I became the god of light.

Chapter 155 Broken?

Chapter 155 Broken ([-] in [-])

Old Gui's words were full of disbelief.

In fact, when Su Yun and the two gods came in, it was not that he did not think about relying on them to get rid of the shackles, but unfortunately, when he perceived their level later, he was disappointed.

A second-level god, and a third-level god who seems very mysterious, but none of these can get rid of the problem of their strength. I have the strength equivalent to a fourth-level god, and I can't break this chain. Is it possible that they can still Can't break the rules?
Thinking of this ridiculous idea, he couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

The God of Rainstorm was surprised by the strength of the old tortoise, but he didn't refute it after listening to his words. He felt that the two of them really couldn't stop this thing.

The God of Light has shown great strength before, but the third level and the fourth level are not the same, there is a big gap between the two.

No matter how confident he is in Su Yun, it is impossible for him to have such an idea that is impossible.

"Let's go." The God of Rainstorm suggested.

The old tortoise's eyes dimmed, and he looked desperately at the golden bead in Su Yun's hand.

Su Yun pondered for a while, and thought to himself, "No matter how you think about it, it is impossible to give up this treasure, but I feel a little bit sorry for leaving like this."

After thinking for a while, he secretly sighed, "Forget it, I'll try using the extreme day technique, and if I can succeed, it will be the best of both worlds."

After thinking this way, he said in shock, "Maybe I can help you get rid of this chain, but I have to try first, and I'm not completely sure it will succeed."

As soon as these words came out, both the god of rainstorm and the old tortoise were stunned, and then looked at him dumbfounded.

The old turtle himself said before that he couldn't break the chain even at the fourth level, but the God of Light actually said it was possible to break it?
One god and one turtle know that if it is not really possible, the God of Light will definitely not speak, that is to say, does he really have the means to break the chain?
Thinking of this, the two guys were shocked.

"Impossible, impossible!" The old turtle shook his head again and again, with a look of firm disbelief.

"If you can break this chain, sir, I will be your guardian beast for 100 years!"

In order to express his disbelief, he directly made a promise and looked at him with a funny expression, completely disbelieving that he could do it.

"Try it." Su Yun gave the old turtle a weird look, and didn't say much, after all, it was only possible, but if it succeeds, this guy...

As he said that, he flew to Lao Gui's side, looking at the chain that seemed to be glued to Lao Gui's body, under the dubious expressions of Lao Gui and the God of Rainstorm, the Yong Ye character in his body was directly aroused.

In an instant, the middle of the golden chain and the old turtle was directly darkened, and there was no trace of light in the pitch black. Visually, it was as if that section had disappeared, which made people feel weird immediately in their hearts.

Su Yun was surprised for a moment that he didn't even have time to gather the light, and he instantly noticed that the divine power in his body was decreasing rapidly.

And looking at the momentum, it is estimated that the divine power will be exhausted in a second, and he basically guessed what will happen then.

With the consumption of divine power, the hidden light on the golden chain disappeared at an extremely fast speed. At that time, without the supply of divine power, it was natural that the casting of the Eternal Night Technique failed, and the hidden light would reappear, and all previous efforts would be for naught.

Naturally, Su Yun would not allow this kind of thing to happen, in a flash, he opened the little black ball instantly.

As soon as it was opened, a steady stream of power of faith surged in in the blink of an eye. After being rapidly refined by the godhead, it immediately became a stalemate with the consumed divine power.

It was not until the power of faith in the modern age was about to disappear that the Eternal Night Technique was successfully used.

But it was too late to say so, from the time he cast the Eternal Night Technique to opening the little black ball, and finally the light on the golden chain was completely extinguished, it took only two or three seconds, and the whole process was completed.

Compared with the previous casting speed, I really don't know how much it has improved.

Even, Su Yun still had a feeling that the reason why he could not cast instantly was because the divine power in his body was not enough. If it was sufficient, he could achieve instant casting in an instant!
After the Eternal Night Technique is completed, Su Yun maintains the Eternal Night state, and consumes very little divine power at this time, so he has time to look at the chain with serious eyes.

