Egg set to become immortal

Chapter 251 1 Appeared The Next Appeared Of course 2

Chapter 251 One Appeared, The Next Appeared Of course Two
"Brother, what are you doing?" Suddenly, a black figure appeared in front of An Yi, grabbing his hand aimed at Tian Ling Gai.

Is this the enemy's rush again?Yin Xiaodan watched the sudden appearance of this guy with a whole body covered in black and a lawsuit all over his head, couldn't this guy show up later?

However, An Yi of course wouldn't listen to his own words now, and Yin Ye saw a new enemy appearing, and suddenly felt that if he executed his enemy now, it would be too cheap for them, he already had new idea.

"An Yi. Kill this person." Letting one's own people beat one's own people is the real skill. With such good materials as An Yi in hand, Yin Ye certainly won't waste them.

An Yi is now under the control of the body, not only the control of the body, but also the control of the mind. This guy is completely denied by his relatives, and he really rushed the black guy who must be his own.

"Brother, what are you doing?" That guy was obviously the one just now, seeing that the opponent didn't deal with him, the one who rushed to him first turned out to be his own, the man in black really couldn't figure it out.

But even if it's the eldest brother, you can't just tell your brothers to do it!Also, if you were beaten like this, it would be unjustifiable.

So, he fought back.

Onlooker mode on...

"Eggy, isn't it fun to beat yourself up?" Yin Ye was thinking that it would be great if there was wine and meat next to her.

"Which one of them do you think is better?" It was much better to watch other people fight than to handle it by yourself, and Yin Xiaodan felt that these two people played quite well.

"I think An Yi is more powerful." An Yi has never fought against them since he first came, but now it seems that if this guy doesn't control Xiao Bai, he is definitely capable of beating them up. Yes, fortunately, Yin Ye has now controlled him, turning the hostile forces into his own weapon.

"Damn it." Sure enough, An Yi was the stronger one, he really suppressed the man in black, but the man in black obviously had other backhands.

"Xiaobai, you still don't do it yet."

"Ah..." Yin Ye realized at this time, are they too proud?When those two guys fought just now, he should have brought his daughter, Yinjin and Yinhui back to the space first, but now, he gave someone else an opportunity to take advantage of it?

What Yin Ye and Yin Xiaodan can see now is actually their own daughter sharpening her sword to Xiang Anyi.

Two against one, this result can already be clearly seen, Yin Xiaodan saw that An Yi's attack turned out to be the weaker side under the suppression of his girl.

"Brother, don't blame the younger brother for being cruel, Xiaobai, knock him unconscious." The man in black naturally knew that An Yi was under control for a while, and Ye knew that if he wanted to stop An Yi, that was the only way.

Xiaobai was actually obedient, he struck Anyi hard, and Yinye's technique unexpectedly failed at this time.

Dark One fainted, their weapons disabled.

"I didn't expect that you are still a little level." After the crisis was resolved, the man in black looked at Yin Xiaodan and Yin Ye, "However, you are only at this level. Now, I will send you on the road for the elder brother , Xiaobai, kill them." The matter turned around, and it turned out to be back to the original point.

The audience is still there, but now it's not the enemy's killing each other, but his own family's... If this is the case, there is really nothing to watch.

Yinbai's combat power is still very strong, especially her attack mode, and Yinye's technique is not capable on him at all, so it is inevitable that he will be at a disadvantage.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Sure enough, being a monster is not too complacent, and Yin Xiaodan has completely lost his sense of propriety now. "Eggy, go and bring Yinjin and Yinhui, let's run." This is the only idea Yinye can think of now.

"Then what about Xiaobai?" That's her own daughter too, so Yin Xiaodan would never be able to let herself give up like this.

"Looking at the current situation, Xiaobai is still useful in their hands, so they won't hurt Xiaobai for the time being." Regarding this point, Yin Ye is still confident.


"If we were here, we might not even be able to protect Xiao Jin and Xiao Hui."

"Understood." Of course, Yin Xiaodan knew that Yin Ye's words were not wrong. All they can do now is to minimize the loss. Only in this way will they be able to rescue Xiaobai in the future.

Having figured this out, Yin Xiaodan carried Yinhui and Yinjin into the space while the man in black was not paying attention. "Ye, well, let's go."

Just like that, the two escaped from this place in a very embarrassing situation...

"An Er? Why are you here?" Yin Ye left, and An Yi's spell was naturally lifted. He looked at his younger brother who appeared in front of him in confusion. "What's wrong with me?"

"Idiot, big brother, how can you underestimate the enemy so much, if the master finds out, you will be finished, you know?" An Er showed an expression of hatred for iron and steel. "If you want to die, there are several ways, don't look for the most unpleasant one."

"Master..." Hearing this name, An Yi had deep fear in his eyes. "Is the master not here?" After finishing speaking, he secretly glanced around several times.

"If the master is here, seeing you like this, can you still live now?" The tone of absolute contempt. "However, it is obvious that your plan this time has failed, you should still think about how to explain to the master.

"...I'm finished." An's ashamed expression showed that the master behind them must not be a good stubble. "However, don't I still have one in my hand? Master shouldn't seem to want something from me, right?" An Yi's words were obviously comforting himself...

"I hope this is the case. Let's go quickly. If the master waits for us, it will not only be unlucky for you, but also unlucky for me at night, okay..." After finishing speaking, he flew into the air with An Yi in one hand and Yin Bai in the other. .

And over there...

"Is Xiaobai really going to be okay?" This was the nth time Yin Xiaodan asked Yin Ye. It's no wonder she felt relieved that her daughter fell into someone else's hands.

"It will be fine for the time being. We must find a way to improve our abilities in a short period of time. Otherwise, not only will we not be able to bring Xiao Bai, but we may lose Xiao Jin and Xiao Hui again."

"But now it's unknown, Yaoren and Uncle Face are not by our side, I... really is the most useless." The words contained the meaning of condemning himself, why did Yin Xiaodan not want to become stronger, but...

"There must be a way. Since I have given you such a big obligation, it is impossible to let you just like this. There must be hidden energy in your body. What we have to do now is to find this hidden energy. strength.

(End of this chapter)

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