I became the god of light.

Chapter 338 God's Punishment·The Scorching Sun

Chapter 338 God's Punishment·The Scorching Sun
When the golden beam of light disappeared and Su Yun flew into the sky of the pyramid.

In the orbit in space, some satellite cameras noticed him, and immediately shifted their focus to him.

When the picture was uploaded to the computers of senior management and scientific researchers, everyone was shocked.

"A person with the head of an eagle?"

Their first reaction was doubts. Some people who had a lot of knowledge and knowledge, when they thought of the pyramid, an exaggerated idea popped up irresistibly.

No way? !
"Where is Ra God going?" Dill asked Su Yun suspiciously.

Su Yun glanced at him, and then explained, "Thousands of years have passed since the end of the ancient Egyptian dynasty..."

The news that he destroyed the dynasty, and the current human beings have terrifying weapons, the sun god may be angry and punished human beings.

After talking a little bit, Sebino and the others next to him were afraid that the god would be injured by that kind of weapon, so they wanted to persuade the sun god just now.

Hearing this, Dill was first disappointed and shocked by the demise of the dynasty, and then showed an angry expression, scolding, "This is disrespect to the Sun God!"

Before the sun god appeared, they were very confused.

Now, while the appearance of the sun god surprised them, they also had sustenance in their hearts. How could they tolerate other people's insults to the sun god in the frenzy!
And no matter what, they are the main gods they believe in, and they have never seen what a nuclear bomb is, they just think it is an ordinary weapon.

Of course they couldn't bear such demeaning and insulting words to God.

"The power of the Sun God is beyond our comprehension!" Dill said seriously.

Su Yun passed the words to Charlie De and the others, which made them frown immediately and wanted to refute.

They thought he, an ancient man, took it for granted. Ancient times are ancient times, and modern times are modern times. In their eyes, the ancient sun god was invincible and easy.

But now, the power of that kind of nuclear bomb is beyond the imagination of the ancients, and even gods may suffer!
"That kind of weapon..." Professor Luca sighed, and was about to explain the power of the nuclear bomb.

However, before they gave Dill and the others a science education, the changes in the sky made them stunned.

In the distance, the Egyptians, or tourists and netizens who are paying close attention to the disappearance of the golden beam of light.

When they were disappointed, they suddenly saw the place where the pillar disappeared, and a dazzling golden light lit up!

After Su Yun finished speaking softly, a terrifying change began to take place around him.

A stream of flames composed of light and energy wrapped around him, flowing slowly like magma, and the whole was like a huge orange-gold sun.

The space around the sun began to distort, and even more dazzling golden light bloomed from around him at this moment.

The golden sun slowly flew towards the sky above Cairo.

While ascending, Su Yun was thinking.

"With the strength of my fifth-level god, it is more than enough to cover the entire Cairo."

Originally, he could only cover a distance of tens of thousands of meters, but due to the special nature of the magic technique, it has been multiplied by more than ten times, and it has become hundreds of thousands of meters, which is equivalent to hundreds of kilometers.

A normal city is usually tens of kilometers away, but Su Yun can now cover ten cities.

So even if the sun shrouds the entire Cairo, the range of exposure can still be much wider.

However, in the real world, some changes have taken place in divine art.

He can control the temperature of sunlight at will within a few hundred kilometers. Beyond this distance, the temperature of sunlight will decrease sharply and become ordinary sunlight.

Whether it was the people in Charlie on the pyramid or the hundreds of millions of people who followed here, they were all shocked.

Dazzling golden light flickered, and a huge sun appeared and rose from the place where the golden pillar disappeared.

Two kinds of sunlight shine down from the sky and superimpose on people.

"My God..." Charlie whispered.

"I think, I know why he is called the sun god." Carlos's face twitched.

"The sun... the sun god." Professor Luca was a little lost.

He looked up, his eyes were stabbed by the golden sun's rays and shed physiological tears, but he didn't care at all, staring at the golden sun firmly.

The twenty members of Dill's guard were all excited at this moment, with various prayers in their mouths.

"Holy, noble, and glorious God of the sun, you ascend to shine upon the heavens..."

"Praise be to you, La, for awakening life from its lethargy..."

"You are the king of the gods, the lord of all creation, your light shines on every face, and no one knows it."

"Thousands of years, you are the eager source of new life."

