Chapter 550

"You..." The evil spirit on Tu Su's body increased several times in an instant, his eyes were red, and the Fenji sword in his hand drew a deep scorched black mark on the ground. He walked steadily, step by step, and was terrified on the ground Qingxue retreated step by step, and Fen Ji raised her hand and attacked her with overwhelming anger...

A golden ray of light fell, slowly surrounding the black-red hostile Fenji, the soft ray enveloped and washed everything, and gradually a transparent figure appeared, and the gentle voice was a little more ethereal, "Tu Su..."

The hostility on Tu Su's body is gradually fading at a speed visible to the naked eye, his blood-red eyes become clear, and the Fen Ji sword tightly held in his hand also inadvertently falls to the ground, "Second Senior Brother..." I can't wait to run away In the past, he wanted to hug Ling Duan, but his body passed through the transparent figure, and he shouted in panic, "Second Senior Brother? How could this be..."

"Tu Su, Master Ziyin has left the customs. He will work with my master to heal my injuries. I am about to wake up. Go back. I will wait for you in Tianyong City..." Ling Duan stretched out his increasingly transparent hand and brushed against Tu Su. Tears ran across the cheeks, and I wanted to poke them as usual, but the figure gradually disappeared into the air...

"Second Senior Brother..." Tu Su wanted to hold Ling Duan's hand, but he just grabbed some remaining light spots... and fell to the ground powerlessly... "Shao Gong, I want to go back to Tianyong City... Immediately..." Tu Su wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, many days of longing made him lose his mind, even though it was almost dark, he still insisted on packing up and leaving... No one knows how eager Tu Su is to see Second Senior Brother...

"Okay, since I can't keep you, let's go, I will have someone prepare horses and entourage for you, be careful along the way..." Shao Gong is naturally very satisfied with Tu Su's impatient nature.

"Master, host... Now, Ouyang Shaogong's affection for Ruqin is full, and the strategy of Ouyang Shaogong has been completed..." Xiao Baozi's voice sounded, with a little care and flattery.

"I know, since I first came to this body, the strategy should have been completed...Let her go back to the space and have a good rest, I will take care of everything here..." Shaogong's voice was full of strong Tired, he stood with his hands behind his back, exuding a majestic aura of a king that shook the world, irreversible...

"Yes... the host, I still want to persuade you to go back earlier. Once they find out, your plan will be in vain. Please think about the overall situation..." Xiao Baozi tried his best to dissuade this man who was about to endure A man who can't live...

"I have my own opinion, let's go..." The man's melancholy voice finally dissipated in the air...

Qingxue episode...

I’m actually not, the real Feng Qingxue. In the real world, I’m an otaku who hides at home all day, plays games and reads novels. I really like to watch Japanese otome-oriented anime and novels about women, so I’m also fantasizing about it. One day I can recover all the beautiful men, and I feel beautiful just thinking about it. I was immersed in fantasy all day long, but I didn’t expect that one day I would also be able to time travel. Maybe it was my prayer that moved God.

When Qingxue came to this world for the first time, she found Han Yunxi in Tianyong City, but she was taken back to Youdu by her mother-in-law. From the first day she came to this world, she knew that Qingxue was reborn At that time, I couldn't control this body, so I could only stay in the depths of her consciousness and silently watch Qingxue's every move. In the previous life, Qingxue fell in love with Tu Su, but Tu Su still died in the end. Qingxue searched for a long time but couldn't find a way to cure Tu Su. To revive her life, she naturally couldn't let Tu Su die and bring her brother back. Being able to meet Susu again in Qinchuan later can relieve the pain of Tusu's evil spirit, and haste makes waste. This is the case with everything. Qingxue abandoned the principle of gradual progress when practicing, and finally went mad , was seriously injured, and took advantage of her weak consciousness to take control of this body in one fell swoop, locking Qingxue's consciousness in the bottom of her heart.But this body was already injured, and after that, I didn't know how to practice the secret technique of Youdu. After asking Qingxue's childhood playmates and elder brother, he managed to use some spells before finally leaving Youdu.

Later, I finally met Tu Su Lansheng and Shao Gong in Qinchuan as in the original drama. The three of them really have extraordinary looks. Tu Su is cool and handsome, Lan Sheng is cute and handsome, and Shao Gong is gentle and elegant. In the real world, YY For a long time, she naturally would not let anyone go, but at this time, on the night of the full moon of Tu Su, the evil spirit will break out. Originally, I wanted to make a promise with Qingxue in my heart that she would be allowed to come out to treat Tu Su on the night of the full moon. With her love for Tu Su, she would never object, but when she came to Tu Su's room, there was a golden light in the room. Looking closer, she was an ethereal and beautiful person. There was only one figure and The side profile is enough to make people's hearts move. He calmed down Tu Su's evil spirit again. Tu Su was unconscious and didn't know it. She couldn't help being overjoyed to see these. Going in again made me haggard. During this period, Tu Su also had suspicions several times, but he was prevaricated by himself as an illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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