Egg set to become immortal

Chapter 204 What I Choose Is To Be By Your Side

Chapter 204 What I Choose Is To Be By Your Side
"You can have this." Hearing the ominous words, did his eyes flicker?But randomness dimmed again, "Are you lying to ghosts? How can you get out of here."

"Why not? Isn't this only for you?" Wei Xing came to the mirror, and then he realized that he had really simplified things. The mirror actually had the same effect on all creatures.

When the unknown is reflected in the past, an unknown appears, and when he makes a move to smash the mirror, that self comes towards him and wants to smash him...

Finally, I know, I know that if I want to persuade this guy, I must find a way to break this deadlock.

"Is it possible to completely copy what you saw? Including his ability?" Unknown already had an idea in his heart.

"Yes, what do you want?" His eyes showed strong interest. "Do you have a way?" This sentence is full of doubts, my eyes don't believe it, I have been thinking about how to get out of this for thousands of years, and this guy has already found a way after staying here for such a short time ?This is not for me... Forget it, if you can get out, why should you care about that?

"Now, as long as you become that mirror." The ominous attention is very simple. When the eyes become mirrors, then this ability will be copied infinitely. Inside the mirror is a mirror, and then it is still a mirror. Mirror……

According to the unknown conjecture, there will inevitably be a situation where there is no time to take care of it, and as long as I find this gap, I can bypass the mirror and appear on the back of the mirror to completely control the field.

After expressing his thoughts, he thought about it for a while, and finally confirmed the feasibility of this.

"Are you sure you'll help me out when you get out of here?" This thing isn't a no-brainer after all.Um, no, that's just eyes, he really has no brains... However, his IQ is certain.It is really not easy to think of this at this time.

Unknown is of course planning to do this. If he doesn't get his approval, even if he leaves this floor, he won't be able to complete what his family's egg told him.

"Of course, I'm a reputable monster. What's more, now that you know how to get out, if I don't let you go, the next existence that enters can also help you. When you go out, you will definitely find me Trouble, are you so powerful? Do I dare to lie to you?"

"That's right. Well, let's start now." The ominous words convinced the eyes.This layer has been opened again.

"Today, no matter what, I'm going to go with you." Uncle Face is still entangled by Bi Ling. The meaning of this girl is very obvious, that is, if Uncle Face doesn't agree to her, don't even think about going out from here Oh... Where's Uncle Face?He also has his own considerations.

Before he had a new body, he really couldn't make any substantive promises to Biling, just like Aotian, although he had promised him, how would he go on in line with the future path? , that is still unknown.

"Biling, can you wait? When I finish my business here, I will definitely come back and take you away." Uncle Face can only make such a promise now, and he can't do anything if there are too many He said that he didn't want to disappoint Bi Ling for the second time.

"I don't want to wait, wait, wait, wait, I have been doing the same thing every day for thousands of years, and now you want me to wait? Let me tell you, I didn't know that I would meet again You, so my heart is dead, time means nothing to me, but now we meet again, I can't wait anymore. From the past, to the present, to the future, we must be together." Bi Ling expressed Conquering his own determination, he blocked back all the words that Uncle Face was about to say.

"Well, I don't even know what will happen next, I just don't want you to be hurt in any way."

"I'm not afraid. Even if my soul may fly away, I will always belong to you. You don't want to abandon me again."

"..." Uncle Face really didn't know what to say, and he finally understood the meaning of Aotian's meaningful smile when he left?He knew what was going to happen, he just didn't tell himself...

Forget it, if that's the case, it can only be... Uncle Face nodded. "You can follow me, but I don't need you to help me fight, as long as you stay by my side." He really didn't want Biling to have any accidents, so this must be guaranteed by her first.

"Okay." As long as she can stay by Uncle Face's side and protect her, it's fine for her to do anything.

At this moment, the eggs placed beside Uncle Face hatched automatically, and a handful of very beautiful green xiao appeared on the ground.

"This..." Both Uncle Face and Bi Ling had the same astonished expression on their faces. They were very familiar with this thing, but it was Bi Ling's real body that was accidentally destroyed thousands of years ago. Breath, they will not admit mistakes.

"Yu, I knew you were the best for me." Bi Ling was really happy, and the last bit of concern was gone. You know, without the body, it is really difficult for Bi Ling to go out. Even if you go out, there may be some accidents of one kind or another, but now, all worries are gone!

Although Uncle Face knows that space products must be high-quality products, but this thing has been humanized to such an extent, does it really count as advancing with the times?Uncle Face expresses his deep love for space...

After Bi Ling slipped into Bi Xiao, her whole body glowed with full vitality. "Yu, we can go now," he said, leaning tightly beside Uncle Face.

"Bi Ling, it's not possible yet."

"Are you going back on your word again?" Bi Ling frowned into several Sichuan characters. "You don't play tricks on me like that, don't think I'm really short-tempered." This guy is so furious...

"No, no, it's not that you don't know my character. Since I promised you, of course I can't go back on it. How can you doubt me?"

"Then what do you mean by that?" After being cheated once, even the closest relationship will have a rift, right?This cannot be blamed on Bi Ling.

"Listen to me." "The sudden sense of alienation made Uncle Face really powerless, "You know, we can get out of this floor, but we can't get out of this demon tower, so you have to wait here Me, I'll take you out of here after we break all the layers. "

"Then I can help you. Together." Bi Ling's tone was pleading. "If I'm by your side, I can help you."

"No, this kind of cheating is not acceptable. If you do this, what we have done will probably be useless. I will not allow this to happen." Uncle Face finally convinced Bi Ling , let her wait for him here, and he was randomly teleported to the last floor.

 Uncle Face will rise——! ~
(End of this chapter)

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