I became the god of light.

Chapter 380 The Mysterious Banquet of the Gods

Chapter 380 The Mysterious Banquet of the Gods

After hesitating for a while, Su Yun's consciousness followed the lead of the light orange artifact, and re-entered the light orange artifact.

A familiar feeling appeared, one seemed very ordinary, and the other was full of aloof mystery.

Two channels!
Su Yun hesitated for a moment, but chose to enter.

The consciousness picked the ethereal and mysterious passage, and in an instant, that wisp of consciousness was sucked into the ethereal and mysterious passage.

There was a burst of grotesque, chaotic and distorted, I don't know how long passed, Su Yun felt a sense of weightlessness, and then regained the sense of body.

Su Yun opened his eyes and immediately felt something strange in his body.

He only felt that his body had become extremely huge, full of strangeness.

Looking down, a large group of black mist enveloped the body, forming an incomparably huge black giant whose body could not be seen clearly.

In front of him was a huge black long table covered with patterns, and on the left and right sides of the long table were placed four extremely tall black high-back chairs.

Different from the gray and simple chairs for parties, the surface of the chairs here is covered with exquisite patterns, and the whole body is black, absorbing light like a black hole, and the deep darkness reveals an unparalleled sense of mystery and nobility.

A style with the black seat at the top of the party.

Besides, the biggest change was the surrounding environment, which surprised him for a while.

I saw that no matter whether it was a long table or a high-back chair, they were all suspended in the air out of thin air.

The surrounding space is extremely empty, filled with colorful stars, as if in the starry sky, vast and lonely, shocking.

Su Yun sat on the huge high-backed chair, the first feeling was empty and lonely, and then he became vigilant.

"Should it be said that it is a true god's creation?"

The appearance of this place, just by looking at it, aroused enough vigilance in him.

Not to mention the disappearing true god, but the guy who can participate in this banquet, there must not be a simple one.

"Is there no one?"

Looking at the other seven empty seats, Su Yun frowned.

If it's really only him here, it doesn't make much sense.

Just as he was thinking about something, what he didn't know was that with his arrival, seven existences in seven unknown places made surprised voices.

A few minutes later, when Su Yun was thinking about whether to withdraw, a sudden change occurred.

Among the four huge god seats on the left and right rows, he sits on the leftmost position.

And at this moment, wisps of black mist suddenly appeared in the second of the four seats directly opposite him.

The mist quickly gathered together, and soon formed a huge giant, a black giant full of weirdness.

Suddenly, the giant sitting on the throne opened his eyes. After glancing around, he looked at Su Yun's position and stared straight at him.

Su Yun was watched vigilantly.

After a few seconds, he hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should say hello, but the black giant on the opposite side spoke.

I can't tell the characteristics, I can only hear the voice of a man.

"Secret, why do you have time to come here?"

"Secret?" Su Yun's heart trembled, and his thoughts began to fluctuate.

For a moment, he thought a lot.

From this giant's mouth, the other party seemed to know him, but he didn't recognize his true identity.

But after thinking about it, he secretly thought no wonder.

Taking a look at the giant in front of him, Su Yun suddenly realized that his body and his were exactly the same, and it was not like a party where he could see the appearance.

Even the voice, except for the vague distinction between male and female, the characteristics of the voice have disappeared.

Thinking of being able to distinguish between men and women, he immediately hesitated, not knowing whether to speak or not.

If the secret in this giant's mouth is a woman, wouldn't it be exposed if he opened his mouth?
Without waiting for him to speak, the black giant continued, "Aren't you comprehending the rules and preparing for promotion?"

Su Yun's heart moved, he was a little horrified, and his intuition told him that what this giant said must not be simple.

Let's not talk about the rules first, let's talk about promotion.

Ordinary gatherings have members of the ninth level. For this mysterious banquet of gods, according to the minimum standard, the members should be of the ninth level no matter what.

That is to say... to be promoted to a true god?!
Su Yun secretly took a breath, feeling a little shocked.

The black giant continued to yell, and there seemed to be a hint of ridicule in his voice, "Secret you, you don't dare to be promoted, do you?"

