Egg set to become immortal

Chapter 198 Loneliness is a demon-killing knife

Chapter 198 Loneliness is a demon-killing knife
If she doesn't understand, she will lose her personal experience, but it's not that she doesn't know at all. If it wasn't for loneliness, Yin Ye would never think of keeping herself by her side, and regard supporting herself as the joy of life, and she wouldn't have the root of her life now. It's just Miaohong himself.

Forget it, it seems that Mr. Bones has no real plans to fight with him... In fact, from the beginning, he regarded the one who stood opposite him as a bad guy, right?This is all caused by persecuted delusions.

After thinking about it, Yin Xiaodan found a seat and sat down, then stretched out his hand to grab a handful of the delicious food and stuffed it into his mouth before he said vaguely: "Mr. Go, this is not as good-looking as your real deity." The main reason is that it feels oppressive, I always feel that I am here to beat myself, if there is such a shadow in my heart, what is the point?

"Huh?" This should be the first time to make such a request to Uncle Bones. He was obviously stunned for a moment, and then spread the armor on his body. Xiaodan has a convincing face, but Uncle Bones is lacking in heart.

But that's how we talk, right?

"Master Bones, you've been imprisoned here for too long." It seems that if you don't smooth out this uncle's hair, you won't be able to get out, so a certain girl is ready for a protracted war.

"What can you eat time?" Uncle Bones actually had a sense of humor, and he looked at Yin Xiaodan jokingly. "Who will remember that thing? I only know that I was imprisoned here when I was still flesh and blood, and then the flesh rotted and the bones fell apart. In the end, there is only one left... Maybe in the past In a few years, there will be no me in this world? Time? It is the sharp weapon to kill me."

Well, I asked the wrong question, it is better not to ask this sad matter, Yin Xiaodan quickly changed the subject, "Master, have you killed all those who came here?"

"Do you think the old man is such a bloodthirsty person?" Of course, Mr. Bones was expressionless, but from the tone of his voice, he could tell that this was a question after being insulted. "The old man never took the initiative to take their lives."

"Then there should be many people here to accompany you, uncle!" She didn't believe it, and she and Yin Ye were the only ones who bumped in.

"They're all dead." After saying this very sadly, Uncle Bones was completely wilted. "I've lived too long."

"Master, are you playing with me?" Yin Xiaodan expressed that he didn't understand, while saying that people didn't kill themselves, and at the same time saying that they were all dead. Isn't this contradictory?A certain girl thinks that Master Bones is playing with her?So the tone is unavoidably raised a bit.

"They are all dying of old age, or they just couldn't bear the loneliness and committed suicide. I can't stop them."

"..." Damn, what kind of psychological qualities do these people have, don't they just stay with Mr. Bones, there are delicious and fun things, and they commit suicide?be sick.

What is the saying?Young people don't know how to feel sad, Yin Xiaodan grew up under the care of Yin Ye, so naturally he doesn't know that loneliness is the most powerful weapon.

"Then, why don't you want to go out? According to what you said, you are a very, very powerful big monster? How could Z be trapped in this dilapidated place." Thinking of the gate that surrounded their house back then, that But it was only after sacrificing most of the abilities of the three worlds of immortals, demons, and demons that it was faked. Later, the false father only sacrificed half of his cultivation and escaped successfully, so this made her very incomprehensible.

"Get out? Can I go out? My hand was the first to be sacrificed. The moment I touched that thing, my entire arm was gasified. Then I tried it with other people, and it all ended in the same end." , when I have the last two bones left in my body, I use one of them to throw out, and then... there is no more? How do I get out? With the last old bone? Both dead and out It’s because I’m not going to exist anymore, so why not stay here for a few years?” The deep sorrow is spreading...

Yin Xiaodan probably understood, "Then why did Uncle Face tell me that I can go up there as long as I get your permission? I can, why can't you."

"Because of this..." Mr. Bones jumped into the corner, and then exposed a thing covered by sundries. My soul is imprisoned here. As long as this thing stays in the Town Demon Tower for a day, I can't go anywhere .

It was a bead, the size of a fist, and it looked nothing on the surface.Yin Xiaodan was about to reach out to take it, but was stopped by Mr. Bones. "Don't touch."

"Master, you are so stingy, I just want to see what the composition of this thing is, and see if it can help you get your soul out." Niu assured that she was really kind, and had no evil intentions at all.

"Only I can touch this thing. If you touch it, I guess even the last bone will be burned."

According to Yin Xiaodan's understanding, these words are the handle, and Mr. Bones told himself all this, it is obvious that he really did not regard himself as a bad person. Until this time, Yin Xiaodan let go of all his vigilance, This old man should be a good person, but he didn't know that he had done something wrong to become famous. After so many years of introspection, it should be enough. Now there is only one thought in Niu's mind, and that is to let Lord Bones out.

"Master, is there really no other way?" Yin Xiaodan tried to find out more information from Master Bones, in this way, it would be possible for him to help him leave this ghostly place.


As long as there is, what a certain girl is most afraid of is getting a negative answer. Hearing what Uncle Bones said, she immediately asked: "What is the solution? As long as there is a solution, I will definitely help you get out of here."

"You? Child, don't say I look down on you. This is simply an impossible task." Without expression, I can only judge the meaning from the words. It is really tangled enough. Uncle Bones' words are aimed at myself Do not trust?A certain girl feels that she is underestimated, but she is a super bitch who is invincible all over the world.

"You become the master of the Town Demon Tower, as long as you can become the master of the Town Demon Tower, you will also become our master, and naturally you can let us leave." After a long silence, Master Bones really lost to After Yin Xiaodan's persistence, he finally came up with a solution. "Let the thirteen existences of the thirteen layers of seals completely surrender to you."

"...That's it?" Damn, what is this?Since Mr. Bones knows loneliness, don't the other layers know it?Myself... Wait, this is really a problem. If you just break into the tower by yourself, then it's okay to say, enlightenment layer by layer, but now they are divided into four groups and can't communicate. Things are really difficult.

"So, if you feel sorry for the old man, you can stay here with the old man." Uncle Gu could see everything on Yin Xiaodan's face.

 Uncle flesh and blood~!You have suffered~!

(End of this chapter)

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