Chapter 73

"Deal with it, how do you deal with it? Wang Tianjun is an old fox. He is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. With a little achievement, he really thinks he is a genius?"

The crutch in his hand knocked on the floor, and the silver-white beard at the corner of his mouth was raised and raised as he spoke.

"I'm sorry, Grandpa. Although it's rude to say this, I want to say that my own marriage is in my own hands. I don't want to be a victim of commercial development, and I don't want to marry and have children with someone I don't like."

Lin Mofeng got up and leaned slightly, and sincerely asked.

"Don't want to marry and have children with someone you don't like? You haven't even met her, how do you know you won't like her, but what you mean is that there is already someone you like? The one in the orphanage?"

It seems that he was not the one who stomped his feet angrily and lost his temper just now. He raised his eyebrows and smiled ambiguously, and moved his position in the direction of Lin Mofeng, with a gesture of gossip.

"Grandpa...No, I just feel that Wang Tianjun is not a decent person, so what kind of a good girl is his daughter? Is it said that like a father, like a son?"

Lin Mofeng curled up the corner of his mouth obediently, and pulled a more feasible reason to hide it.

In less than ten years, it is enough to see a person clearly. Grandpa is not a bad person in general, but he cares too much about the honor and interests of the family.Because of my father's death, the family's business is not as good as before, and my grandfather supports such a large family by himself.It's nothing more than that...

"Okay, don't lie to me, Secretary Zhang brought it here..." Facing his grandson's cuteness, the old man was not fooled. This grandson is not an ordinary person, he has an extraordinary experience, and he learned to hide his emotions early on.Turning around, he ordered Secretary Zhang who had been following him all the time.

When Secretary Zhang brought the thing and respectfully offered it with both hands, Lin Mofeng's perfect smile finally showed a crack...

Holding a butterfly kite in trembling palms, dragging its long tail, it stepped up the stairs step by step in despair.

The color of the kite has faded, there are traces of newspaper bonding in the broken parts, and two skeletons have been broken.

Secretary Zhang's words sounded in my ears, "Young master, I brought this kite back the day I picked you up. That day, a girl ran after the car. I was surprised and got out of the car to have a look, only to find that she had fainted. It was down, and I sent her back to the orphanage, I thought this kite might be of commemorative significance to the young master, so I took it back..."

"Empty..." Lin Mofeng returned to the room in a daze, and the moment the door closed, something seemed to be breaking... It seemed that these two words weighed a thousand catties, knocking his disguised strength one by one broken……

The slender fingers gently caressed the broken kite, and the sweet and soft voice was close at hand for a moment, "Brother Mofeng, spring is here, let's go fly the kite together..." He could almost imagine that she wrinkled With a chubby face, he tried to repair the kite bit by bit under the light, and his fleshy little hands wiped his fair face dirty, looking like a little wild cat.

"Heh~ Kong Kong..." Suddenly laughed out loud, patter, suspicious liquid fell on the kite, Lin Mofeng wiped away his tears in a hurry, the tears seemed to be against him, the more he wiped, the more he wiped, he couldn't wipe it away clean.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu who can't wipe clean completely, and simply curled up in a corner and began to cry.

"Hey, hey, don't cry, why are you crying, you said you are such an old man, you don't know that men don't cry easily... like a child..."

Kong Kong was floating in mid-air, seeing him in this state, he was a little flustered, and was so anxious that he spun around in the air...

Yes, she only remembered that the man did not cry easily, but she forgot one thing. Since Lin Mofeng came to this house at the age of 9, there was only one time when Lin Mofeng burst into tears, and that was when his grandfather took him to see his parents' graves. From now on, he will cry alone in the corner...just like now.

Afterwards, no matter whether he was beaten half to death, or did not eat or sleep for several days in a row, and no matter how heavy the schoolwork was, he never cried. It seemed that he could only smile, happy smile, unhappy smile, even sad and angry. will smile.In the corridor outside the door, leaning on a cane, the silver-haired old man walked falteringly, followed by a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes.Hearing the suppressed crying in the room, the middle-aged man seemed very unbearable, "Master...young master..."

"I know, but as the young master of the Lin family, this is what he has to bear, just like I said, if that girl is really his hindrance, I don't mind except her... the heir without flaws is Isn't our ultimate goal? Go back..."

It is obviously a stooped figure, so short, but imposing like a rainbow, this is the posture of being a high-ranking person for a long time.Even if the middle-aged man behind him couldn't bear it, he had no choice but to keep up...

(End of this chapter)

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