Is it dangerous to advance to the True God?
Su Yun's eyes flickered, and he guessed something from the information instantly.

Also, who is the secret in this guy's mouth?
God of evil?
No, it can't be him!
Secrets are suspected to be able to promote true gods. This kind of underlying strength is definitely not a simple thing.

Su Yun even guessed that the evil god might have never entered this place, or he was killed by himself before he could enter in time.

Judging from the words in the giant's mouth, the light orange crystal must have belonged to this guy named Hidden before.

It's just that for some reason, it finally fell into the hands of the evil god, and after killing the evil god, it fell into his own hands.

"You guys have always been mysterious, why don't you talk?" The black giant was impatient, "I hate you the most, you guys who like to hide!"

Su Yun was thoughtful, "Is this secret very mysterious?"

After thinking about it, the words of the giant made him hesitate, not knowing whether to speak or not.

It is said that there is a risk of exposure, but not saying it will definitely arouse greater suspicion.

For a moment, his thoughts fluctuated, and various thoughts popped up.

In the end, he still decided to speak, as for if Yin Yi was a woman, then he could only admit that he was unlucky, or find other excuses to try to fool him.

If you can't get over it, you'll just lose a little consciousness in the end, and it's no big deal, at most, you'll give up this place in the future.

After thinking about it, he spoke before the black giant almost cursed violently, "The preparation is still not enough, I want to wait."

There are no characteristics, only the male voice outlet can be distinguished.

The black giant was taken aback when he heard the words, and his irritable mood eased. After knowing what the secret was talking about, he sneered, "Hey, you are really scared!"

"Afraid of those true gods!"

Su Yun's tense expression eased, and he breathed a sigh of relief, "It seems that Secret is a man, so lucky."

While heaving a sigh of relief, listening to the black giant's words, his heart skipped a beat. This must be some kind of huge secret!
Why be afraid of them?
Do true gods really exist in this world?
Just when the black giant was about to open his mouth to mock something, another giant appeared on the seat next to him.

A male voice sounded.

"Soldier, it's right to be secretive and cautious. If we fail, we won't have a second chance." As soon as the giant appeared, he agreed with Su Yun's words.

"Hmph, prophecy, you are really slippery, you are the one who has the most scruples among us!"

The soldier mocked at first, and then said, "If we are always so careful, when will we become true gods?"

"I don't want to be a ninth-level god for the rest of my life, even if we are much stronger than ordinary ninth-level gods!"

"Being pressed on top of my head by those true gods, I have to be afraid every day, afraid that those guys will swallow me just like that!"

The prophecy shook his head, "We haven't reached the last moment of promotion, in the eyes of the true God, we are no different from a bug."

"They won't notice you, it's because you think too much."

"Oh, who knows?" The soldier sneered, "Maybe there are some who like to eat in advance, food has never been autonomous."

Hearing the prophecy, he also fell silent.

Su Yun, who was opposite the two, listened silently, the more he listened, the more frightened he became.

From the words in their mouths, he drew several pieces of information.

Judging from Warrior, Secret, and Prophecy, they should all be called by code names.

I just don't know, what do these titles represent?
Also, it is very dangerous to advance to the True God, if you fail, there will be no second chance!
Ordinary gods are just food in the eyes of those true gods, and maybe they will be devoured by them at the last moment when they are promoted to true gods?
Su Yun thought about these huge secrets, and his heart was like a stormy sea. He thought a lot in a short time.

At this time, the prophecy spoke again, "If you are afraid, you can choose to be the true god's god when you are promoted."

"You think I'm stupid?" the soldier said disdainfully, "I've really become a true god, I'd rather be swallowed up!"

"That kind of god, apart from being more powerful, how can it be worthy of the title of true god? They can't even be called true gods!"

"Rather than this, I'd rather give it a go!"

The prophecy fell silent when he heard the words, he knew that the warrior would say this.

According to the rumors, if you become a god, you will lose the uniqueness of the true god...

If they were really willing to be of God, they would not have come to this banquet of God.

At this time, the two seats on the right next to Su Yun also had a movement.

Two streaks of black mist appeared quickly, and then condensed into a black giant in the blink of an eye.

