I became the god of light.

Chapter 377 Three Level 3 Gods

Chapter 377 Three Level 4000 Gods ([-])

"Impossible, how can a seventh-level god defeat me?!" Unreal shouted angrily.

"Is he an eighth-level god?"

"No, it's not..."

Although a little surprised by the changes in the stone wall, he still denied this possibility when he looked at the stone wall.

But that was what made him even more unbelievable.

The other fifty or so gods were similar, their eyes widened.

Unlike the previous seventh-level gods, this is a powerful eighth-level god who is at the top of the gods!
But that's it, or lose?
Lost to a seventh-level god?!
What this means, the gods here know all too well!
With this ability to leapfrog fighting, this is not a potential at all. This is a freak that only appears in legends!
At the same time, the gods, remembering the ridicule that they thought the other party was ignorant, now think that maybe the other party didn't care at all?
"Where is this ignorance, maybe you really didn't take what Unreal said?"

All the gods gasped.

They belatedly remembered that Ember's Glory, with such counterattack power, might reach level nine and become a dazzling Highness, right?
Maybe others can't do it, but this ember glow is very possible!
The burly god was furious, suddenly thought of something, and murmured in shock, "The seventh level can beat the eighth level, what about the eighth level?"

Yes, what about the eighth grade?

After the words fell, another gasp sounded.

This shouldn't be able to challenge the ninth level, right?

Horror, think carefully!
Those are ninth-level gods hanging like stars, and the gods trembled unconsciously when they thought that they might be counterattacked by the embers.

Harvest and Unreal, the two eighth-level gods, were even more shocked, and they couldn't help but feel a little fear in their hearts.

Just at this time, the gods saw a burst of fluctuations in the void, but it was the embers that had entered the arena of the God of War coming out.

Seeing this powerful existence with the power of an eighth-level god, every god was stunned, and the scene became quiet.

Then, they saw in a daze that Ember's Glory walked towards the Arena of God of War again.

In an instant, their faces changed.

Under their stunned gaze, Su Yun disappeared into the portal.

Then, a place on the stone wall lit up with light.

No.4, sleep well!
"What he wants to challenge is sleeping!" Harvest said emotionally.

The other gods were also shocked.

As the number one subordinate of the Nightmare Master, An Mian can be said to be the strongest eighth-level god, and this Ember of Light is actually going to challenge him?
It stands to reason that they should laugh at Ember Glory's audacity here, but thinking of the previous horrible results, they couldn't laugh this time, and their hearts were full of uncertainty about this battle.

They were not sure who would win.

"Should it be the glow of embers?"

"I think it's sleeping..."

While everyone was staring at the stone wall, Su Yun also started fighting in the God of War arena.

Throughout the battle, the fight was evenly matched, and they almost fell into the hands of the opponent.

All kinds of means during this period made him dizzy.

If it hadn't been for the hard power that surpassed An Mian, coupled with the fact that all kinds of methods were used without reservation, and he was directly killed at an extremely fast speed, the situation would be a bit unpredictable.

Delay it later...

Looking at the dissipating gray fog, Su Yun murmured, "If I slow down, I will definitely fall asleep directly."

This guy who has the power to sleep is really not in vain.

There was a burst of fluctuations in the void, and four eighth-level faith crystals appeared.

"Twelve!" The corners of Su Yun's mouth rose slightly.

As the result appeared, the ranking on the stone wall began to change.

No.4, the glow of embers!
No.1 among the eighth-level gods, No. [-] under the three ninth-level gods!
"Win again? How did he do it?" Unreal couldn't believe it.

It's fine to defeat yourself, but also to kill the first subordinate of His Royal Highness the Nightmare Master, this kind of strength?
Su Yun's eyes blurred, and he appeared outside the God of War Arena again.

As soon as he came out, he heard a loud questioning, "I don't believe it! What did you do to defeat Anmian?!"

Unreal looked at him angrily, thinking that this guy must have cheated, otherwise how could he defeat himself and even An Mian?
"What cheating method did you use?"

In an instant, the scene fell silent.

Hearing Unreal's words, a trace of hesitation and suspicion was born in every god's heart.

Why is this Ember Glow so strong? Did it use any means to cheat?
Since the God of War Arena didn't show the battle process, they couldn't help but doubt it.

"Yeah, why is he so strong?"

