Chapter 552

Tingyi's exquisite face was covered with exhaustion that did not match her youthful age. Chu Yuan was a little moved for a while, and took a step forward to hold Tingyi tightly in his arms, and sighed deeply, "Tingyi, I'm sorry, I'm too selfish, but I'm very sad to see you leave, do I fall in love with you?"

Tingyi was really happy when she heard the love from someone she had liked for more than ten years. With a smile on her face, she closed her eyes gently, and tears slowly fell down the corners of her eyes. "That's great, brother Chuyuan, I'm very happy when you say that, it's the end of my years of love. But, you like me as Qingmei, or Baicao today, I don't accept sympathy, please think clearly, give I'm fine with one result, I'll wait for your call."

"That's great, I thought you couldn't say it... After all, you have been humbled by him for a long time..." After hearing her words, Guangya felt a little unbelievable. Maybe this is the real Tingyi, who dared to let go of the past, Pursue a new self.

"I also thought I couldn't do it, but in fact I did it beautifully, so most things in the world are unexpected and impossible." People have to learn to grow up and leave their own narrow Heaven and earth, if you don't leave, you don't see the vast world outside, and the frog in the well will never know that you are peeping through the tube...

The result of this competition is reasonable, but unexpected. The Quansheng Gymnasium used to be brilliant during Qu Xiangnan's tenure, but since the doping incident, Quansheng has plummeted, declining year by year, and even Every year at the bottom, becoming the worst gym in Anyang City, none of them.However, in this year's gymnasium challenge, Quan Sheng changed his previous style and made it to the semi-finals and the finals!

And Xianwu is currently Anyang's most powerful gymnasium, and he has brothers and sisters who have won many domestic and foreign awards. Therefore, there is no doubt that Xianwu will win this game. However, it is unexpected that in the women's In the competition group, Fang Tingyi, known as the "Goddess of Moonlight", was knocked down at the beginning of the second quarter before the competition was over.On the other hand, the two male players who were all victorious were beaten badly.

Afterwards, when the reporter was interviewing, he asked, "Qu Guangya, may I ask why your skill was so-so before, why did you become so good all of a sudden?"

After answering the other reporters' questions, Guangya's gentle and bright smile changed to cloudy at the last second when she heard this question, "Suddenly, it seems that this reporter friend didn't pay much attention to me before. I suggest you go back and see me." For every game before, come and ask me again!"

Suddenly powerful, what you said is really nice, it is not because of the doping incident, I suspect that she used doping... Heh...

The reporter was obviously a little embarrassed, I don't know if he was a little angry, or what, he actually said "Qu Guangya, if I remember correctly, you should be Qu Xiangnan's daughter, as the daughter of Anyang's scum, I don't know how you feel?"

"Feeling, are you asking how my daughter feels about her father? My father is my pride, and I admire him very much. He has never changed since I was a child!" Guangya faced the camera in front of her, and her expression became more and more determined.

"You mean Qu Xiangnan is your pride, do you want to learn from him in the future? Do you want to learn to use doping?" The reporter's words spread to the surroundings through the microphone, and the surrounding noisy voices and crowd seemed to be paused Like a key, he stared in their direction blankly.

"This reporter, you can really talk, but you really look familiar..." Guangya tilted her head showing a puzzled expression, and looked at him with a pair of eyes jokingly...

On the other side of the Fang brothers and sisters surrounded by reporters, Fang Tinghao looked at the man in the audience who was obviously flustered and could not keep dodging his eyes, and smelled a conspiracy.On the other hand, Guangya on the stage is calm and calm, without the slightest cowardice... It's like in the western restaurant that day, even though she was slaughtered in the end, unstoppable appreciation flashed in her long and narrow peach eyes.

"Oh, it's you, I let you go that day, I didn't expect to repay you with revenge. As far as I know, although you didn't receive a court summons last time, you have already been fired from the newspaper, so in what name are you asking?" As for me, the reporter I met during the Gym Challenge..." Guangya finished speaking unhurriedly, and the reporters below all took photos, picking up the news now.

"It turned out to be him, the one who slapped himself in the face last time..."

There were sighs from the crowd, the pointing of colleagues, and the sound of cameras snapping photos stimulated his nerves.He could only pull down the hat desperately, trying to cover his face.

At the entrance of the venue, a pair of canvas shoes that have been washed and faded seem to have stopped for a long time. Seeing the chaotic scene inside, without hesitation, they raised their feet and walked with heavy steps.

"That's right, my father is Qu Xiangnan. I firmly believe in my father's character. My effort today is to prove that my father is not as bad as everyone says. One day I will prove it for him." Inside the TV The girl vowed to tell her trust, went to the arena and took a sneak peek at her daughter's father Qu, and was preparing a meal for her to celebrate when she got home. Seeing this scene, the man with gray temples cried aggrieved for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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