"Upside down, resurrection, you are here too?" Prophecy looked at them in surprise.

A faint female voice sounded.

"What are you talking about?" Su Xing looked at them curiously.

Sitting upside down on the throne, watching them quietly.

Hearing the prophecy, he said the matter slowly.

"So that's what he was talking about." Resurrection fell silent.

Every member here is very clear about the great terror that will be encountered at the last moment of promotion.

It's a pity that they know what they know, but they have nothing to do.

At this time, the prophecy sighed, "Hey... Although I don't know much about you, I know that there must be some of us who meet the promotion requirements and understand the rules completely."

"If it weren't for the threat of the true god, a true god would have been born among us..."

Listening to the words of the prophecy, the existences such as Upside Down fell silent, apparently acquiescing.

Su Yun, who was listening at the side, was a little startled, and sighed secretly, "I'm the weakest here?"

The clown is me?
When he thought of himself as a seventh-level god, mixed in with this group of bosses who were about to be promoted, he was terrified and felt like walking a tightrope.

If this is exposed, will it be killed?
After thinking about it in shock, he was a little puzzled again. Just now he predicted the rules... comprehend the rules?
Is it necessary to understand the rules to be promoted to the True God?
What is the difference between a ninth-level god who has comprehended the rules and an ordinary ninth-level god?
He was full of doubts.

At this time, the upside-down voice who had been silent all this time said, "Let's think of a way, how to keep ourselves at the last moment of promotion."

The male voice echoed.

Hearing his words, the soldier seemed a little irritable, and said impatiently, "I just don't understand, why would those true gods do this?"

"Are they so afraid of us becoming true gods?"

Su Yun listened to what the soldier said, and after a little thought, he vaguely understood something.

This is similar to the situation in countries in the real world. There are only so many territories in the real world. Whether it is benefits or what, those true gods definitely don't want another guy to come in and share.

Wouldn't it be good to have it all to yourself, and let another guy come in to share the resources or the right to speak.

Is this probably the reason why true gods hinder the promotion of ordinary gods?
He was thinking about it when he suddenly saw the soldier looking at him.

"Secret, we know the most about you and 'observation' here, do you know why?"

After the words fell, one after another looked over.

Su Yun's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, and he secretly cursed at the soldier, feeling his scalp tingle instantly as he felt the gazes on him.

If this is a bad answer, will the identity be exposed, and then GG?
It’s even worse if you don’t answer, it will definitely be GG!
Su Yun felt like he was walking a tightrope.

After thinking quickly for a few seconds, he had to bite the bullet and said slowly, "It should be a benefit."

"If one more true god is born, the benefits will be less, and there will be one more opponent. Killing it in advance is the best choice..."

After thinking about it, he bit the bullet again and added vaguely, "It also has something to do with authority..."

As he spoke out his conjecture, the warriors thought about it carefully, and the admiration was indeed a secret.

"Secret you are really smart, I think so too, haha..." The soldier suddenly laughed, as if he had seen through it a long time ago, and became speechless after seeing the prophecy.

Su Yun's face twitched, although he was a little speechless, he was still relieved.

"It looks like it's been fooled for the time being?"

so close!
At this time, the resurrection of the female voice said, "Observe why the three of them didn't come?"

As she spoke, she looked at the three empty seats.

The prophecy thought for a while and said, "Is there something that is delaying you?"

"I think so." Resurrection nodded, and said with some regret, "At first, I wanted to take advantage of this banquet and discuss how to get promoted safely, but now it seems that I can't do it."

The prophecy replied, "If you really want to discuss it, I can send them the news, and we will talk about it after we get together in seven days."

"Yeah." Resurrection nodded.

"Actually..." Prophecy suddenly hesitated to speak, and hesitated, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't dare.

"What do you want to say?" Upside down frowned.

"A lack of people may not be beneficial, I suspect..." the prophecy said, his voice trembling.

The resurrected few seemed to have thought of something, and their faces changed wildly in secret.

"I suspect... there may be a true god among us..."

 Two in one 4000 words, too late to divide into chapters

(End of this chapter)

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