I became the god of light.

Chapter 365 Rolling

Chapter 365 Rolling
The divine power that was about to bloom on the four gods stopped immediately.

"What have you done!" screamed the Goddess of Desire.

She couldn't believe that she really had such a strange power!
Su Yun didn't speak, just waved his hand.

With a flash in front of the four gods, their bodies were moved, and they came seven or eight meters in front of Su Yun.

"What are you going to do!" Goddess of Desire shouted sternly.

The God of Evil They looked at the God of Light in horror.

Su Yun shook his right palm.

White light enveloped them, and then began to tighten tightly.


Between the creaking sounds of the body, screams and muffled grunts came out one after another.

"No!" Goddess of Desire screamed.

"Stop!" shouted the Fallen God.

Su Yun ignored it, and as he clenched his right hand, the strength gradually increased.

Frightened by the evil god, the third artifact on his body flashed with light.

"You wait..." He was about to say something resentfully.

In the next second, he was stunned.

As the light flickered, the fluctuations that should have appeared did not appear, as if the artifact had failed.

"What did you do!" He looked shocked.

Su Yun gave him a cold look.

Now that he knows that he has the ability to space, how could he not make restrictions this time?
The answer to the evil god is to tighten the strength even more.

Soon, the God of Evil and the others could no longer care about anything, and words of begging for mercy continued to spread.

The Goddess of Desire's eyes were dripping, she looked at the God of Light pitifully, and begged, "Don't kill me, I can be your god!"

"Me too, me too!" The Fallen God shouted in panic.

"I am willing too!" Spider Goddess said hastily.

"I..." The God of Evil blushed, and was about to be aggrieved and chose to compromise for the time being.

But before he finished speaking, Su Yun said in a calm voice, "You guys are not bad, your strength has been recognized by me."

Sishen's face was filled with joy, and he subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

"Just escape this time..."

They were resentful in their hearts, and at the same time, after calming down, they were also full of greed.

There is indeed a problem for the God of Light to advance to the seventh-level god so quickly!
Follow him for a while first, and invite more gods after exploring the secrets, and the secret treasures will be theirs by then!
When the time comes for the God of Light, he will naturally be damned!
Sishen had similar thoughts in his mind, and a fawning look appeared on his face.

Su Yun looked pitiful, and suddenly said, "It's really not good to kill you, I can give you a chance."

"What chance?" Sishen asked happily.

"You just need to kneel down and kowtow, and this matter will be over."

The cold voice echoed between heaven and earth.

Sishen, who was originally happy, suddenly froze.

Then they all showed anger at the same time.

"What did you say?"

"You want us to kneel?"

They are the overlords who rule a region, want to kneel down to a god of the same level who has just been promoted?
Anger overwhelmed them, and their sanity was almost gone.

Moreover, isn't this sentence the same as what the goddess of desire said before?

Is this playing them?
The Goddess of Desire looked at the God of Light with fiery eyes.

Seeing their appearance, Su Yun chuckled lightly, then pressed down hard with his hand.

With a few soft sounds, Sishen was forced to kneel down.

Their minds went blank for a moment.

"Ah!" Goddess of Desire screamed, with a face full of resentment, "I'm going to kill you!"

"Damn it!" the God of Evil yelled.

"Go to hell!" Spider Goddess said viciously.

The fallen god was full of hatred.

The intense anger and humiliation overwhelmed them, causing them to lose their minds directly.

They couldn't believe that such a scene would happen, they were forced to kneel down one day when they were so high up?
Papa papa, four white hands appeared and slapped them directly.

The Goddess of Desire felt the pain in her cheek, with an expression of disbelief, "You hit me in the face?"

This kind of insult made Sishen's eyes turn red, as if he was about to breathe fire, and his expression was extremely ferocious, wishing to devour Su Yun's flesh and blood.

Su Yun felt a little funny, and continued, "Since you want my things so much, you can rest assured. After you die, I will take good care of your things."

The four gods almost smoked when they heard the words, their faces turned red, and strong resentment and unwillingness surged into their hearts, making them wish to kill Su Yun with their eyes.

There were angry growls and curses about to sound out.

Su Yun had expected it a long time ago, and with a heavy grip on his right hand, blood flew instantly.

The screams drowned out the swear words they were about to utter.

The sound of cracking bones kept coming out, and the two clones of the evil god couldn't hold on any longer, turning into gray energy and dissipating.

With the force of Su Yun's right hand, the bodies of the four gods were squeezed and deformed, but the strong vitality maintained them, making them unable to die for a while.

Premonitioning the approach of death, the four gods screamed and uttered their last begging and cursing.

"I don't want to die, don't kill me!"

"Sooner or later you will be like us!"

"Do not!"

Su Yun shook his hand firmly for the last time, and there was a bang, and the sound stopped abruptly.

After a few days, the meat sauce appeared in the air, and the brilliant blood of the gods fell into the air.

"It's over." Su Yun murmured.

Looking at the still squirming flesh, he waved his hand coldly, and a holy white flame appeared, pounced on the four lumps of flesh.

During the burning, Su Yun seemed to hear four screams at the end, and then the flesh and blood turned into ashes and dissipated.

In the white holy flame, several objects shone with light.

Except for the four storage items inlaid with yellow gems, they are precious artifacts.

The Bow of Desire of the Goddess of Desire, Defense Powder Coat!
The Black Scepter of the Fallen God!
The Inky Spider of the Spider Goddess!
Evil God's Ascension Bracelet, Clone Armband, Space Transfer Necklace!
Looking at these seven artifacts, even Su Yun, who had been calm all the time, couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

He has seen the power of these artifacts before, and to put it bluntly, the abilities of each one are extraordinary!
"If you make a lot of money, it's nothing more than getting rich overnight!"

And this is only on the surface, there must be other precious things in those four space objects!
With a flash of white light, the seven artifacts were brought over, and then with a flash of light, Su Yun put them away.

Then, he looked at the four space items.

The goddess of desire is a white necklace, studded with a yellow gemstone.

His divine power rushed directly into it.

After a while, his consciousness entered the space inside.

After a rough sprinkling, Su Yun found that this space is very large, with dozens of cubic meters!
There are also various things inside.

"This is?" Su Yun took out a very beautiful, feminine pink belt.

"Is this an artifact?" He was a little surprised.

Why don't you take it out and use it in battle, but hide it instead?
Puzzled, he rushed in with divine power.

After ten minutes passed, the pink belt flashed, and he successfully dispelled the divine power.

A piece of information came to his mind, and he also knew the function of this artifact.

Desire Belt!
It can control and increase the primitive desires of creatures within the range, and at the same time, it can also make specific targets always have desires for the wearer.

Make the target unclear whether it is love or desire, thus playing the role of indirect control.

And the target is not limited to people...

Of course, the shortcomings are also obvious. Due to a wide range of reasons, this belt is useless against targets with similar strengths, and they must be far apart to be effective.

 Thank you 'Yodi' for the reward of 2476 coins.

  Thanks to 'Black Cat in the Rain' for the reward of 500 coins.

  Thanks to 'Ying Mo Bing' for the reward of 100 coins.

  Thanks to 'Deep Star Whale Fall' for the reward of 100 coins.

  Thanks to 'misiousucend' for tipping 100 coins.

  There will be a little later, cough cough...

(End of this chapter)

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