"Time rolls up dust under your feet, and you never change."

"Creator of time, you have transcended all time..."

At this moment, they are not the only ones, hundreds of millions of viewers watched this scene, their jaws almost dropped!
Have you ever seen the sun?
Still two, huh, huh!
The rising of that golden sun directly made them dumbfounded.

While being shocked, their meager brainpower really couldn't think of anything that could turn into the sun.

In some scientific research rooms, orders came from one after another.

"Hurry up, calculate the size of this sun!" A dignified middle-aged man ordered anxiously.


Wearing glasses, a scientific researcher in his thirties clicked on the supercomputer in front of him.

Ten seconds later, the scientific researcher stopped, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes.

"What's wrong? Talk quickly!" the middle-aged man shouted eagerly.

"That special sun, it... It is estimated that its area is several thousand square kilometers."

"The energy contained in it is terrifying. Compared with a normal sun of the same size, it is several times stronger!"

The staff reported in disbelief.

"What?" The middle-aged man was startled, then murmured, "What the hell is it that can make such a big sun?"

Thinking of this, he glanced at a photo displayed on the supercomputer.

On it is a photo of a human body with the head of an eagle, which was taken by satellite.

"Could it be that there are really gods in the world?" He thought in disbelief.

"Sun God, Amon Ra?"

"King of the gods in Egypt?"

At this moment, not only he couldn't believe it, but other scientific research laboratories had come up with similar results. Everyone stared at the photo, and immediately started discussing it.

Under the gaze of hundreds of millions of people, the sun quickly lifted into the sky.

Finally, it stopped at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, and the location of the stop looked weird below Cairo.

Like a solar eclipse, it gradually overlapped to the position of the original sun. It was so dazzling that the eyes of those who watched it hurt and tears flowed.

This miraculous scene also made the people watching it amazed for a while.

The golden sun casts warm rays of light, and the temperature it emits is no lower than that of the real sun.

The temperature of the two suns added together made people feel uncomfortable in an instant.

Cairo, the capital, is scorching hot.

Just when some people wanted to go to the sheltered place, the overlapping sun in the sky suddenly blazed brightly.

A series of exclamations sounded, and the burst of light at that moment made them lower their heads quickly.

Fortunately, the golden sun only erupted for a moment, and then returned to its normal brightness.

It's just that the people of Cairo were not happy, because a horrifying scene appeared!
fifty degrees...

sixty degrees...

The golden sun shines, and the sunlight emitted by the sun becomes more and more intense. With the high temperature, the air density becomes uneven.

On the sand-colored ground of Cairo, the light began to distort, just like being in a desert, causing panic to appear in the eyes of more than 2000 million people.

"So hot!"

"Is it the end of the world?"

Amidst the doubts, a terrifying thought also emerged from their hearts.

Will the temperature get higher and higher?
The crowd panicked.

In a rigorous scientific research room in Cairo, a thin old man in his fifties and sixties suddenly asked eagerly, "What's going on!"

Under the threatening eyes of several high-level officials, the scientific research personnel felt a thump in their hearts, and became flustered.

It didn't take long for them to find out the specific situation.

"The heat emitted by the sun intensified all of a sudden, and the temperature on the ground rose to about [-] degrees, and now it has stopped heating up." A scientific researcher said.

"What I want is the specific reason for the appearance of the sun, not something that everyone knows like you said!" Hanno, the thin old man, slapped the table angrily.

"This one……"

A dozen scientific researchers looked at each other, and after a moment of silence, they hesitated to speak.

The scientific researcher who spoke first hesitated for a moment, and said hesitantly, "I suspect that this sun was made by the sun god in mythology."

"It may be God's punishment..."

A trace of awe flashed in his eyes, and he didn't continue.

"What nonsense, where did God come from!" Hanno shouted.

More than a dozen scientific researchers lowered their heads and couldn't help but mutter to themselves, "There are photos, maybe it's God?"

"It must be aliens!"

Hannuo looked determined, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Contact me with the military headquarters and ask them to send combat planes to check and see if we can communicate. If not...you can launch an attack if necessary!"

However, despite what he said in his mouth, there was still an uncontrollable trace of fear in his eyes.

The scientific researchers hesitated to speak, and finally reported their luck and did not dissuade them.

Following the order, three fighter jets equipped with high-power equipment flew towards the sun in the sky.

