Chapter 109 UFOs

Several women in the team all screamed, then turned around and scanned around, trying to find the black figure on the mural.

"Could it be, what the hell is there?" Chen Ling huddled in the crowd in fear.

In the dark and silent environment, this painting really has a strange atmosphere.

Wu Wei frowned, looked at the depressing team, and said solemnly, "There are still murals, let's continue to look..."

That's right, the other people's eyes lit up, and they quickly shone their searchlights on the sixth painting.

This time, there are only a group of small people standing in the painting, but the strange thing is that no one seems to have died?
No, no, everyone immediately noticed a detail.

There are indeed a group of vivid villains standing on the painting, but a person in the middle of the crowd has lost its color!
"If we're not wrong, the color of the eclipse represents death, right? How could the person in this mural be still standing?"

Chen Ling said in disbelief.

Su Yun took a closer look at that special person, and found some details.

He reminded, "Look carefully at this man, his face is a little different."

Hearing this, the others were taken aback, and hurriedly looked closely at the villain.

Not to mention, this villain is very detailed, and it is very easy for them to distinguish the difference from other vivid villains.

The villain's complexion is gray and pale, with a dead face, and his eyes are shining red. There is also a special shadow drawn on the ground, a shadow that looks like a ghost!
"Is this possession?!" Zhao Yong exclaimed in surprise.

This scene is easy to make people associate, dead people, ghosts, still moving...

"It means that one of us will be replaced by this shadow and mix among us?" Chen Ling's voice trembled.

"Here are the last two pictures, let's take a look!" Yang Dali said eagerly.

Everyone quickly shone the lights on the last mural, and their expressions changed slightly as the mural was illuminated.

I saw that the villains on the murals started killing each other!
And that gray villain, with a weird smile on his face, watched the villains killing each other.

Without much thought, they looked eagerly at the last painting.

The fresh villains lost their color and all lay down on the ground.

Apparently they're all dead...

Everyone frowned and looked ugly.

"What are you afraid of? It's a fake!" Yang Dali said calmly.

Zhao Yong looked worried, "I can't see it. Since this palace has produced these murals, it should not be targeted indiscriminately. There must be something weird."

"Should we continue walking?" Peng Rongxi asked worriedly.

Su Yun stood aside, silently watching them discuss.

After a while, the result came out, not much beyond their expectations, they really decided to continue to set off.

After the discussion, everyone continued on the road, but compared to before, they all felt a little worried at this time.

Netizens on the live broadcast also began to discuss at this time.

"The master of this palace really has sinister intentions!"

"Indeed, although I don't know if it's true or not, it's really a bit vicious."

"Let's put it weakly, isn't the master of the palace guarding against intruders? Where is the viciousness?"


"Surprised to see the barbarian!"

They started to argue.

Su Yun and the archaeological team walked for a few minutes, and the front seemed to come to an end.

A more empty palace was revealed in their eyes.

As soon as they stepped into this place, they couldn't help being amazed.

Looking up, a large sea of ​​purple flowers appeared on both sides of the palace.

These flowers glow with a faint fluorescent light, which is beautiful in the dark.

"Glowing flowers?" Chen Ling looked around in amazement.

"The appearance is very similar to Epiphyllum, so beautiful!" Peng Rongxi couldn't help admiring.

As everyone walked into the palace, a refreshing fragrance of flowers wafted from the heart and refreshed people's minds.

The monster moved its huge body, walked to the flower curiously, stepped forward and chewed a few mouthfuls of the peony, and the corners of the mouths of everyone watching twitched.

"Huh?" Su Yun looked around the palace, suddenly noticed something unusual on the top of his head, and immediately looked up.

Wisps of pale green light descended from the roof of the hall, illuminating the entire roof of the hall.

At this time, the others also noticed the abnormality on the top of their heads.

"There are murals on it."

When Su Yun said something suddenly, the others were startled immediately and began to watch.

The glowing green stones are inlaid on the top of the hall, forming a large and beautiful mural.

"This seems to be a scene of sacrifice?" Professor Huang guessed with extraordinary eyesight.

On the light green mural, a large group of people dressed in simple and unsophisticated clothes surrounded a high altar with stairs.

Kneeling on the altar was a woman who seemed to be praying for something.

And none of this surprised everyone. What surprised them was that above the head of the woman in the mural, there was a round Frisbee-like thing floating there.



Chen Ling and Professor Huang exclaimed one after another.

"Hey, isn't it, a palace can still be related to flying saucers?" Yang Dali said in disbelief.

"Oh my god! Surprised by super black technology!"

"I know how metal got there!"

"666, are there really aliens?"

Netizens were also shocked.

On the contrary, Su Yun wasn't too surprised, but frowned slightly. He didn't expect it before, but now that he was reminded by this mural, he remembered that there might be something threatening him in the real world.

Those aliens are one of a kind. If there is any dimensionality reduction weapon like a sci-fi movie, then with his current strength, there is no need to think that there is only one way to escape the real world.

Even if there is no such super weapon, there must be weapons that surpass the power of modern heat guns.

"It seems that he was not careful enough to ignore the possible aliens." Su Yun frowned secretly.

After Professor Huang was shocked, he said in a low voice, "The possibility that the owner of this palace has come into contact with UFOs is very high. If he hadn't really come into contact with this thing, I don't think there is any need to create such a mural."

"In this way, there is an explanation for the origin of the metals outside."

"Professor, do you believe in aliens?" Chen Ling looked at him in surprise.

Professor Huang glanced at her and explained, "In fact, in the world, whether it's ancient books or some murals, there are occasionally records and descriptions about UFOs and even aliens."

"This mural is not the first case, and it will definitely not be the last case."

"In the case of so much evidence, although I also have doubts, I am more inclined to believe that there is no wave without wind. We can't really ignore those evidences and deceive ourselves."

Compared with questioning the extraordinary power, Professor Huang understands and accepts things like flying saucers and aliens better.

After all, one is not scientific, and the other is at least scientifically based. Sooner or later, they will be able to catch up with the technology of those aliens.

Extraordinary power is an exception, it has no clue, no matter how long they study it, they will not make any progress.

(End of this chapter)

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