong was not there. I didn't care much. There was no such chaos on Kong Kong's desk, but there was a half-pack of pastries on my desk, and there were some crumbs at the door..." Ouyang When Fei roared like this, Shen Wenyu sobbed aggrievedly, and said in a low voice.

"Where's the pastry?" Shen Wentao suppressed his anger and reached out to her.

"Eat..." Shen Wenyu shrank her neck and carefully hid behind the desk.Barra pulled out the two remaining pieces inside the crumpled wrapper.

Shen Wentao suppressed the blue veins on his forehead behind him, picked up the pastry and put it in his mouth, it was not Kongkong's usual favorite taste, it tasted like red dates, and lotus root, the sweet and greasy taste spread in his mouth, Shen Wentao frowned uncomfortably, suddenly Reminds me of the scene with Kongkong before.

"Hey, why did you give me lotus root, vanilla and jujube paste cakes again? I'm about to vomit these days, the taste is so sweet and greasy. Do you think you planned it in advance and want to confess to me?" Kongkong excitedly opened the exquisite box, and when he saw the contents of the box clearly, his face drooped instantly, his eyes rolled around a few times, and then he leaned closer to him, smiling ambiguously.

"Ah? What?" Shen Wentao scratched the back of his head in doubt, a little surprised by Kongkong's transformation. These pastries have always been bought by the housekeeper outside the school. Is there any problem?

"Hmph, it seems that you didn't buy these cakes yourself, it's really dishonest." Kongkong put down the cakes in his hands arrogantly, turned his head and ignored him.

Later, after Shen Wentao's not-so-sweet love words, he finally said the reason in vain. The pastry made of lotus root, vanilla, and jujube paste meant, I miss you...

"So what this means is, look for me...not good, Kong Kong really disappeared." Shen Wentao chewed the pastries in his mouth carefully and swallowed them with difficulty, and said suddenly, and then stood up neatly.Looking around at everything around.

The rest of the people in the office, watching his movements, should have discovered something, and they all followed behind him tacitly, not to disturb...

(End of this chapter)

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