"The chain is of high quality!"

Compared with obliterating gods and other extraordinary beings, this kind of dead thing should be very simple, but it still wastes his divine power equivalent to two times in a perfect state, which shows how terrifying this thing is!
Just as he was thinking, the old turtle and the god of rainstorm looked at the blackened chain, and their eyes widened.

It was the first time they had seen this kind of darkness, which was equivalent to the darkness of the body. Their eyes were full of surprise, and they didn't know what the God of Light would do next.

But they didn't wait too long, because Su Yun recovered from his thoughts.

Looking at the chains, he proceeded directly to the next stage.


Accompanied by a sacred voice, the soft and shining radiance, as if endless, spread from Su Yun's body in an instant.

The golden chain was illuminated, and the entire palace was also illuminated. The endless and rich brilliance set off Su Yun's incomparable holiness.

The old turtle's expression froze, and for some reason his heart skipped a beat.

Just when the light was shining on the darkness of the chain, at the same moment, wisps of dust slowly drifted away from that chain, which made everyone shocked.

"What is this? Dust?"

"Having hallucinations?"

Although the light emitted by Su Yun was very strong, due to the softer light and their own particularity, they could clearly see the changes in the chains at this moment.

There was more and more dust, and as it was flying all over the sky, there was a soft and abrupt 'click'.

Although the voice was small, it sounded deafening to their ears at this moment. They opened their mouths so loudly that they forgot to close them.

The chain is broken!
The dark part of the golden chain turned into ashes, causing it to break apart.


One god and one tortoise stare like copper bells, not to mention the mood.

The chain, which even the fourth-level gods could not break, was abruptly broken right under their noses. This sensational scene almost scared them silly.

At this moment, no words are enough to express their feelings at this moment

Especially during the process of the chains turning into ashes, for some reason, they felt an unprecedented sense of crisis, as if the thing in front of them was extremely terrifying, something that would die if they touched it, and they were chilled to see it.

The light disappeared, Su Yun stopped spreading the light, but now, the god of rainstorm and the old turtle looked at him like they were looking at some monster, with both shock and fear in them.

"What was that just now?" God of Storm swallowed his saliva and asked cautiously.

"Terrifying power!" The old turtle's body was a little stiff.

He has more knowledge, but he still can't see through the power just now. Apart from the mystery and weirdness, there is only horror left.

Su Yun was a little speechless, "What you have to pay attention to, shouldn't it be that the chain is broken?"

The god and the tortoise were taken aback, especially when the old tortoise was reminded at this time, he just recovered from the shock.

"Yeah, shouldn't the chains be the worry? Anyway, no matter how this guy argues, he must be a pervert. A normal god can break something that a fourth-level god can't break?"

After thinking about it, the old turtle cheered up quickly, and with a shudder, the remaining chains fell off his body.

And the strange power that the chain originally had, will also disappear completely.

"Haha, I broke free! Uncle, I finally broke free from this damn chain, hahaha..."

The old tortoise looked like a maniac, and he let out a laughing sound, which made the god of the rainstorm shudder, and moved away from him a little.

Su Yun is fine, he understands this guy's current mood somewhat.

Whoever is trapped in a dark place, and I don't know how long it has passed, just showing such an expression when he is freed from the shackles is already considered very good.

The old turtle laughed loudly and crawled around for a long time before breaking away from the madness.

"Is what you promised before still count?" Su Yun said in a joking tone.

The God of Rainstorm had a gloating expression on his face.

"Eh..." Old Gui froze when he heard this.

A hint of hesitation flashed in his eyes at first, and in the end Su Yun and the others were surprised, and said, "What I promised will naturally be done, it's just a mere 100 years, what's the big deal."

"Compared to being trapped here, isn't it just being a guardian beast, I agree!"

He said with determination in his eyes.

Compared to being trapped here, in terms of his longevity, a mere 100 years is just a matter of getting a few more sleeps, earned it!
It thought happily in its heart.