When the fighter jets flew to the sun, news came from Cairo's high-level officials that the temperature remained unchanged at [-] degrees, so that the masses should not panic.

The matter is also under investigation, so that everyone does not believe in rumors or spread rumors.

Tens of millions of people breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

While temporarily relaxing, people began to use various means to investigate the situation under the threat of their lives.

The hard work paid off, and soon they came to a more horrifying news.

The sun is related to the sun god Ra!
Under such circumstances, the photos about the sun god Ra were leaked by some people. People who didn't know why a sun appeared immediately exploded.

This kind of photo soon appeared on the Internet, causing netizens to be stunned.

Under the scorching sun, the anchor Xiaoyu wore an umbrella and sunglasses, endured the sweat, and continued to take pictures and explain.

She picked up another mobile phone and received messages and photos from the team. After checking it, she was startled.

At this time, due to her relationship with the front line, the audience in her live broadcast room has exploded unprecedentedly, and the number has reached 1000 million, and it is still increasing rapidly.

Seeing Xiaoyu's expression, the netizens immediately became curious, and the barrage of inquiries continued to be sent out.

After Xiaoyu changed his face, he said in an amazed tone, "I kept you waiting, Xiaoyu, I just got a surprising piece of news, the latest news about the appearance of this sun!"

"This sun may be related to the sun god in Egyptian mythology!"

Netizens looked shocked and shocked.

"Sun God?"


"what's the situation?"

Xiaoyu glanced at the screen and continued to explain, "The satellites in the sky took a set of high-definition photos before, the photos of the eagle's head!"

"The other party is very much like the sun god in myths and legends! And he appeared before the sun appeared, and there is even a picture of him incarnate as the sun!"

"I know that everyone can't believe it, and what they say is unfounded. I have asked the team to upload the photos to my Weibo. You can go and have a look!"

After being told by Xiaoyu, netizens looked for her one after another.

Soon, they were stunned by the photo of the sun god, and at the same time as they were shocked, the live broadcast room exploded.

"Is there really a god?"

"No way, the myth has appeared?"


A series of shocking barrages appeared.

Just as the crowd exploded completely, the combat planes in the sky also came to the sky and were approaching the sun.

However, what makes them feel powerless is that the position of the sun is too high, even their fighter jets are powerless and can't get close at all.

And as the distance got closer, they felt the hugeness of the sun even more!
Compared with the distant sun in the universe, this sun that seems to be so close at hand may not be much smaller for them.

All the same behemoths!
Compared with it, they are like ants. Looking at the orange-gold flowing flame on the surface of the sun, they almost gave up fighting.

Without him, they felt nothing but despair in their hearts at this moment!
Damn, how can they deal with a huge sun that is tens of kilometers away?
Even if the weapon blows up, it's still tickling, right?

Mentally disabled leaders!
After cursing secretly, the three fighter jets began to return.

Su Yun naturally noticed those ants, but he just ignored them and didn't care at all.

Just kidding, the huge sun protection shell tens of kilometers outside, really thought it was a virtual number?
Su Yun said, don't be polite and just come, I can bear it!
He decided to consume it slowly, instead of adding it all at once to the point of drying it to death, and prepared to boil the frog in warm water.

Soon, the Cairo executives also noticed the rise of one degree in 10 minutes, and suddenly felt desperate.

Just when they were at a loss and were even thinking about asking other countries to release nuclear bombs, a piece of latest news stunned them.

Professor Luca and others released the video in the pyramid.

 Thanks to 'A Eternal Evergreen A' for the reward of 1500 starting coins.

  Thanks for the reward of '20190605162036627' 2000 starting coins.

  Thank you for the reward of 1500 starting point coins from 'Thousands of miles of cold winter and rejuvenation'.

  Thanks to 'Undefeated Soul' for the reward of 500 starting coins.

  Thanks to 'Fengzhilian' for tipping 100 starting coins.

  Thanks to 'Doctor Gui' for tipping 100 starting coins.

  Thanks for the reward of '140708010130834' 100 starting coins.

  Thanks for the reward of '20190224171116416' 100 starting coins.

  Thanks to 'Rebellious Baaaa' for tipping 100 starting coins.

  Thanks to 'Star Sea Abyss' for the reward of 100 starting coins.

  Thank you everyone~o(〃'▽'〃)o will add more tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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