"Cheating... Is it possible to use an artifact?"

"You are stupid, how do you use artifacts in the God of War arena!"


Suspicious guesses kept coming out.

Hearing this, Su Yun was laughed angrily, and said with a light smile, "If you don't believe me, you can try to challenge me."

As he said that, he ignored the illusion of shock and anger, and turned to look at the three existences above his head.

No.3, Goddess of Winter!
No.2, Lord of Misfortune!
No.1, Nightmare Master!
Just by looking at the names, Su Yun could see the authority of these three.

Or in other words, they don't bother to hide at all?
"Do you want to challenge and try?"

Su Yun pondered for a moment.

After a few seconds, he shook his head slightly.

He didn't need to challenge, he had already envisioned the ending, and there would be no other outcome except being crushed overwhelmingly.

At this time.

"Heh, you!" The virtual laughed angrily, "You think I dare not? Just take a look, what kind of cheating methods are you using!"

Su Yun glanced at him, smiled faintly, and was no longer ready to pay attention to this guy, and thought of leaving in his heart.

"If you want to try, try it, I won't accompany you if I have something to do."

As he said that, he was about to leave here, and Hui Wu's body began to appear unreal.

Unreal's face became extremely ugly.

Just at this moment, dozens of figures descended from a distance, making Su Yun, who was about to disappear, turn his gaze away.

With just a glance, he noticed two figures surrounded by the gods respectfully.

These two figures give people a very special feeling, especially compared to these two, Unreal seems to be stretched.

For a moment, his heart trembled, "Ninth level god?"

He came up with the idea directly.

After taking a last look at the two ninth-level beings, Su Yun's gray mist body completely dissipated.

"Gone?" Harvest frowned.

Unreal smiled coldly, thinking that Ember Glory was scared.

However, the arrival of His Majesty the Ninth-level Divine Hall made it too late for him to make a speech, so he hurriedly walked to the place where His Majesty the Ninth-level Divine Hall was.

"His Highness Master of Nightmare!" Unreal said with a little respect towards a tall figure among the two beings.

Harvest followed beside him, and said to another very slender being, "His Royal Highness Winter Goddess!"

"Hmm." Goddess Winter's voice was clear and sweet.

She was extremely curious and looked in the direction of the gods ahead.

The Nightmare Lord on the other side nodded, and then he looked over Unreal and looked forward.

"Gone?" He frowned, and said, "That seventh-level god with the strength of an eighth-level god, just left?"

Illusory heard the words, and heard the displeasure in the words of the master of nightmares.

Unreal shook his head and said, "His Royal Highness Master of Nightmare, I don't know if that guy is that strong. I suspect he used some kind of cheating method!"

"Oh?" The Nightmare Master frowned, a little surprised at what he said.

"That guy even beat An Mian!"

"You said you defeated An Mian?" The Nightmare Master was startled.

Not only him, but also the goddess of winter not far away was surprised when he heard about it.

Before they came, they only received news that a seventh-level god had defeated the illusion of an eighth-level god, so they came here.

In the end, they were even more surprised when they heard Unreal say that Ember Glory had defeated An Mian.

Not only can he challenge the eighth-level god, but his strength is also the first among the eighth-level gods. This...

how did you do that?
The two ninth-level gods felt unbelievable, and they thought to themselves that even if they were at the seventh level, it would be impossible to do this!
That ember glow is too exaggerated!
Unreal knew that these two people must be shocked, and continued, "So I suspect that Ember Glory used some weird means to cheat!"

"I'm going to send other gods to the Arena of God of War to test this projection of Ember Glory!"

"It's good to try it out." The Nightmare Master nodded.

Unreal was affirmed, and he turned his head to look at a subordinate standing among the gods.

Looking at the subordinate of the seventh-level god, he ordered, "I don't know what happened to that ember glow, but it took up an extra seventh-level position. You just happen to be able to challenge it, and I will leave the matter to you!"

"En." The tall figure nodded, walked straight to the portal, and then disappeared into the eyes of the gods.

At this moment, a thick middle-aged man's voice came from a distance, "You don't call me this kind of thing?"

The Lord of Nightmare and the Goddess of Winter frowned when they heard the words, and then looked over.

"Lord of Misfortune!"

The two of them were filled with fear.