Su Yun's face was slightly surprised, he was just talking, but he didn't expect this fifth-level beast to really agree.

Having a powerful strange beast is of great benefit to him, not to mention other things, as long as he regains his strength, he will definitely be a great power!
And 100 years may seem short, but in his view it is already a long time.

With 100 years, I don't know how strong I will be at that time!
At that time, this tool turtle will be useless, ahem...

Speaking of strength, Su Yun thought of the time and looked at the old turtle suspiciously.

"The breath hasn't changed at all?"

He originally thought it was the chain that restricted him, but he didn't expect that after removing it, the energy on his body did not recover.

So, he asked suspiciously, "What's the matter with your strength?"

Hearing the words, the God of Rainstorm immediately pricked up his ears. He was also very curious about this matter, and what was the reason for turning a level five beast into such a miserable state of exhausted energy.

The old turtle was stunned, and fell into deep thinking. From his eyes, Su Yun was surprised to find that he seemed to be full of doubts and couldn't figure out what was going on.

"I don't know what's going on, I just know that one day, the power of the sea in my body will slowly dry up."

"I remember that day, Sea God went to..."

"and many more!"

"Sea God?"

Su Yun and the god of rainstorm coincidentally interrupted his words directly, their faces were full of surprise.

"That's right!" The old turtle looked at them strangely, "Don't you guys know about Sea God? This is Sea God's place!"

Su Yun and the God of Rainstorm exchanged glances.

It turns out that this ruin is the sea god!
Although he has never seen the sea, Su Yun did not doubt the existence of this authority. He has never looked at this world carefully. God knows how big it is, but it is very common to have the sea.

And since there is a sea, there must be corresponding authority.

After Su Yun understood, when he thought about what Old Gui said, he suddenly had a guess in his heart.

"According to speculation, could this old turtle be a believer of the Sea God? The so-called depletion of the power of the sea must be due to the fall of the Sea God, right?"

Thinking of this, he also said the matter, "The power of the sea you said is exhausted, could it be because of the fall of the sea god?"

The god of rainstorm heard the words and nodded in agreement.

However, the most possible guess of their two gods was not approved by Lao Gui.

"Impossible!" The old turtle said with a sudden change of expression, "Be careful, you must not continue to slander the great sea god!"

As he said that, a look of sincerity and fear appeared on his face, and he turned his head to look around, as if he was afraid of something appearing.

"Why, judging from what you said, shouldn't this possibility be the greatest?"

The god of rainstorm didn't care, he just thought that the old turtle was that kind of paranoid believer.

"You don't understand the power of the Sea God at all!"

The old turtle was a little out of breath, his eyes were terrified, and his old voice was a little trembling, "Don't say it, any sea god with malicious names may be noticed by him, if you want to die, don't take me with you!"

As soon as these words came out, Su Yun was stunned.

The God of Rainstorm was a little dazed, looking at the old turtle in surprise, not understanding what he said.

"God still has this ability, why didn't I know?" He muttered.

Compared to him, Su Yun was much better, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

God has this kind of ability, but in his view, it is very common, and it is not surprising.

As for the muttering of the god of rainstorm, he guessed that their strength is too low, so they don't have this ability.

And just when he was thinking this way, Lao Gui's words also confirmed his thoughts.

"Hmph, you don't even look at your strength, you can't even beat me, how can you compare to the unimaginable Sea God!" The old turtle looked at him mockingly.

"You!" The God of Rainstorm was furious. If he hadn't known that his attack would not be effective against this guy, he would have shown him a long time ago.

"Are you so sure? Are you not afraid of what happens?" Su Yun asked suddenly.

"Of course there is a reason for this. Don't you think I'm that kind of fanatic?"

As he said that, he looked at the God of Rainstorm again with contempt, obviously speaking to God of Rainstorm.

"I'll bear it!" The God of Rainstorm gritted his teeth.

The old turtle turned his head and continued slowly, "The reason why I said that is because the great sea god has another name."

"You can call him a god, or you can call him a true god!"

(End of this chapter)

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