Chapter 562

"Impossible, you can't win, even if you gamble everything, you won't be allowed to win." Jin Minzhu turned his head, his high ponytail flicked out a sharp arc, his eyes were full of aggression and maliciousness, he looked at Guangya, and took a bite Broken Chinese sounds really threatening.

"Start!" The referee gave an order, and the two immediately fought together. You come and go, you attack, and I defend. Jin Minzhu is like an erupting volcano that is unstoppable. Take out the moves, wait for the opportunity, once the opponent is a little slack, she is like a wild beast, biting the throat, coupled with an irresistible attack, the whole way is like a broken bamboo, and directly bites the opponent to death, completely, leaving no room for it .

In the middle of the second quarter, Jin Minzhu's physical strength was gradually exhausted and she was sweating profusely, but Guangya looked relaxed, just like the last quarter, this time Guangya made full use of this opportunity and beat her in one fell swoop. Kicked to the ground, panting all the time on the ground, Jin Minzhu couldn't stand up at all.

Looking at this blessing scene, Jin Yishan immediately thought of the match with Qu Xiangnan ten years ago. It was the same as now. In the first two quarters, he was beaten too weak to fight back. In the crushing situation, in the end, because Qu Xiangnan found out about taking stimulants, he thought he could erase that fact, comforted himself with the fact of taking stimulants, and found a reason for himself.

Just when the referee announced Lan's victory, Guangya turned her head and saw Father Qu's smiling face proudly, and walked up to Jin Yishan in a few steps, "Master Jin Yishan, I won, please apologize to my father."

"No, I lost, but my father didn't. It was your father who took stimulants. Your father is a scum in the Yuanwu Dao world. Father must not apologize." Jin Minzhu had already been helped up by other senior brothers, his voice was a little weak, but Still with a firm force.

"Okay, Master Jin Yishan must have thought the same way. Master Jin Yishan didn't keep his promise, but I have to ask Master to apologize, so I have someone to testify and find out the facts." Guang Ya knew that they would not admit it. Yes, so let Fang Tinghao call up the witnesses.

The witness told the truth of the whole thing, because he is a fan of Master Jin Yishan, but his favorite player was caught by a little-known player from Anyang, China. This kind of situation has been crushed, and the victory was already guaranteed before the fourth quarter started. In order to make the player he admired the most win, he put stimulants into Qu Xiangnan's water.According to the video, Qu Qu Xiangnan did not drink water during the game, but just drank after the game, which led to the current result.

This fact surprised everyone, Jin Yishan finally admitted that he was inferior to others, publicly apologized to Qu Xiangnan, and awarded him the belated champion.

Guangya won the honor of the best female camper, and returned to Anyang. After participating in this World Youth Championship, Guangya completely quit the Yuanwu Dao world, and managed a new gym with Ruobai. Well, Qu Xiangnan has recovered his reputation, reopened the gymnasium, and recently recruited more and more new disciples. As for Songbai, when Yu Chuyuan came back recently, Ruobai was going to hand over Songbai to him again. Time to take responsibility for yourself.

Qi Baicao was convicted of intentional homicide and was taken to prison. Because Fang's family was there, Anyang's police station bought some face for them, so she was sentenced to six years in prison.After Guangya and Father Qu visited her in prison, they happened to meet Fang Tingyi who was returning home on the way.I was invited to sit in the coffee shop, and Father Qu also made an excuse to leave the gym because he had something to do.

"What's the matter? You're so happy, don't say you and Yu Chuyuan are just right." Guangya picked up the coffee, took a sip leisurely, and looked at her playfully.

"Hehe, you noticed it. We established our relationship in the second year of going abroad. Look~" She showed her the ring on her finger while speaking, Guangya rolled her eyes angrily. Don't be afraid to divide quickly.

Listening to Tingyi dancing there, dancing and talking about how she has been clever and quick-witted over the past few years, how she has captured Yu Chuyuan's heart little by little, Guangya drank coffee boredly, and answered.

Later I heard from Ruobai that Fan Xiaoying finally got the hang of it and stopped pestering him, because she found her true love and finally got together with Hu Yifeng.Hearing the news, Guangya wasn't too surprised. Instead, she said casually, "The two of them are happy enemies, and they are noisy all day long. This is obviously the rhythm of a couple. Besides, Hu Yifeng has a very good personality. If It's me, and I'd like to."

"Really? You're willing too?" Ruobai came out of the kitchen, looked at Guangya on the sofa, watching TV, the black and white eyes were quite menacing.

"No, no, I'm just talking. You're the best." Guangya was stunned by his eyes, ran over and quickly kissed him on the cheek.

"Is this the end?" Ruobai continued to stare at her unmoved.

"What do you want?"

"What do you say?"

"Ah, let me go, I won't agree until I get married..."

In the sky, the bright moon is unusually round, the bright moonlight is pouring down, and the stars in the sky are blinking carefreely. All this seems so harmonious.

(End of this chapter)

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