Although the Lord of Doom is only ranked second in terms of combat power, he is definitely the first of the three in terms of trouble. Neither Nightmare nor Winter is willing to provoke him.

The Lord of Misfortune approached, with a smile in his voice, "I heard that an interesting god has come."

This kind of special existence, even if it is only level seven, is enough to attract his attention.

As he said that, he saw the gray mist covering the God of War Arena dissipate, and said in surprise, "Oh, it's started, then I want to see what he can do!"

Hearing what he said, Nightmare and Lin Dong turned their heads to look at the Arena of God of War, and began to watch seriously.

There were more than [-] gods present, their eyes were fixed on the field.

The projection Su Yun gradually appeared, and he crossed his arms and looked at the tall figure opposite.

"You..." Foul looked at the projection in front of him, and was about to say something vigilantly

However, without waiting for him to speak, he heard the opposite party say lightly, "Stop talking nonsense, come on, come and please me!"

"What?" Foul was startled when he heard the words, but didn't understand what it meant.

Then the next moment, a golden light appeared in front of him, it was an extremely dazzling golden pillar.

"Ah!" Foul's eyes were terrified, feeling a strong life-and-death crisis.

"Get out of the way!"

He roared in his heart.

It's just a pity that no matter how hard he tried to dodge, his speed was nothing compared to Jin Zhu's.

Next second, puff!
Foul looked down at the golden pillar on his chest, his expression full of horror.

At this time, a cold and disdainful voice sounded from the opposite side.

"Trash! Can't even please me?"

Hearing the filthy words, he was instantly furious. As a seventh-level god, when did he say that?

However, before he finished speaking, the golden pillar stuck in his chest suddenly moved.

He was cut into several pieces at an extremely fast speed in the blink of an eye!
Dirty looked stunned and shocked, and his figure gradually dissipated.

"Heh..." Laughter came out one after another.

With the battle over, the outside world.

Seeing that the seventh-level gods were so easily defeated, except for the eighth-level and ninth-level gods, there was a trace of panic in the eyes of the other gods.

"Is there really such a strong strength?!"

"Hiss, another one-hit kill!"

"Isn't this ember glow too terrifying?"

Shocking words came out one after another.

The death of one of his seventh-level god subordinates made Unreal's expression serious.

"The strength of this embers..." He had to admit that the strength of this embers was really impressive.

"No more information was found out." Unreal frowned.

"It seems that I must go!"

"Your Highness, the Nightmare Master, I will try the embers this time."

He spoke to the Nightmare Master.

The Nightmare Master nodded and said, "Be careful!"

With the eyes of the gods on, he entered the portal.

After a while, as the gray mist dispersed, the gods saw the scene inside again.

"Are you the challenger?" Projected Su Yun floated in the air, speaking high above.

Unreal was upset, and sneered, "Glow of Embers, I can't beat your body, can I still beat your mere projection?"

"I'd like to see, why do you use a seventh-level god to defeat an eighth-level god, and what kind of cheating did you use!"

"Cheating?" Projection Su Yun looked at him disdainfully.

As he spoke, he casually launched an attack.

The white light was dazzling, and the space oscillated. The dense white light filled the sky of the God of War Arena, and then poured down.

Unreal's complexion changed, and he quickly used a shield to protect the magic.

Boom boom boom!
The two collided, a huge noise sounded, and the wind blew up in an instant.

Kakaka, followed by crackling sounds.

"My magic?" Unreal's expression changed in shock, "Your strength?!"

He looked at the projection Su Yun in disbelief.

The gods who were watching from the outside world were also shocked by this blow.

From this blow alone, they noticed the gap.

One uses divine power to attack, while the other uses divine magic to resist, the two are completely different.

But even so, as an eighth-level god, Unreal still lost to a seventh-level god's divine power attack with the magic spell he used?
How incredible is this!
"Huh?" The originally relaxed eyes of the three ninth-level gods became solemn unconsciously.

How could there be such abnormal strength?
It stands to reason that Ember's Glory is only a seventh-level god, but this seventh-level god has such strength?
The projection is the copied ontology, since the projection has this kind of power, it must be owned by the ontology!
They felt stunned.

 Two in one 4000 words

  I can’t make it up today, I’m ashamed of you, there are too many red envelopes in the group, I was distracted... sorry...

(End of this chapter)

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