Chapter 32
A group of Ice Tribe led the team and walked slowly towards the destination. Due to the problem of the road, the vegetation on the road was a bit lush, which made their journey slow.

Walking in front were three seemingly high-status people, followed by eight slightly ordinary men.

"Account, the location should be right here."

The strong and ferocious wild, with the bone knife in his hand, slashed towards the bushes in front of him, and the thorn-like plant was split in half with the sound of "click".

Zhan, with a rough face, turned his head and glanced at him when he heard the words.

"It's right around here, let's look carefully."

The bear, as thick as a bear, complained, "Why are there so many plants like this in this damn place."

Xiong and Ye were cleaning up the thornbush in agitation.

Just after the eleven people walked a little further, the front suddenly opened up, and the thorny plants gradually decreased.

"Finally came out."

Ye took a greedy breath of air.

After the eight people rested for a while, Zhan turned to them and ordered, "Go and search nearby."

The eight people nodded quickly.

The three of them sat on the ground to rest, quietly waiting for their news.

After a while, eight people came back one after another.

"Master Zhan, we found a tribe nearby."

One of them stood up and reported.

"Oh?" The three of them subconsciously looked at each other when they heard the words, and a look of surprise flashed in their eyes.

"Take us there!"


After walking a little, the group came to a cave near the entrance.

Looking forward from this position, people from the Yanhuang tribe can be seen coming in and out from time to time.

"Sure enough, there are people, let's go, let's go and have a look."

Ye grinned casually, as if he didn't care about being exposed.

The eight people in the back looked at him in awe, and instead of dissuading him, they nodded.

They have seen the power of Lord Ye, that kind of power is not something that ordinary people can resist, and this weak tribe that still lives in caves in their eyes is not taken seriously by them at all.

Ye walked out carelessly from the hiding place, and stood brightly outside the entrance of the cave.

He folded his hands on his chest, his face was full of smiles, and his eyes were full of arrogance.

"Who are you?"

The people of the Yanhuang tribe naturally discovered such a big living person who obviously did not hide it, and immediately asked vigilantly.

Ye Ye ignored them, and glanced at the surrounding environment with a critical look in his eyes, as if the lord came to a slum for a private visit.

Suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something, and exclaimed, "Fire? How is it possible!"

"Fire?" The other people who followed also found the blazing fire outside the entrance of the cave.

But how is this possible? How could such a weak tribe possess fire?
This scene directly shocked the group of people.

They guessed at the first moment, "Could it be that there is a sky fire coming near here, and this small tribe is lucky to get it?"

Although this is also a bit unbelievable, it is the only way they can come up with, and it is the only answer that they can accept.

They also directly acquiesced to this answer, and they were proud that they didn't think there would be other possibilities.

Looking at this group of people, Li felt a bad feeling in his heart. Thinking of the evil god that the god said before, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and had an association, "These people are believers of the evil god?!"

"You are from this tribe, right? Let me ask you a few questions, and I hope you can answer them honestly."

With a commanding tone, Ye turned to look at him.

Li's face changed slightly, and his thoughts became more determined.

"Quick, call someone!"

He pushed the clansmen around him, and they were taken aback for a moment, then quickly turned and ran into the cave.

Ye and the others didn't stop them. From their point of view, this group of people were just bugs that could be easily crushed to death, and it was useless to come any more.


in the cave.

"Priest, something has happened! The believer of the evil god is here!" the clansman who reported the news said out of breath.

"What?" The old priest's face changed, he stood up anxiously, and stomped his steps left and right, "What should I do, the gods are out, why did these people choose this time, alas..."

He sighed secretly.

We must figure out a way, or the Horde might be doomed by now!
But after thinking for a while, he didn't come up with any good solution. Under the disparity in strength, all ideas became pale and powerless.

"Pray! Let's pray quickly, only hope God can hear! Only God can save us now!"

he gritted his teeth.

Soon, under the instructions of the priest, a large group of people began to pray silently.


Pious prayers sounded continuously.

On the other side, Su Yun, who will soon return to the tribe, changed his face slightly.

In the ears, prayers kept coming.

If it's okay if one person prays, he may not notice it yet, but if a large group of people pray together, it's different, it's almost like a sacrifice, and he directly notices the strangeness.

"problem occurs?"

He hastily put his consciousness into the space of the godhead, and listened carefully to the voice.

As prayers and murmurs continued, he quickly figured out what had happened.

"Very good!" Su Yun's eyes lit up, and he smiled coldly, "It's just that I didn't look for you, but you still dare to look for me!"

After laughing, he flew out of the God Stone space directly.

Outside, everyone stared at the glowing divine stone in astonishment, at a loss for what to do.

But before they could do anything, a figure floated out from inside, and then the figure flashed, and that hazy figure flew towards the distance!

Everyone was dumbfounded, not knowing why God suddenly left them.

Although Su Yun was anxious, he still noticed them, and briefly passed the matter to the leader with a wave of his heart, and then concentrated on flying.

The leader's face changed drastically when he heard this, and he immediately turned to greet the tribe.

A group of people rushed towards the tribe quickly!
Fortunately, here is not far from the tribe.

During Su Yun's flight, he pulled out the old priest's thread of faith.

He said in a deep voice, "No matter what you do, give me some time!"

The old priest who was praying immediately became excited when he heard this.

He understood the meaning of the great god, God is coming soon!
They are saved!

Ye Ye saw that this person ignored him, and his face was a little annoyed. How long has it been since such an ordinary person dared to ignore him?

How long has it been since no one dared to ignore him?!
"What do you want to ask?" Li noticed his expression and said vigilantly.

"Have you ever met three people?" Ye Leng asked with a snort.

"No!" Li Mian shook his head decisively with a paralyzed face.

"What about you?" Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, he couldn't see anything wrong, and turned to look at other people.

 Thanks to 'Nan Xiaoyao' for the reward of 100 starting coins~
(End of this chapter)

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