I became the god of light.

Chapter 383 Banquet members?

Chapter 383 Banquet Members
"Why is he looking at me?" Unreal felt a little trembling.

The black giant in front of him really made him instinctively afraid, and being a member of the legendary God's Banquet made him even more afraid from the bottom of his heart.

Fortunately, the black giant didn't look at him for long, and immediately averted his gaze, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

After Su Yun looked away from Unreal, he swept towards all the gods present.

Or a fifth-level god, or a sixth-level god, or a seventh-level god, or an eighth-level god...

In an instant, everyone who was swept by his eyes trembled, feeling a pressure coming from them.

Just when the entire temple was shrouded in a depressing atmosphere, suddenly a bolder god said tremblingly, "Are you a member of... the banquet?"

Su Yun's gaze shifted over, almost frightening the guy so much that he couldn't finish his sentence.

Su Yun heard the words, but did not answer, but remained silent.

But in the eyes of other gods, this is the default.

For a moment, all the gods were full of apprehension, not knowing why this mysterious and terrifying banquet member descended.

With good intentions, or with malice?
It's okay if it's kind, but if it's malicious... Youshen swallowed quietly.

"If it's malicious, I don't know if your Highnesses can resist it?"

Although the three Highnesses are very mysterious and powerful, the members of this banquet are obviously more mysterious and powerful, belonging to a higher level of existence, no matter how you look at it, the Highnesses have no chance of winning.

Otherwise, if the members of the banquet were really that weak, how could they have been pressing on the heads of the gods, and even the heads of the three highnesses?
It is impossible to think.

Thinking about it, they couldn't help feeling lucky, maybe this person came here with good intentions?

Just as the moods of the gods were fluctuating, some bold gods suppressed their tremors and conveyed what happened here to other gods.

Naturally, this also includes the three ninth-level gods.

Su Yun also noticed their small movements, but he didn't pay attention to them, and let those gods breathe a sigh of relief.

As the news spread, the gods who received the news from the outside world were shocked for a while, and then fell into hesitation, not knowing whether to take the risk to meet the mysterious banquet member.

In the end, except for a few who were really cautious, most of the gods chose to enter.

After all, what went in was a strand of consciousness, and in their thinking, nothing major would happen.

Soon, strands of gray mist appeared one after another on the hundreds of thrones in the temple, and gray figures appeared on the thrones.

In the blink of an eye, the seat of God, where only sparse figures appeared, was almost filled up in a blink of an eye.

91 seats, [-] seated!
Even Hei Lang and Fen Ling, who had crossed paths with Su Yun, sat in their respective seats.

The entire gathering hall seemed extremely lively.

Of course, although there are many gods appearing, the most conspicuous ones are the three gods in the front row.

On the top left, sits the No. [-] ninth-level god, the master of nightmares!
Sitting on the right is the second ranked Lord of Misfortune!
On the left side of the second row sits the third-ranked Winter Goddess!
Of course, in addition to their three Highnesses, there is another seat that has attracted the attention of other gods, including three ninth-level gods.

On the fourth seat, Ember Zhihui, who should have been ranked No.4, was supposed to be sitting, but now the seat was empty, and no one was there, causing the gods to look again and again.

Even Su Yun took a few glances at his vacant seat, feeling a little weird in his heart.

The gods just wondered why Ember Glory didn't come, and then thought that that guy seemed to be here for the first time, and he was not familiar with other gods, so naturally he had no contact information.

After suddenly realizing it, they couldn't help mourning for the embers.

How dare you not be present when the members of this banquet of gods appear, is this trying to court death?
No, did that mysterious banquet member glance at the empty seat several times?
All of a sudden, some of the existences who hated Ember Glory gloated.

"Haha, you deserve it!" Unreal's face was full of malice, and he felt relieved, "Ember Glory, you are really unlucky! You offended the party members, now it's up to you how to deal with it!"

No matter why Ember Glory didn't come, but the party members obviously didn't know the reason, Ember Glory was still so conspicuous in front of him, it was impossible not to attract the other party's attention!
Needless to say, this is sure to turn heads at the party!
Thinking of this, Unreal was filled with joy.

on the seat above.

The Lord of Misfortune was unpredictable and did not express any opinions.

Goddess Winter looked at the vacant seat, her heart was full of regret.

"This kind of great opportunity, I didn't seize it, this kind of luck... Sigh..."

She felt sorry here, while the Nightmare Master smiled faintly.

He also thought in his heart that the glow of embers would definitely arouse the resentment of the banquet members.

However, whether it is the gods or the three ninth-level gods, this meeting is absolutely unthinkable.

Those who make them regret or gloat, will be sitting on the high throne, looking at them with interest.

As for the disgust, it is because they think too much, they can't hate themselves, right?

Just when the gods had different thoughts, all the ones who were supposed to come came, and the three ninth-level gods sitting at the top all looked at the black giant.

Even though it was covered by gray mist, Su Yun could still feel the fire in the eyes of these three people, which surprised him a bit.

What's the situation?
Before he could figure it out, the Nightmare Master who sat first suddenly asked in a slightly respectful tone, "Which Your Majesty is here?"

"Your Majesty?" Su Yun was really surprised this time.

In addition to addressing it in surprise, he also heard a meaning from the words of the Nightmare Master.

This guy must have seen other members, and knew that the one who descended now was not the original member.

Your Majesty?
The address of His Highness the Nightmare Master made the gods involuntarily gasp.

Thanks to the talent of the gods, they easily understood the meaning of this word. This is a more noble title than His Highness!
Moreover, this was said by His Highness the Master of Nightmare himself, and His Highness's attitude at this moment undoubtedly shows a fact!
From His Highness's point of view, it is obvious that this existence has a higher status than him!
In other words, the nightmare dominates His Highness, and you feel inferior to him?

Inside the temple, there were faint gasps again.

After Su Yun pondered for a while, he said lightly, "You can call me Secret."

I can't tell the characteristics, but I can only faintly hear the voice of a man, echoing faintly in the entire temple.

(End of this chapter)

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